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Everything posted by Keiichi

  1. You're giving me a twinge of regret for cancelling my pre-order. Had to be done though, because I just know that if I got it and loved it, I'd go overboard on the other releases, haha. Same, though we probably can't say the same for our wallets.
  2. I like the color scheme and I love the fact that it's a "bad guy" valk. Having a pair of rival valks is one of my favorite things about valk collecting!
  3. Thanks for those additional details, technoblue. That makes hopeful the Arcadia's 1J white will compare favorably with the Yamato 1S TV. Really surprised to hear that you didn't get option parts though, I thought Arcadia had specifically mentioned that they would be included (well, Google-translate seemed to indicate that, haha).
  4. Close look at an unpainted Hulkbuster sample: http://www.gunjap.net/site/?p=250363 Really liking what I'm seeing so far!
  5. Sailor V is indeed a web exclusive in Japan, but due to the popularity of the series here in the States Bluefin has been able to bring all the Sailor Moon Figuarts over to the US as regular retail releases. I think several of the other scouts (the one with short tan hair and the one with long green hair, Uranus and Neptune, I think?) have also been web exclusives in Japan, but Bluefin brought 'em all over. It's the same situation as with the Dragonball Figuarts; most of them are web exclusives in Japan but thanks to Dragonball's insane popularity here in the US, Bluefin is able to distribute them through regular retail. I don't collect the Scouts, but I did pick up Sailor Venus when she was $20 during a Lightning deal on Amazon last holiday season (because why not? haha). Tempted to pick up Sailor V to go with her!
  6. Oh you're right technoblue, I had missed the link to the full set of pictures; the white does look pretty good! As for the TV release tampos, my Roy TV at least has all the tampos that my Yamato VF-1S Hikaru does, including the red ejection warning triangle by the cockpit. Bit disappointing that Arcadia seems to have completely given up on tampo-ing that detail.
  7. Yesss, grey goggles!! I'd forgotten about that. I was really surprised at how noticeable the pinkish was on the Arcadia VF-1S when compared side-by-side to my Yamato TV VF-1S. I'm planning to display this VF-1J next to my Roy TV, so I really hope the pink isn't there this time around.
  8. Huh, shipping is surprisingly cheaper at Nippon-Yasan. It's showing me ¥3,860 (HLJ via EMS) vs. ¥3,200 (NY via EMS); if you can wait a couple more days Registered Airmail is just ¥2,970. Still probably safest purchasing at HLJ for the far superior customer service, but nice to see NY improving their shipping costs.
  9. The VF-11B I bought unfortunately has some issues that has me keep it permanently in fighter mode, but if there's one pro I can name it's that the fighter mode looks great. I also love how easily the Super parts snap into place onto the back of the fighter; pretty much every other set of Yamato Super/FAST packs has given me trouble in some way (difficulties attaching/removing, causing damage to the valk in some way etc.), so the ease-of-use with the VF-11's Supers was a great change of pace. I'm pretty sure that's just from Macross 7, but it's been over a decade since I last saw 7 so it's very possible I may have simply dreamed it.
  10. There's also the fact that if the cockpit didn't rotate, you'd have another camp of people complaining "I paid 300 bucks for this and they didn't even include the rotating cockpit!!" I'm happy either way, but given the choice I do enjoy having those accurate details, especially when they don't interfere with anything else on the valk (conversely, I could probably have done without the Arcadia's YF-19 high-speed mode wing gimmick). From what I recall of my long-since sold VF-0A, it wasn't a particularly complicated gimmick anyways.
  11. Got in the VF-11B earlier this week! I never thought it would happen, but I've finally completed the 1/60 Macross Plus series; seeing them all together in my collection brings a tear of joy to my eye... ;_; Grats on the YF-21, anubis! When you get your FAST packs though, I would strongly advise considering leaving the arm/tail packs off. My YF-21 arrived with FAST packs attached, but I think the 21 looks best nude (you also need to have the arm packs off in order to transform), so last night I finally went to take them off for the first time. Belly plates came off easily enough, but man, removing the arm packs had me sweating bullets!
  12. Awesome!!!
  13. Going to second anubis' analysis; HLJ is the best overall store when you factor in their superb customer service. They also generally have the best shipping rates amongst the three. Been ordering from them for over a decade and they've always been excellent. AmiAmi and NY are both good at fulfilling orders and usually have the best pre-order prices. AmiAmi used to have grossly overpriced shipping due to a limited range of box sizes, but they've greatly improved in that area and are now about where HLJ's rates are (though usually still a little more expensive than HLJ). Ordering from AmiAmi will usually be the cheapest option. NY has OK shipping rates, but they're worse than AmiAmi & HLJ, especially for larger orders. AmiAmi used to be very good about sending people replacement toys where appropriate, but apparently it was cutting into their bottomline way too much and now you're probably only going to get a small refund at best if you get a damaged/defective toy. NY won't do a thing except to say "that sucks, thanks for ordering!" In short, ordering from HLJ will give you a fair price and superb customer service in case something goes wrong. Ordering from AmiAmi and NY will likely save you a few bucks, but you risk getting stuck with their poor replacement policy (or lack thereof) if something goes wrong.
  14. Thank you so much, Noel!! That was EXACTLY what I needed to do, and now my belly plates are nice and flush!!! I never would have guessed you could push that joint in another notch (it doesn't feel like it can at all!), but your guidance and method worked like a charm. Using your technique the joint actually moved to that extra notch fairly smoothly. Thank you for once again helping me out, Noel.
  15. Noel, can you please explain in as much detail as you can what you are doing to make that black dot disappear? I used to be able to transform the VF-22S with my eyes closed, but I eventually sold all my VF-22S off. Now I've re-bought Gamlin's VF-22S (and a YF-21 ) and I'm totally lost, haha. The previous owner tried to transform his VF-22S back into fighter mode, but he wasn't able to get his legs into position so the belly plates cannot close. I can see those black dots on both knees but I cannot figure out what I need to do to get rid of them; it doesn't feel like I can push the gerwalk joint in any further, if I straighten the legs the dots are still there, and bending the legs does not help either. My YF-21 came in a properly transformed fighter mode, and if I move aside the belly plates I can see that the black dots on the knees are hidden, so I know that I need to do the same on the VF-22S, but I just can't figure it out.
  16. Keiichi

    Hi-Metal R

    I just noticed that they've put a 'UN Spacy' tampo on the lower legs. That's awesome to see, not even the VF-1S had that; it's such a small thing but it really adds a lot to the valk imo. I decided to pass on the GBP, but when/if they re-release the VF-1S I'll definitely buy another if it has the additional tampo detail.
  17. It's just too pastel (and minty! good call, noel) for my tastes. The super parts do a great job of breaking up the color though, so I'm very glad I've got them. It's hard for me to pick a favorite 25 as I love all the rest, the only thing I know for sure is that Luca is last in my book. Oh man, it's grotesque!
  18. Welp, my hate of the color could not override my compulsion to complete my 25 series collection. I gotta say though, it feels pretty darn good to have a complete set.
  19. That would be amazing, I'd be all over that if Bandai released one officially! I really like the design of the RVF-25, but I hate hate hate the color of Luca's valk, haha.
  20. Thanks guys, I'm enjoying the heck out of 'em!
  21. Thanks, mickyg! I've pulled those hip guns off accidentally more than a couple times and I've messed around with removing the plates by the head, so I think I've got those areas handled (famous last words, haha). Do the super parts pose any danger of scratching off paint? It seems to be pretty safe in that regard, but just want to double check. And man, you are right about that backpack sensor! I pulled the set out to make sure that part is in good shape, and it is like a freakin needle! @Valkyrie Driver Cool shots! Always good to see a valk owner enjoying their toy.
  22. Recently splurged and picked up a set of super parts for Alto's VF-25F (and knowing my luck that'll mean we'll hear about a reissue any day now, haha). Arrived yesterday, much to my delight! This is my very first set of supers for the 25 series. Is there anything I should be particularly careful of when I putting the parts onto the valk? I have a tendency to screw something up whenever I'm attaching an unfamiliar set of supers for the first time; I love my 25F and I really want to make sure I don't mess it up somehow!
  23. Huh, just noticed, but comparing bluemax151's image to the one that's actually on the VF-171, they've censored the image slightly on the valk (note the white aura surrounding her whip on the valk). That's a bit of a shame.
  24. Thanks for the well wishes guys. @505thAirbone Grats on the YF-25, and I gotta agree, the 25 series has one of my absolute favorite gerwalk modes period!
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