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Everything posted by Keiichi

  1. Next time you get the chance to talk to them, tell them that we're surprised that they're surprised that the tabs are seen as an issue. Then they can tell us that they're surprised that we're surprised that they're surprised that the tabs are seen as an issue. Silliness aside, I do hope they work something out. The headsculpt in these new proto pictures looks great, though!
  2. Keiichi

    Hi-Metal R

    Haha, can you imagine the disappointment a Japanese valk fan would have after receiving the Toynami in the mail? To pay DX Chogokin prices and end up with the Toynami... I just really hope they don't fall for it, haha. Hmm, perhaps Toynami has now lost sight of that objective as they're selling their GBP for $70 here in the US, The Hi-Metal GBP, after shipping (SAL) is probably going to run us around $75-$80, so a $10 premium for a vastly superior product (well, barring any spectactular VF-171 CF level failure on Bandai's part, haha). If the Toynami were like $40, and they had definitively fixed the easy-to-break joints, then yeah, I could definitely see it as a fair, budget alternative. For $70 though, I just hope they at least reinforced the joints at that price.
  3. Very nice eggy, great pose too.
  4. Adding my gripe to your concern list, is the apparent lack of any ankle tilt joint.
  5. Keiichi

    Hi-Metal R

    If you guys want to see something seriously funny, check out what the Japanese market is being charged for the Toynami GBP: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-012690 As a reminder, the Hi-Metal R GBP is 8140JPY on AmiAmi. Obviously the Toynami must be better since it costs almost twice as freakin much!
  6. I get the same issue with CDJ. Even though I've ordered there half a dozen times now, whenever CDJ runs their authentication my card always denies it. Luckily a 5 minute call to the CC customer service to authorize the transaction, followed by a quick e-mail to CDJ to ask them to re-run the card always does the trick. I cannot imagine spending over 5 hours trying to resolve it , that really stinks! I got in on the initial HLJ preorder and paid on Friday, so hopefully the later preorder windows should be getting their notifications shortly.
  7. Ah, yeah I'm familiar with the design concept of the -29, just trying to gauge how inevitable the web-exclusive super parts will be. I'm not a fan of the -29's super parts, as I feel it clutters up an already cluttered silhouette, but if he used them in-game then I'd be inclined to grab 'em. Thanks for the info about the gerwalk joint, the only -29 I have is Alto's and I've actually never taken it out of fighter mode (I'm embarrassed...) so I had no idea about that. Will be transforming the -29B for sure though, so this is very, very good to know.
  8. In the game, did Rod use super parts on his YF-29B when he flew against the YF-30? @CRYO & Gundam Awesome guys, so nice to see some actual in-hand shots. And yeah, that's really odd that they included the SMS stand! Maybe they had a whole bunch extra and just wanted to get rid of them. Ah, good catch. This is to allow clearance for the gunpod's bayonet if mounting the gunpod in fighter mode, right?
  9. Thank you very much for the video review, Veef. Your tip to wedge something in between the wing root and the leg to dislodge the super tight right-side tab was invaluable (managed to do it with just a fingernail). Watched the entirety of your review but just went up to gerwalk for today, I'll challenge battroid tomorrow. Oh wow, I think that's actually a price reduction. I believe NY was asking for 29000 JPY before. Way to go NY, "only" a 5000JPY mark up. Bookmarked for later use! Thanks for making the video, Actar.
  10. Awesome pictures and great comparison! Wow, that's great to hear! Makes me much more comfortable about handling this valk. Thanks for the info and the sweet gerwalk photo.
  11. Hulk's orders are closed again, but Cap is still up: http://www.hlj.com/product/ban985173/Act Hah, that was awesome!
  12. Thank you very much to all the folks posting their transformation tips and experiences. Have you guys noticed any particular areas where paint scratching is a concern while transforming? For example, on the Arcadia YF-19 you need to watch out that you don't scratch the black paint behind the cockpit when going to/from battroid. I'm guessing you'd need to be cautious of the same area on the Bandai? Ah, that's very true! I'd forgotten about that. All gone! Still available at Nippon-Yasan... at 29,000JPY before shipping, ugh.
  13. Yeah, it's pricey for sure, wasn't HLJ like 3200JPY for EMS? CD Japan doesn't have the best shipping rates for large shipments, so that's probably playing into it, and maybe they're trying to recoup the money they lost on the underestimated preorder shipping quotes.
  14. Joining the ranks! Just showed up courtesy of CD Japan and good ol' slow & steady SAL. Super gappy out of the box, but it's very obviously due to mis-transformations so I'm not concerned. I have a bad habit of doing things spectacularly wrong when transforming things on my own, so going to wait and see if someone will post up a video guide before attempting the transformation. Love the matte finish and the shade of tan plastic Bandai used for the fuselage is perfect. I do wish they'd made the legs a little wider to reduce the gap between the shield and legs in fighter (it would make the battroid look a bit more like the Arcadia too, which I prefer), but otherwise I'm very happy with what I'm seeing so far. Same here, and I think you hit the issue dead on. We were charged the "Small Packet" SAL rate whereas now they're only offering "Parcel Post" rate which is for items that do not fit within the Small Packet size limits. Pretty awesome of CD Japan to honor their preorder shipping quotes, unlike some retailers (*cough* Nippon-Yasan).
  15. I also received a payment request for my secure-link order!
  16. I'm a little skeptical that all the orders made through the "secure" link are going to be fulfilled, but yeah, I totally ordered a second one anyways. Be awesome if it does get fulfilled because it'll be perfect to ship together with the YF-29B when that is released.
  17. Gorgeous shots, sixtybucks.
  18. Hmm, showing 4K EMS and 2K unregistered SAL shipping for me. Still way better than paying over retail at the scalper stores, though. Same!
  19. Oh, very nice, very nice indeed. Thanks for posting that, Swoosh!
  20. Great find! I think I still prefer the sculpt of the Arcadia YF-19 overall (shame the reviewer didn't have some direct comparison shots with the Arcadia to possibly change my mind), but the VF-19 is looking good all the same. I love that pinpoint barrier punch effect! And the VF-19 in fighter mode with the super parts looks very cool. Really glad to see the painted intakes, but geez Bandai, what took you so long? Yeah, during the transformation section there's a picture showing that one of the transformation steps is straightening the gunpod out. Certainly a very novel approach to that issue. Yeah, that rear gap is a shame, but the two FAST pack stands are included.
  21. Amazing picture troyness!
  22. Glad your valk is back on track! In terms of the mold, on mine there's a couple areas where the seams between parts is more noticeable (the seam located in the intakes, for example), but that could simply be due to manufacturing variance between valks. Hip joints are a bit looser than my 1S TV's, still plenty tight enough to hold poses, but just something I noticed. As for the shoulders, that problem has been corrected for a long time now, so there shouldn't be any issues (knock on wood, cue everyone's shoulders exploding a month from now ). Minor nitpicks aside, the mold seems to be holding up pretty well overall. And I am still so, so happy Arcadia decided to give us the grey goggles. It's such a small thing, but it does so dang much for the battroid mode. Feels great to have Hikaru together with his sempai in the same scale for the first time in my collection.
  23. Got mine in from NY today as well and in my case the individual valk was packaged extremely well. Never having seen a Yammie GBP in-person before, I was surprised at the size of this valk's packaging. As for the white, it's clearly a different shade from my Yamato VF-1S TV, but it does look nice and white in-person. I noticed (and was bothered by) the pink tinge on my Arcadia VF-1S immediately, but the VF-1J's white is looking good to me! Quick and dirty shot of the Arcadia VF-1J with the Yamato VF-1S TV:
  24. Never realized we had an RD thread here on MW! RDs are my second most expensive toy-vice, after valks of course . Have a Nero Trainer reserved and paid for, but it won't ship til the Crossbone X-1 Kai is released. Really looking forward to both of them; can't wait to complete the Nero team and to give my Crossbone X-2 some proper company. AWESOME breakdown of the ZZ differences, treatment! That's the best visual comparison I've seen between the two suits and it's much appreciated. I've never been 100% clear on the differences, until now!
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