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cambodian tire

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Everything posted by cambodian tire

  1. Hey guys! don't forget the 1/72 bandais as well
  2. I've cleaned up old yellowed toys by dismantling them and soaking the part, absolutely submerged, in straight bleach overnight. I did this years ago to a Kenner X-wing fighter and the plastic was fine years later - just to quell some fears. Trust if the bleach isn't penetrating into the stain it isn't penetrating the the plastic molecules and "melting them" dosent bleach come in a plastic bottle? That said there are different types of plastic so try it out somewhere that won't be visible, don't run with scissors and tear apart all plastic bags....
  3. Yeah 'fell down and hit my head....apparently a few times
  4. here's an old one haven't posted this one before,but haven't taken any new pics either
  5. The SHE is definately better, rocks in batroid but still looks like a flying brick in fighter
  6. Off topic or back on topic - whatever, I'm a little late throwing in my 2 cents.....with the J please
  7. Your weathering looks tres realistic good work!
  8. It's hayao kakizaki's, he's a member here and if you go to the main page under toys you'll find custom toys it's on page 3
  9. You see what happens when I don't have opportunity to read the forums?.... everything goes to sh1t ...kidding seriously that's amazing, what good news! The GPB is becoming reality and chris what a way to make your mark at MW those pictures are awsome, probably the most saved pic in recent MW history surely.....well besides that whole cosplay/man-faye thing
  10. If they do release it [crossing fingers ] It would be nice if they offerred it with or without the 1-J as there would be an overnight crazed demand for the "J" and could cause some scarcity. I'd definately be the guy that missed the bus 'cause I'm slow as molasses when it comes to this stuff>>>
  11. .mmmm, I'm guessing a 2 seater - low vis valk ??!
  12. Looks killer! never had any doubt, can't wait to see it finished! Oh BTW if the skin on the leg was metal, or if it was an area of boron fiber, or if it was carbon fiber, then if it got hit with a convetional round of amunition, if a missile hit it - maybe even a laser - possibly energy weapons it could ONLY possibly melt, explode/implode, cut/scratch, smash/dent, fragment, fall apart, vapourize/obliterate so as you you probably sadly see.... you've got it all wrong LOL
  13. That looks awesome, That's a mighty fine looking custom
  14. Yeah they are. I want! These pics have been sitting on my computer for a while, don't remember off hand where I got them but I tagged it in my favorites so I'll find the adress for you. I've got a picture of the terminatrix endoskeleton if you want but it ain arnold
  15. Weed smokin' Arnold??? Hey A-1 have you seen theeeese? warning big pic....but check out those folicles!
  16. Hey I can picture it! I think it'll look great when it's all painted, looking good so far!
  17. COOL.... Thanks!
  18. Oh BTW mechamaniac are the magnets strong enough to hold - hanging upsidedown as Mr March mentioned?
  19. - mean glass isn't magnetic?... No I know, I's just trying to be funny Thanx for the legitimate advice - ya never know.. people might try this.....don't try this at home
  20. Great work Mechamaniac!!, that magnet thing a very cleanly executed idea. I'll have to try that...think it'll stick to the front of the TV?
  21. Oh, and just for those people reading this thread a year from now and not getting the "big ar$$" ref. Montarvillois' avatar at the time of posting was a gundam - and his sig. was something to the effect of big ass robot fan
  22. Thanks Montarvillois ....I missed her
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