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Everything posted by Keiichi

  1. Just watched it 2 times in a row. Not a mech in sight, but that's fine with me cause I think the characters are great, and man that episode was hilaaaarriioousss! Art and animation were top notch too, since it's only a 12 ep season hopefully they can keep up this level of quality. EDIT: Also, if you've read the FMP manga, you'll see some familiar faces.
  2. My Doyushas, i dunno why but I just love those suckers so much!
  3. 1/60 = 1 1/48 = 1
  4. Hey Drifand, don't forget about the Kerberos Panzer Cop Yamato helped make! Your review of that made me get one way back when >_<.
  5. Looks great in robot mode, hope I can find it somewhere soon.
  6. The people at animeondvd liked it.
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