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cambodian tire

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Everything posted by cambodian tire

  1. Sorry never learned how to do that PLEASE fill me in and I will link right away
  2. That would be too cool the fat hands and all. I'ld wish they would use the off white that they use on the TV hikaru as well. I posted shots of my redone cockpit with a grey suited pilot painted like Roys TV colors in a topic titled "T.V. Roy flying"
  3. Sorry but I've searched the forums and have read that yamato is re-issuing Roy's valk, is this confirmed? Kevin I know I've asked you before, at the time it wasn't on the horizon. Has this changed? are they "re-re-releasing them?" does anybody know for certain?
  4. WOW!
  5. I think you got a winner! Great job! It looks excellent, what an improvement! looks like your hands are pretty steady to me
  6. It dosen't turn models into goo
  7. If it's styrene then use Easy Off oven cleaner I've done it often and it works well and fast. If you want to be on the safe side apply some to the "sprue" or "tree" of your particular plastic (the runner that the parts are attached to). Just apply Easy Off let sit for a couple of minutes then rinse and wash, voila.....no more chrome.
  8. Excalibur rocks! I got the DVD cheap. when I was a kid we had this pre VHS/beta movie player that was a big record/casette thing, that you'ld have to flip around half way through the movie. (can't remember what the format was called at this time) I used to pester my parents to rent Excalibur again and again after I had seen it once, some times they caved but I asked non stop for like a year. BTW bsu legato the current DVD isn't totaly bare bones, it includes a feature length comentary by Boorman, trailer and "production notes" I know not exactly earth shattering but for for five bucks ......not so bad.
  9. My deepest condolences bud, maybe some MW'rs could send send out the occasional "thoughts with you" incase gregs lurkin' but dosen't feel like chattin'
  10. I haven't had any chipping there yet, I would like to think it was powder coated, so as long as there's no metal rubbing the part it should be alright. I've had car parts powder coated and the paint sample is on a piece of sheet metal that can be bent back on itself and not crack or chip. Maybe if you are experiencing chipping, your paint on that part isn't up to par? Anybody else got any feedback for this occurance? - I like it painted - Mark
  11. Hey Hurin, I'ld hope they would release a third wave, I'ld probably be in the market for another 1/48 by then, however I just ordered one so I am now in the "breath easy" club - Mark
  12. Whoa, just odered a 1/48 Roy, two of the last three e-tailers that I knew of just sold out in the last week. I ended up odering it from "Treasure Island Sports." Their web adress is "sales@tisinc99.com" sorry I'm hyperlink illiterate, I think they have a few left if you guys act quickly. I would have rather ordered from The Valkyrie Exchange but Kevin is, as we know, out of stock (sorry Kev). Oh BTW it cost me $169.99 + S&H + echange (US - Canada) I will be ordering FP's from Kevin soon
  13. I've got not a one, but maybe someday I'll get one, it be strictly as a novelty, kinda like a properly colored Jet Fire from my childhood.
  14. Thanks for the update Kevin, I better get a "J" Hikaru off you before they discontinue those too (I'm still hoping that they'll make he GPB as well) Thanks for your input guys - Mark
  15. Hey people! could anybody tell me if Yamato is going to re-stock Roy's Vf-1s ? or any "s" for that matter ...? Hey Kevin are you getting a shipment of s type valks any time soon? I'd appreciate any info you guys could give me as I'm looking to add to my huge collection of one 1/48 vf-1 ("J" w. F.P.'s) thanks alot - Mark
  16. 'Just have to go on the record for pointing out that official stats are pure fantasy and although fun to read into, when we do it becomes plain that contradictions arise and we are probably giving it more critical consideration than those who wrote it. The weight statistic realisticaly should be dissregarded, even if the VF-1 were made of plastic with that many joints, actuators, reinforcement, Hydraulics, whatever it would NEVER be lighter than an F-14 smaller or not. The F-14's bulk over the F-15 largely comes from the swing wing geometry, some of the difference is the use of materials more titanium & composites in the F-15, but a majority of it is the swing wing or VG feature - imagine many "swing everything" features of a VF-1! Personaly, and I'm probably going to get alot of flack for this, I think officialy it should be a lead sled, a tank, admittadly heavy - then explain away why it can still fly - be it "over technology" or anti-gravity to negate its weight then fly with convetional flight control surfaces/aerodynamics. Maybe the vernier thrusters would be for overcoming its' still substantial inertia...?
  17. yeah that's great Kurt , I really like the matching low-vis strike armour it all seems to flow together, it really blends, it looks less like something with "add on's" than does the regular color schemes! Keep up the customising and post your updates - always look forward to your projects, custom 1/48's are def my favorites!
  18. Hey guys ! That's totaly bizare AGENT ONE where did you find that car?? I haven't seen it on any magazine racks !? I wonder why it has two sets of front wheels? maybe increased traction - would that work out practicaly? I know why the 'ol ELF F-1 had two sets but it wasn't for traction as the two sets of fronts only had the same size contact patch as one pair of conventional sized tires. It was to reduce frontal area or wind resistance because the second set of tires drafted behind the first set. that really only applies to open wheel cars though WTF Is there any performance specs somewhere out there? 'think the website only had tec spec's
  19. That's very cool !!!! the "J" rocks can't wait for more pics keep us updated Rabidweezil!
  20. cambodian tire

    Yamato 1/48...

    Hey Ido how's it going? congrats on the 1/48, too bad for the missing cover somewhere on the boards there was a thread about "broken - missing parts" I think posted by monkey-n , I will try to find it for you and post a link but I'm leaving here shortly for a while. As for the paint, regular blue and black testors (little bottles) would work fine, just mix a few drops of black paint (if needed) into the blue paint mix, compare, repeat if nec. Make sure to remove any oils on the surface to be painted or touched up. Use mineral spirits, rubbing alcohol or dish detergent and rinse well, this will ensure good adhesion for your paint and prevent fish eye effect on larger areas. Good luck and enjoy your kick ar$$ yammmie!
  21. that's pretty awsome. (transforming monster) weather it would work in actuality is the question. eg. -can the joints hold up the gun?, knees hold up the bat.?,elbows hold up the arms?, center of gravity make it physicaly possible to stand?. Since this was drawn in L-Draw there's no way of knowing how these factors work out Chances are they wouldn't - that would be a fluke....so unfortunately this model will have to be enjoyed as a virtual model... for now and it definenately is an awsome likeness in every way to the original!, that guy should work on a real one and he could even sell the instructions or KIT here on MW !
  22. ..........uhhh the box didn't look like the one in the bootleg link ewelin but the boxed sets were black?....
  23. Thanks JBO & ewilen, I will definenately give those a pass, Thanks for the link ewilen. I'm not too sure if they're bootlegs though as A&B Sound is a huge national chain with positively HUGE multi story buildings for home entertainment - mostly music CD's. I, probably mistakingly, thought they were international 'down in the states too. Actualy I thought it was an american chain, the folly of being canadian we usualy take, with an amount of certainty, that most sucessful stores have migrated north from below the border.So I appollagise if "A&B Sound" was an unclear ref. Anyway I'll be looking elsewhere thanxks alot
  24. Yeah to me it sounds like more attempts on HG's part to get the Macross audience, could be wrong... I should go back with a digital cam. and show you what I mean , or maybe check out an A&B Sound near you and see if they have these as well.
  25. Hey Guys just wondering if anybody could help?.... I went to a local comic book/animme store to order/purchase SDF Macross DVD's ,he actualy had the nerve to point me to his Robotech section and denied there was any difference between RT and Macross other than "ones in japanese and ones in english". He said I should look at A&B Sound because they have "the japanese version of Robotech" - dumb a-- , anyway I did and that's where my horror started. Finding SDF Macross with japanese characters I was STOKED! They had boxed sets and individual DVD's with different episodes on each. When I read the descriptions on the back they described the character interaction with........with.... Rick and Lisa?? WTF? even if subbed shouldn't they read Hikaru and Misa ? and the most confusing part is it was distributed under Harmony Gold 2002. Is this the real mcoy or should I take my money to an E-tailer ? I don't want to bring it home only to be dissappointed. I'd really appreciate any advise on this guys ..........thanks for the 'ears.
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