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cambodian tire

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Everything posted by cambodian tire

  1. I think Who was faster on a certain day often has little to do with whose car has better handling. I haven,'t heard anybody mentioning the values of cutting the perfect apex,definately not early apexers,...I hate early apexers truth is if you miss the apex you might as well be driving a mini van as missing the apex will add more lateral acceleration (g loading in corner) at any given speed than the difference of "cornering ability" of cars available for road use. If you want the ultimate geological location for twisties,look no further than south west British Columbia, wide highways, low population density, and often virtualy no chance of a speeding ticket. For us everybody drives fast and road handling is taught, we moan to see a tourist in front our cars (out of province plates) or lower mainland cars. In my comute to work (1 hour 15 min.) I consider it a failure to ever leave my lane, miss an apex or not be comfortably at the limit of adhesion for my tires,willfully modulated by my right foot. If anybody reading has ever been to canada's Long Beach near Tofino you'll know what I'm talking about.......Interesting thread real nice cars guys, didn't expect this on MW!
  2. hevanangel2 do you reallize one could find your front door with those coordinates?
  3. Just north of Yohshi in Vic. put me in the middle of Vancouver Island at: 49 16' 22" -124 47'38"
  4. 1/48 = 1
  5. I've got the Hasbro one if that counts. Yeah it's cool, it's the toy I would have loved to have had when I was young, I'm not a TF fan like when I was a kid but I still have my original Prime, nothing lost, mostly unmolested - no box though.
  6. wow a total trip down memory lane ! I bought the Fujimi F-14 jolly rogers 13 years ago, it's still not painted. I just looked at it the other day. When I got it I thought it was the best thing ever - rubber tires ! Then I found Hase and forgot about the Fujimi BTW the fujimi canopy glass is also too wide for scale. Thanks for the great info.
  7. I had a Skystriker XP 14 - F . That's what they called it, and have modeled tamiya's 1/32nd scale F-14 the planes profile and proportions are exactly the same (same size) but G.I. Joes are about four times too big for the scale so Hasbro went a bigger canopy and seats making it efectively whatever scale, about 1/19.The skystriker/F-14 at 1/32nd scale is almost exactly 2 feet long. However money and storage constraints aside who wouldn't want the utimate-ultimate collectors valk!
  8. Yeah me too. would you cast extra heads ?
  9. Yeah do that and let me know how it goes!
  10. Uhm the rings stay on the strap and never come off and the rings pop out easily from the gun pod, there not there in plane mode so they're not in the way....Zip Locs are handy, that's a good idea, keep the box new!
  11. Sorry RainBot if I "led you down the garden path" sort of speak am I correct in guessing it DIDN'T work for you?, what went wrong? I have a real picture of it working up, albeit of the whole valk, on an old post titled T.V. Roy flying. Haterist I absolutely agree with you have multiple valks in one mode would be boring,so I guess this is most useful if one only has one valk. Also in keeping with "Perfect Transformation" it's nice to have everything all together in one place more or less and in keeping with that I roll up the gun strap and place it in the forearm(it fits with the hand w/o creasing if careful) I just thought that on the whole it's a little modification, I read somewhere on an old post that somebody had issues with breakage. If there's room in the leg, past the folded landing gear, (top side) I'll make a subtle hatch for the intake cover one per side. I'll post some shots, but it won't be very DIY . Later... sorry guys! BTW has anybody had sucess recreating this?
  12. Here's a Quick trick to save wear on your gun pod when removing the strap. I've attached a picture showing how to bend the rings at the ends of the strap so you only have to bend them ONCE. After bending the rings,make sure to attach them in opposite directions on either end of the strap - see #2 . There's enough slack in the strap to pull it tight to get the second ring through the hole on the gun pod but when you let go of the strap and the "belly" returns to strap, the rings lock and can't fall off...
  13. and if anybody cares to educate me on how to size (in photoshop) and group smaller pictures in on attachment it would be welcomed but for now here's one more.
  14. KingNor here's a couple of pictures in robot mode but please remeber this is not finished as I haven't had time yet. In the photos you can see blueish colored liquid masking on the inside of the legs as I have yet to paint the black stripes, I have painted one black stripe on the outside of the legs so far. It needs weathering,decaling,exhaust/feet to be painted fast packs detailed & painted,gun pod painted and much more. I'm a little leary of posting too many pics of it uncomplete. There's also some close up pictures of my cockpit on my other topic "TV roy for 1/48. Thanks again!
  15. Edit - I meant the CO gets 101 or 201 ..... sorry
  16. To answer some of KingNor's questions, the valk markings aren't "purist" or accurate from a macross point of veiw but rather , more so , from a USN point of veiw. I was into aircraft before I was into Macross and some things in terms of markings stands out to me as weird. I think the artists and animators take their cue from real life, like the UN SPACEY kites on the wings and nose and the rest of us can identify that those things are supposed to be there. I think however that animators don't necessarily know what all those numbers have evolved to represent.Thats totaly fine for the macross universe because it's all makebelieve, and I wouldn't expect it any other way. I just wan't mine not to look out of place to me. Just FYI in the navy Skull Squadron is the Jolly Rogers Squdron and at the time of Macross' debut their squadron # was "84" or VF-84 the "V" being an arbitrary symbol for heavier than air (dregebles, not planes, were the norm) and "F" for fighter squadron The "modex" number or the number on the nose and wings in the navy are either numbers in the 100's or in the 200's or in the case of a training squadron, in the 400's. The leader or CAG (Roy) gets an even 100 or 200 the next rank the CO gets 101 or 102 so you see in my makebelive world Roy somewhere, gets to fly around in his VF1S marked 100 and my valk could somebody else in a VF1J marked 101.To sum up it's all different from the show the only thing less accurate to the show I guess I could have done is to paint it hot pink oohh! See ya for now!
  17. definately the master truly inspiring makes ALL of us wish our valks looked that good . You're one of the reasons I'ld click on MWforums just to see what was next!
  18. Cool if there's anything you can think of , like mini "remove before flight" flags/pins hanging off the second set of missiles - for wheels down static display. what do you guys think?
  19. Ah... another aviation enthusiast?
  20. Uhm it's a 1/48 T.V. type Roy/Hikaru VF1J repainted - unfinished, hope that answers your question, thanks for the interest!
  21. the pilot's body is from a Hasagewa U.S. Airforce pilot and ground crew set with mismatched arms , legs a little re-bent and the helmet is from my decapitated Hikaru whose helmet I carefuly hollowed out and place over some mantainance man's head.
  22. I think I chose the J because I'm partial to it's shape , the name on the canopy says M. THEUS because that happens to be my name and no the red band is so far not painted but I have a darker red to go on there 'cause I don"t like the "ketchup red" too much
  23. your probably absolutely right ,but the aviation purist in me made me put the 101 on the nose where it is ,not that it matters but in real life if roy was the leader - 100 the next rank would be 101 then every other underling getting any other modex after 102,103 etc. within that squadron. Sorry to all those purists out there!
  24. Since this is my first valk. and can't keep from transforming it time to time this isn't a full blown custom paint job, however it started a hikaru F 1J .Please keep in mind I haven't weathered it yet or painted the engine nozzles etc. I'll post pictures when I get it finished .... later
  25. Heres a better picture of the chrome tape behind the visor
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