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cambodian tire

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About cambodian tire

  • Birthday 01/16/1973

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    Cambodian tire
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    British Columbia

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. looks great as always Kurt ! ...Mark
  2. Hey Dave if you don't know how seamless they look, check out the "custom toy" section and take a look at some of the members work eg. Kurt & Jung to name a couple - everybody else's as well! BTW most of these are "only" re-paints a couple of them have a few seems filled eg. on the "thigh" air intake (bottom side in fighter mode) but the quality of the toy speaks for itself! Page one Page two Page three Page four Page five ...Mark
  3. Almost forgot taking masking tape off before the paint is completely dry and gently burnishing the edge down will minimize the edge thickness. I believe that the only way to absolutely remove it is to clear coat over top - not a dull coat as it's too thin. Gloss coat then followed by a dull coat if needed. One of my biggest impediments in modeling is getting the dull coat to be absolutely dull - not "eggshell" or satin finish but as dull as flat black from paint jar! The same mix of thinner to paint on different days seems to flatten better than others. I know temperature humidity, surface paint type - if it's fully cured all play a role. What I can't get is how to control the result? I have success less than fifty percent of the time Mark
  4. Hey David! reading this I couldn't help being reminded of myself. I've had the best results w. liquid mask specialy on models w. deep panel lines and where the paint designs cross those panel lines I havent had any models w. panel lines as deep as the Yamato toys of the VF-1. When repainting one, after masking it very carefuly the usual way, I removed the tape - it looked like it was hand painted by a blind person w. arthritis! liquid mask was my saving grace. I don't think even a good brand of tape would have saved me as my cheap airbrush compressor has too high air preasure and tends to "blow" paint where it shouldn't go. So theres my next piece of advise: try w. lower air preasure - less likely for paint to blow into small crevises even if you spray away from the tape into the painted area and start w. a series light coats to seal the edges. I did everything that normally works for me on that Yammy valk and it didn't work I gave up on it for a while.... Here I am handing out advise and I still haven't finished a model in ten years+ no I haven't dug out my old fujimi/hase F-14's and finished them yet!?! LOL ...Mark
  5. That mech looks awfully gold red & black in kind of an, optically confusing paisley print sort of way
  6. Ordered mine on the 15th of Jan!
  7. Hey KingNor (whats KingNor mean anyway? ) Tisinc - treasure island sports has 'em for $59.00 US so they're probably a little cheaper elsewhere if you could find 'em. Treasure Island seems to order vast quantities of stuff and seems to have everything around a little longer than others...too bad about Kevin at V.E. but good for him (congrats Kev! ) Mark
  8. Comercial Dragger (trawler) it's all year-round we're out in some nasty weather, bought a few houses in the last year w. my fiance and sold/selling some - doubled my money on one house so I guess my "part time" job makes me more money than my actual job. Right now it's all getting re-invested and any wage I draw dosen't compete w. what I make at sea, so I'm still on call any hour of the day gone for undisclosed amounts of time ....for now Mark
  9. Looks awesome Wicked Ace! Nice details on the missles and the paint fade on the chest looks killer! Definately original..
  10. Yeah thanks grahm, great pic!
  11. That's totaly cool cap! been gone for awhile is this kit been released yet? I'm still interested if it's not too late!
  12. Here's a pic of a flight gone bad for one little kid
  13. Me too! can I be on the list? do you take Visa That looks amazing! Oh hey kensei just FYI I'll be in oz on oct 4th... way on the other side though, have a wedding to go to.
  14. Another custom valk picture to save in the folder, gonna have to call it "Kurt's custom valks" - there's so many of them! Excellent work as always Kurt! Hey 'noticed your gerwalk mode is still Keepin' up its posture
  15. Wow that's the first "A" I've wanted! That looks great
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