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Gideon Krieg

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Everything posted by Gideon Krieg

  1. Agent ONE, do you remember a documentary from the 80s called The decline of western civilization Parts 1, and 2? Seems kind of prophetic now.
  2. ............................ :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
  3. I read about it in Newtype magazine. I saw the reviews online. I watched clips from it. I could not wait to get my hands on it. Then I watched it and for all the awsome CG, and fighters scenes there was this THING clawing at my gut. Two guys having champaign and getting touchy feely? Sending out search groups in violation of orders for your pilot buddy? Naming your buddies plane and then getting jealous about it? WAIT A MINUTE!! WHAT THE HELL?? Did anyone else get this impression from Yukikaze. I am a huge mecha fan and could not wait for Yukikaze to come out. When I finally got the time to watch the damn thing, I was...............confused. Now I am not homophobic or anything but.... Let me say it another way, Times may change but standards must remain. Since when did the rump-rangers become part of anime. As minor characters in the story, sure. As the main characters? As doctor evil so gently put it "HOW BOUT NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
  4. SHHHWEET agentOne, you are a man to be admired.
  5. Hello all, I must first start by saying I am a RPG freak. I do not know how many RPGs I have played, from the original "D&D" to "Nuns with Guns". As far as Macross RPG goes, I must agree with Penguin, Palladium sucks for Macross. Although, if you take the time to convert everything to SDC, it actually works a lot better. I actually spent the time creating VFs and Zentraedi ships for Megatraveller (lots of time on guard duty). It worked OKay, but still fell short of the Macross series. FASA's Battletech worked well for Macross style campaigns (the battlepods have to be used as light mechs and the VFs as heavy) but the stats for the mecha and ships have to be altered to where they are nothing like Macross. West End Games old Star Wars universe worked alright with Macross (Yes I am the king of crossovers ). Pod 9's Sillouette system is reportedly really good (I actually have not played that one or Fusion). I am currently checking out the Mekton 2, Mekton Empire, and Mekton Z systems. There are groups online who have successfully converted Macross over to the Mekton Z system by R.Talisorian and claim it works well. Gurps mecha, I have played it, and it works well (better than Palladium). The D20 system, I am not a fan of the Wiz Kids. However, I have been told the new mecha supplement for the D20 system works well also. As far as realism is concerned, I think everybody can agree its the GM's job to make the adventure as accurate as needed. Well there is my ten cents. Oh for those of you who have seen my site and wonder, Gideon if you hate Palladium why are all the stats on your site for Palladium, the answer is simply this. The Palladium system is the most recognized system used for Macross RPG. That's it. Besides, my RPG group would kill me, when we play Macross RPG offline, all we use is Palladium (majority rules).
  6. Sorry I'm just messing with you guys. Hell if you guys knew half of the Macross crap I have, (yes I have the tsukuda Minmay resin doll kit ) and how many hours of character discussion I have done with friends, you all would probably have me drawn and quartered for my last post. I really actually enjoy this conversation. This thread just reminded me of the time two of my fellow airmen and I got caught by the duty Sergeant talking about what Minmay found so damn attractive about Lynn Kyle (not sure what the Japanese name is, her cousin in the dreaded Robotech). This was in the USAF mind you, we were all Thermo Nuclear Weapon Specialists, needless to say we had to have a psychiatric exam the next day. The shrink was trying to tell us we were all suffering from schizophrenia. Hehehehehehe, man, you should have seen his face when we explained what Macross was. Anime, the works, he was mortified. Normally they would not send an airman to the base shrink for that but, we were REALLY into the conversation. To the point of shouting, yelling, cussing, and bitching. I personally think that there is no way Minway was stupid enough to hang with him. I realize she leaves him in the outside story, but their hitch up seems unlikely. Did the writers shaft her? I think so. I wished that they would have linked her up with Hikaru. I mean after all the episodes he was whinning about her they should of just hitched them at the end of the series. I liked the character Misa, she was Ok, a bit somber, but OK. As to her marriage to Hikaru. Well, hmmmm, did Robotech do it first or Macross? The reason I ask is I often wonder how much influence (if any) Robotech has had on Macross series that came out after Robotech. In the Sentinels video release (I believe it is 3 episodes) Misa (oh yah Lisa) and Hika....uh....Rick Hunter (uhg) get married. Well sorry to anyone who got pissed off, next time I will try to word the post a little less formal (my mistake, me bad *kicks self in ass*).
  7. Hmmm, interesting conversation. Well I guess I do not get as "into" it as some people. As far as I know, Hiruhiko Mikimoto (who created Lin Minmay) did not want her to hook up with anyone. As he DID write much of the character interaction of the original TV series, it is no wonder why his characters did what he wanted. With the approval of Kawamori of course. I will not speculate into the emotions of characters in a TV show, nor do I think it a healthy practice. Its like discussing how Captain Picard felt when Tasha Yar died from the "Exon" tar monster. It is irrelevant to the story and shows that Trekkies/Trekkers are dwelling in that "World" way too much. Psychiatrists call this schizophrenia. According to Noyes book of Abnormal Psychology, schizophrenia is the obsession with another reality or an individual's inability to cope with the reality that a fantasy is NOT reality and attempts to rationalize their obsession with the fantasy. Many of us (yes I am guilty of being a Macross fanatic in other ways too ) should be careful how deep we dwell into discussions like this. However, on the other hand, it does make interesting reading if you are a psychiatrist, heheheheheheheh.
  8. Okay, so you all do not think I am cracked or anything. The Ronin Network, volume 1, December 25th, 1988 issue is where Hiruhiko Mikimoto is interviewed about the Macross TV series (which according to him and Shoji Kawamori, at that time, they co-wrote together). During the interview Mikimoto states that the name of the Megaroad is SSM-01, super heavy starship Megaroad type01. This issue of Ronin Network came in the Animag issue number 6 (it has space pirate Captain Herlock on the cover and a pic of the Arcadia in the background). There is a neat interview with Leiji Matsumoto in this issue also. Now, upon looking through all my old Animags (I have em all), I found that in issue number 11, an interview with Shoji Kawamori and Haruhiko Mikimoto was done by David Keith Riddick, Robert Napton, and Byunghum Park. During the interview Haruhiko Mikimoto again refers to the Megaroad as the SSM-01 BUT!!, Shoji Kawamori refers to it as the SDF-02 Megaroad!!. I think this explains why it became the SDF-02. Apparently, the SSM-01 Megaroad name was also Hiruhiko Mikimoto's original title for what became the SDF-1 Macross! The article states that Toshio Okada and the Gainax Team were with Shoji Kawamori at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum for research on the whole WINGS OF ONEAMIS anime thing when they caught a broadcast of Macross, Robotech style!!! According to Okada, when he said to Shoji Kawamori jokingly, "O-h-h, M-i-i-n-m-a-a-y.....", Shoji Kawamori was silent and remained subdued for the rest of the trip. I think Pissed Off would have been a better way to put it. Hey this article in Aninmag claims that Studio Nue did work for Toei Animation on Space Cruiser Yamato, Space Pirate Captain Harlock, and Fighting General Daimos (what ever that was?). Also Shoji Kawamori claimed that the animator who was his greatest inspiration was none other than Leigi Matsumoto (go figure, one great anime artist leads to another ). It is a really good article, to bad Animag no longer exists. Oh well.
  9. That sounds reasonable. During the late 1980s, information on Macross here in the US of A was pretty scarce and heavily filtered by the Robotech types. Although I am a fan of Robotech, and respect it for what it is (in my humble opinion a professional fan fiction, and a damn good one at that! ). Ronin network was the first fanzine here in the US of A (that I know of) that actually tore apart the whole Robotech fiasco. In the same article on the Megaroad, it explained the protocultures, the "official" Macross storyline at the time, the differences between the TV series and DRYL, and that a whole new Macross was soon to be released. A few years later Macross 2 came out. I for one actually like Macross 2. I like it primarily because the UN Spacy gets their asses kicked! I feel that with all the colonies of the so called UN Spacy should not the name be changed? Like UG (United Galaxy)Spacy or something? Anyway, I digress. SSM-01 is a nifty name most likely dropped to help with somekind of continuity. Hell Space Battleship Yamato is a typical Japanese anime with multiple personality disorder, Macross was inspired by it, so it is no wonder why there are a few minor inconsistences. Not a big deal, I only asked because I was curious if anyone else had ever read or seen the Megaroad refered to as such. Thank you all for trying to help.
  10. I think I understand your meaning, but you should be more careful how you word it. The most official you get is the Macross Gold book, Macross this is animation books, Macross Perfect Memory, Macross FB 2012 best hit series, Newtype Magazine interviews with Shoji Kawamori, Hiruhiko Mikimoto, etc. I am not chastising you or putting you down vinnie, just be more careful as there are those here who would lower themselves to such childish shananaghans. I am not dissing Egan Loo's site, it is by far the best unofficial site on the entire web. Without a doubt. It is by far the closest thing to officially sanctioned as any fan-site has gotten as far as I know. But big west has their own Macross site and I think if they wanted to have an "Official Compendium or Database" of somekind, they would do it. However, I think they let the fans compile info and come up with new ideas they may be able to work off of. Not necessarily using an exact idea but shall we say, they like the cranial stimulous. Paramount did the same thing with Star Trek, George Lukas does it with Star Wars, so why should Big West be any different. Anyhoo, I have triple checked the SSM-01 information, it is accurate. However, the designation was dropped in favor of SDF-2. I wonder if Robotech's international influence had anything to do with that?
  11. Okay, Ronin network is no longer with us, sadly. It was a fanzine started by the American based "Books Nippon" company. While Books Nippon is still in the US, they no longer have their fan clubs or even sell to the general market. They are a distribution company to dealers only. Anyway, I have checked the information with them. Yes, aparently the original title for Megaroad was SSM-01, super heavy starship megaroad. But, like so many other things in the world of Japanese Anime, continuity does not exist. Keep in mind that all of the information in the Ronin Network magazine was published right after the release of FB 2012. Many things have changed since then, including its designation. As far as the Macross Compendium is concerned, while I am thankful for Egan Loo's hard work, it itself is not an "offical" site and while extremely accurate in many ways, a few things have slipped through the cracks now and then. Thank you for your input gentlemen. If anyone else has more information about Megaroad, I would be interested.
  12. I have in my possesion an old copy of the Ronin Network. This anime magazine did an article on Macross FB 2012. In the article they state that the Megaroad is the SSM-01, Super heavy Starship Megaroad-01 as opposed to the SDF-2 Megalord concept shown in the Macross Perfect Memory book. Apparently SDF-2 was completed but destroyed during SW1. SSM-01 Megaroad was completed and launched in 2012. Just curious, I have noticed many sites refer to the Megaroad as SDF-2. Was the original name changed? I have a copy of the Best Hit series FB 2012. No where is the Megaroad called SDF-2 in that book that I can find. If anyone knows the page or pages where it is listed as SDF-2, please let me know. Also, I was under the impression that a Super Dimentional Fortress had to transform from cruiser to storm attacker in order to hold the SDF classification. Technically the Battle 7/Macross 7 is an SDF. Megaroad certainly does NOT transform. Just being nit picky and curious. If anybody can answer my question, it would be appreciated.
  13. UNSD is leaving the MRC? Whoa! Is it going to still have the same stats or will they be different? Also, are you going to start up a play by post or just keep the database as an online resource?
  14. There is an online resource for anyone looking to spice up their offline Macross/Robotech/Rifts campaigns. I created a website for the Macross universe. It can be adapted to any Palladium setting. Just click on to; http://www.geocities.com/gamedesigner80s/m...ssidestory.html One question, does anybody know the status of RPGs at present. Are dice and paper RPGs dead or what? Finding people to Role play with around here in Colorado USA is a bitch. There are plenty of card type players, Magic the gathering and all, but I was looking for actual dice gamers for a new Macross campaign as most of my players will be dropping out of RPGing for an indefinite period of time. Anyone in the Brighton/Commerce City area, let me know if you would be interested in a Macross RPG offline. Thanks.
  15. Oh bloody hell! Here we go again!! Look guys I have not read the other M7 threads and I am getting sick of this! Been a while since I have seen the series (I may watch it again......cough, cough.......if I dare. ) but I do remember one episode (or more, it is kind of a blurr) mentioning the boosters as spiritia amplifiers. If I remember correctly that was late in the series. Anyway, I am forced to agree with Sundown, spiritia is somekind of quantifiable energy. Like the electromagnetic field that our bodies generate or life force or actual spirit energy. Take your pick, they all fit in with Science Fiction.
  16. Hmmm, looks like a genuine debate/discussion on the sound "speaker" boosters. Hope you all don't mind if the newbie takes a crack at it. While examining the pics of the speaker boosters in Hobby Japan #12, from 1995, pages 58 and 59. A thought crossed my mind. Perhaps these are radio transmitters of somekind. If you aimed them at an area or a specific target (or group of targets) it is possible that this radio/sonic device could use the hull of a mecha or spacecraft as the speaker. All the hull has to do is vibrate. Like an invisible string from one can to another can. Shock waves do travel in space. So if a wave of particles were "Shot" at an opponent the impact will cause a vibration on the spacecraft and sound will be heard inside. Granted you could insulate your ship. Kind of reminds me of one of the old Macross games. I believe there was one that had Kamjin telling the Neld fleet (I think) about some way to defend against the Minmei Attack. I know it is a bit off subject, but the principle may be the same. Oh, by the way, Robotech may be considered the work of the Devil now, but it did introduce many of us old timers to Macross. For that it is to be commended. Waits to be tarred and feathered.
  17. Okay, I cannot believe this thread is going on, and on, and on, and on. Look guys, some of you hate Macross 7. Thats all well and nice. Some of you Love Macross 7, again that is all well and nice. But could you all please argue about it with some facts instead of just verbally ranting on, and on. FACT: Sound does not travel in space. So Sound Force should have used some kind of transmission rather than speakers. (Hey nobody's perfect) FACT: Peace is the main underlying message. (If your country got nuked you'd hate war too, no argument from this end ) FACT: Shoji Kawamori did the artwork for the mecha, Hirohiko Mikimoto did the character designs. (As it should be ) FACT: There were many reused battle scenes in various episodes. (What series doesn't reuse old footage to save money ) FACT: The artwork was excellent for a TV anime series. (It has to be Studio Nue was behind it!!!) FACT: We all like Macross. (If you don't go to some other site ) FACT: This arguement is a round robin which will never cease. FACT: MACROSS 7 is canon! Unfortunately for me, I am sitting on the fence on this one. I both hate and like different aspects of Macross 7. Personally I would like to discuss the aspects of the series in a mature manner (I know, I know, I'm asking alot). Especially the mecha, spacecraft, and character designs. I am interested in anybody who plays Macross 7 as an RPG offline (Palladium, Fusion, or other system). Trust me, I am no pacifist. Basara did annoy the hell out of me for most of the series. But, I chose to ignore him and his message most of the time and focused on the other aspects of the series. I personally like the Varauta and their alien space fleet. The protodevlins were not too bad either (especially Sivil, hehehehehe). So duke it out if you must guys, just try to be informative about the series when you do. Do not overgeneralize, get specific, make it interesting. Bitch fests are just boring. Make it a true intellectual discussion (if that's possible ).
  18. I would like to thank both sides of the argument on this thread for some of the most entertaining reading on an internet forum I have ever read. You guys had me laughing to the point of tears. I do have my own 2 cents to add. First, Macross 7 may or may not have been intended for just children. Personally I feel it was intended for all ages. Thus there is a little bit of childishness and some adult themes that children would not understand. From a marketing point of view, it is obvious that M7 is targeting the 8-12 market. This makes perfect business sense and does not detract from the Product at all. I do have some reservations about the whole, "SOUND FORCE" attacks in space. SOUND DOES NOT TRAVEL IN SPACE!!!! However, it is a science fiction show so I think it should be cut some slack. After all if we look at Star Trek or Star Wars we find numerous violations of the laws of physics. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give M7 a 5. The mecha and starships are excellent until..............the Aphrodite A, VF-11 Mylene custom with the booby speakers shows up, along with the rest of the Shogun Warriors (Sound Force). Yah, it reminds me of the only Gundam series to make me wince, G-Gundam. However, the VF-19 Excalibers, VF-17s, VF-22s, Uraga battlecarriers, Vaurata VFs and spacecraft, were all excellent. Very Macross, very original, very well done. I will admit I am NOT a transformers fan, NOT a G.I. Joe fan, and NOT to hip on singing pacifists in VFs. As a massive Space Cruiser Yamato fan (in these series most of the characters die, the battles are very realistic, there is some foolishness, but the mood is generally somber, like a real war!), I was very impressed with the first Macross series, Macross 2, and Macross plus. When M7 came out I was all fired up to see it. While it was not the worst anime I have ever seen, it certainly was not the best. I am going to compare M7 to a series that could get me shot just for mentioning it. Oh boy here we go........................Yes, the dreaded Robotech. There I said it! I hate to say this but, I think that Spiritia is akin to the "Flower Power" concept of Robotech. I am not bashing it, seriously. I know you gents get pissed about Robotech but all in all I have seen worse (Yu Gi Oh comes to mind). Its not like M7 is the old Superfriends horror from the 1980s. I have to say that the story of M7 is about as good as the Story from Robotech. The animation and mecha from M7 is obviously the same quality since H.Gold ripped off Macross (or were licensed to use it depending on what side of that arguement you are on). I do not get emotional over anime. I know many of you do. There are institutions for that kind of obessive behavior. In short I am trying to relay to you all that it IS JUST A FICTIONAL STORY! If you think it is in any way possible or (God help us) real, you may be suffering from Schizophrenia and need professional help. For those of you who are not so passionate or detached from reality, I would love to hear more of this M7 discussion. Remember, keep you punchs clean and above the belt!!!
  19. Oh, I am sorry , I failed to mention the time frame of my idea. I was not speaking of a pre-Macross Zero or Space War one setting. No I was talking about a post VFX-2 setting. Something along the lines of a return of the Protocultures in the 2060s or sometime thereafter. I am speaking about a UN Spacy verses a Protoculture force trying to re-conquer the galaxy. Something more grandiose than what Macross has given us so far. The story has matured enough to support this kind of grand opera. All new VFs, new starships, new alien mecha, new characters, more action, new music, a whole new addition to Macross. For Big West to accept any kind of idea it must be original. I highly doubt they will ever make any of the video games into OAVs or TV series'. Anime thrives on the next "New Thing" and that goes for older/long running titles as well. Gundam has to be the best example of that. Anyway, I think that the inspections army will most likely be the next big adversary in Macross. Their's is the only story yet to be told. I am willing to bet that their story will be told sometime after VFX-2 and will involve the UN Spacy verses the Inspections army. That is my opinion anyway. No offense meant to anyone.
  20. Geez, quite a few really good ideas. Here is my 2 cents. How about the return of the Protocultures. I know, I know, the Zentran destroyed them all in our galaxy. Well how about if some of them escaped to the Megallanic clouds outside our galaxy. Perhaps the SDF-1 was simply part of a scout team sent back into the galaxy to determine the condition of the rebel Zentran forces. With the Zentran fleets either gone or breaking down, the Protoculture forces would most likely return (they would not return until they were sure of victory). The Protocultures would undoubtably encounter the UN Spacy. A war would most likely erupt between the two and the use of music by the UN Spacy or perhaps both sides, would most likely be the cause of the end of such a war. Just a thought.
  21. Thank you all for your input. May I ask another question along the same lines. Was there an article in Newtype magazine, back when FB 2012 came out, that covered any of these ships or perhaps showed black and white images. If Newtype did an article on this series, and black and white pics of these ships are available, I would appreciate copies or the information on which issue they are in so I can hunt for this issue. Thanks guys.
  22. Hello all, I am searching for any black and white images of these two ships from flashback 2012. The ships in question are in the yellow boxes on the webpage at the following address; http://www.geocities.com/gamedesigner80s/umv.html I have a rendition there of one of the ships but would prefer actual images from any official source if they are available. Thank you
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