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Everything posted by Keiichi

  1. Here's what rikiryou's talking about. I really like the anime so far! But I agree, Aya's voice actress ain't that great, but it's her first VA job ever, so give her time and she'll get better I think.
  2. I love this series, thanks for the link to the mangas! Not sure if i wanna get em tho, I don't wanna spoil the anime >_<
  3. I'm with ya, I love the FB too
  4. Every "page" is actually 2 pages, note the seam in the middle? So yes, you read right to left, but just read everything on the right side of the seam first, before starting on the left side. Thanks for posting this, fun read!
  5. ahahahaha ooooh yea that's Axe for sure lol.
  6. I think that is from the movie "So I Married An Axe Murderer". Hmm, so they really are making more Robotech... yay?
  7. That's not a Dauntless but a Kingfisher. The Dauntless was a dive bomber, while the Kingfisher you see there was made for recon and such. Woo I knew something about planes that David didn't!
  8. hahaha, good stuff!
  9. o gheez lol, that's too much...
  10. My favorite dub is from the Oh My Goddess! OAVs, the one time where I actually prefer the dub to the sub. A fun side note is that the English voice actors for the main characters ended up getting married in real life .
  11. Nice review, great pictures too.
  12. Do you have Bittorrent? If not, get it here: http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/
  13. http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
  14. just change the episode numbers in the link
  15. He is a T-850, the T-850 is basically just an upgraded T-800 tho, so that's why they look so a like .
  16. Just wait til you get to ep 12, needless to say I'm dying for 13 =P
  17. holy moly that's awesome
  18. I'd ask to be demoted so I could stay in Skull ;;
  19. I think if you e-mailed tmpanime or PM-ed twinmoons himself you'd probably get a solid answer... >_>
  20. Got my kits in today too. Very well packaged, I highly recommend buying from rsc.
  21. Ooooo, that's a sweet deal on Gato's Gelgoog, thanks for the heads up!
  22. My friends and I are pretty convinced that Fraga is going to die. Here's why: in the first ending animation, there's no sign of Fraga whatsoever, what we DO have is Capt. Ramius looking sadly at a cross. In the current ending, again, no sign of Fraga, but this time we have a tearful Capt. Ramius while everyone else is looking quite happy. Eh, we could be totally off the mark, but we think those signs foreshadow Fraga's death. We hope we're wrong cause Fraga is a nice guy .
  23. Great review, the show sounds like a lot of fun! Argh, wish I hadn't missed it.
  24. Is this series on DVD yet? If not, is it coming anytime soon? Going through Noriko's site made me real real interested in seeing this ( ).
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