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Everything posted by RFT

  1. jumping in... rockets require MASSIVE amounts of fuel- getting into orbit is always going to require a lot of energy- doing it electrically may very well be safer than using explosive chemicals. That's an interesting point- one I'd not really thought about when thinking of rail-based launch systems. that sounds like a surmountable problem though. on the subject of the fate of buran and energia- the one in gorky park is just a mockup- it looks like the only spaceworthy craft was destroyed in 2002 when its hangar roof collapsed. Link
  2. I'e got to disagree about this- out of my BT collection, grimlock's been the worst for sratching by a very, very long way. the tramsformation is such that it causes a lot more metal-metal contact than any of the others, making my grim's doors and front bodywork look like they're had rocks thrown at them. it's not like he's hand any mroe attention of transformations than my tracks, smokes GT, Meister, or lambor, but he already looks like a 10-year-old toy. my wheeljack is going to be an Alt version, as I don't want it to happen again. the mustang is my favourite BT mould from an easthetic POV, but the risk of scratches is way higher. there is a chance, I guess, that it's the silver paint used or I just got a duff one, but I don't want to risk it, really.
  3. Did i miss something in the pages back? What's the Binaltech Asterik line? 310416[/snapback] It's a new sub-range of Binaltech featuring repaints/moulds of existing figures that come with to-scale human "drivers". So far 3 have been announced. Alert: Police repaint/mould of the Subaru. Sunstreaker: plain yellow repaint of deadend Broadcast: colour uncertain. it's based on the as-yet unreleased toyota bB/Scion xB
  4. There was a discussion about it deep in the huge aviation thread and the feeling was that it wasnt' needed as the JSF's main enemy would be SAMs. Better that it's a touch stealthier (and faster) and doesn't get shot at in the first place than has good visibility seems to be the philosophy. that said, It's never a good idea to design a "fighter" where you can't see someone on your six. I guess, when it ever sees service, that we'll find out if the right call was made. That may be a mockup, but it it full-size? if so, I never really realised just how small it is.
  5. My japanese is non-existent, but my reading of it is that the toy came with a small problem where the big guns wouldn't face forward in flight mode (pic 1) The problem was a badly-fitted detent ring (pic 2) so he dismantled it, (pic 3) had a good look at the ring (pic 4) then put it all back together properly OR left the ring out on reassembly. (pic 5) I want one, but he's so small- I thought he'd be roughly G1 prime sized, but looking at the pic with overdrive he looks closer to RM prime.
  6. I'm not sure I've ever heard the Evo or Impreza referred to as "Sports cars". "Performance cars", certainly- "sports saloons" seems fair as well. I'd say FWD cars can be performance cars- but then in europe we've got a strong tradition of racing front-drivers as touring cars so it seems more normal to us.
  7. If I remeber right, that was the reason given to takara by the unnamed "german sports car manufacturer"- not the war thing. looking back on that "jazz" prototype, though, I have to wonder if it's a good thing- the RX-8 meister is a much nicer figure, all told, than the porsche prototype. By delaying him the opportunity to spearhead the line, the character got a much better engineered toy...
  8. Some did (Convoy, Ligier, arguably Lambor), most didn't. Most of the diaclone toys were just named after the alt mode anyway, they didn't have "names" as such. IN most cases, it seems to be that the japanese used the "transformer" names, and if they didn't, then they used the alt-mode name such as Diaclone: Ligier JS39 race car > US TF: Mirage > JP TF: Ligier (sometimes called rijie, due to the R/L confusion) exception: Diaclone: Porsche 935 Turbo > US TF: Jazz > JP TF: Meister though, there seems to be very little logic in what toys kept US names and what didn't.
  9. Some of the alternators are better than others on this point, and sideswipe's probably the worst. windcharger's probably the best on this, as there's no roof to deal with (well, there is, but it's optional).
  10. I don't think that's entirely true- I'm not really a macross fan (all i've ever seen of it is the movie version of mac plus), but I love the yamato stuff because theyre great transforming toys. Were they more easily available, I'm sure I would have got more than the singular 1/60 I've currently got. I'd love a 1/48, but the cost is just too much for me.
  11. Because flat red plastic (or any "lighter" colour) is always that bit translucent that it doesn't look like paint. this means light gets reflected back at you not only from the surface, but below the surface as well. this is what makes things look plasticy abd toy-like. Ironically white plastic isn't as badly affected. this will somehat flatten out the range of tones you'll see as light relfects of the differing surfaces of the toy. Grimlock and Streak are painted silver, which makes them look pretty indistinguishable from BTs. Tracks, Hound, Dead End, and Smokescreen are all quite dark colours, so this sub-surface scattering doesn't affect it as much (and smokescreens sponsor decals distract from it). I've not got Alt Swindle, so I don;t know how they've dealt with the problem on him. and on the subject of red alternators, behold Swerve
  12. really can you find pics please? Pics of KOs can be found here looking at them up close, they don't look as good as I remembered...
  13. The Landcruiser is actually just a partial bootleg of Energon Ironhide as well as this, the company do a mitsubishi Evo 7 and toyota MR2. I saw them at the london Toy Fair last week.
  14. I think so- one every year or so is probably sustainable in the market. hopefully takara will put the money made off magnus (who will have cost very little to bring to market) towards engineering a new mould. a hotrod as described would be cool, but i'd personally want a show-accurate skyfire...
  15. JGTC supras certainly used to run a turbocharged four-banger (derived from the MR2's engine family- I forget the code), but changed in 2003 to a big v8 (i guess it must be the lexus block)nto entirely sure of the reasons- probably a rule change in the restrictor formula or the old engine just fell out of homolgation a few years after the SW20 MR2 went out of production. before the four- they ran the supra stright-six, btu that was changed for weight distribution reasons, as they could get the same reliable power out of a smaller, shorter, and lighter, engine. (it's worth reiterating that as JGTC GT500 is a restricted engine formula, the overall displacement of your engine doesn't have much effect on top power- there's only so much air you can pull through a restrictor of X mm, and ultimately that's what sets top HP.)
  16. The new 'stang's main problem is that it's rather under-wheeled. The arches are designed so 20-inchers can just slot straight into it, but this makes the stock 17s look small- particularly at the back end. this seems compunder at the rear by the way it's a little jacked up. also- differences between the concept and the street car- bigger healights make it look a bit "friendlier", the unscooped bonnet, etc add to this. Overall, I do really like the finished car- it manages to convey the style of the '60s car without seeming like a retro pastiche (as in the thunderbird)- it still looks like a modern car. Don;t get me started on the "charger", though. seems like an exercise in just digging up the name for the good of it. I can't seen any charger design cues in that car at all.
  17. I suspect they left it because the side-switch decision must have been taken very late. filling in the recesses on the chestmould would be a very quick and easy job. sculpting a new "dead end" head would have taken more time and money.
  18. the first 2 radio series weren't adaptaions, they were the starting point... they're certainly available on CD in the UK, I don't know about elsewhere.
  19. It's worth mentioning, in case any of the hitchhiker fans here missed it, that radio adaptations of the 3rd and 4th books have been recorded with the original radio cast (minus Peter Jones, who was replaced by William Franklin, and Slartibartfast was played by Richard Griffiths). the 3rd was broadcast in autumn, and should be available in CD soon, the 4th is awaiting transmission. there apparently MP3s circualting of the bradocast shows, but I don't knwo where they are. plus the CD release is supposed to come with some "extra features".
  20. There's a Harrier and, i think, an F14 as well.
  21. RFT

    Knock Off Valk

    they did- optimus prime with sparkplug isn't a carded figure, he comes in a box. and it's not the right card for supercon armada prime either.
  22. I've got a meister, and the smokes GT launcher does fit- there's a hole for it.
  23. Well, if a mustang has the sime sized rims as the impreza, there's no real need for new rubber. Hoever, those dont; look like the impreza tyres to me. Could you post a shot of the tyre tread, Battlepod?
  24. well, it's been a while since I saw the anime, and I onle have black-and-white manga to go on, but i'm sure itsuki's car is a bit darker than Takumi's. and the AE86 doesn't start the manga with the black hood, either. it gains it in episode 5 of fourth stage, which is roughly equivalent to book 20-21 in the manga, I think.
  25. Itsuki's AE85 is a silver (or poss grey) Levin, not a white Trueno.
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