Hey David! reading this I couldn't help being reminded of myself. I've had the best results w. liquid mask specialy on models w. deep panel lines and where the paint designs cross those panel lines I havent had any models w. panel lines as deep as the Yamato toys of the VF-1. When repainting one, after masking it very carefuly the usual way, I removed the tape - it looked like it was hand painted by a blind person w. arthritis! liquid mask was my saving grace. I don't think even a good brand of tape would have saved me as my cheap airbrush compressor has too high air preasure and tends to "blow" paint where it shouldn't go. So theres my next piece of advise: try w. lower air preasure - less likely for paint to blow into small crevises even if you spray away from the tape into the painted area and start w. a series light coats to seal the edges. I did everything that normally works for me on that Yammy valk and it didn't work I gave up on it for a while.... Here I am handing out advise and I still haven't finished a model in ten years+ no I haven't dug out my old fujimi/hase F-14's and finished them yet!?! LOL