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Everything posted by Keiichi

  1. Holy crap, sabot bouncing off at 400m! And yet somehow insurgents with RPGs are managing to knock out M1A2s in Iraq... guess it just goes to show how effective infantry will always be in combat...
  2. Just so you guys know, there's an OAV in the works .
  3. I didn't like it, but then again I didn't bother to watch the whole episode. Just sat thru the opening (wierd op...) and the first couple minutes and decided I didn't like the art or the characters. There is another Trigun-esque show that did catch my attention tho. It's called grenadier, and it really is just like Trigun...but with a cute blonde gal as Vash ^^;.
  4. To be honest her character doesn't develop all that much in the manga either... Despite my user name, I really don't like the AMG manga at all. I still read it, but only in the vain hope that Keiichi and Belldandy's relationship will GO SOMEWHERE. The highlights of the last two volumes were a BROOM RACE and a RUBBER BAND FIGHT.
  5. Just in case anyone was still on the fence about this game, here's my opinion about the PC version: don't buy it, at least not yet. When I came home with my new copy, first thing I did was play a single player map, and my initial impression was "hey, this is great! it must be incredible when you're playing with people!" The game ran at a very smooth 80 fps or so and I was quite happy. Jumping online tho, to play the exact same map I had just played in single player, was a very disappointing experience. My framerate had become incredibly choppy, and it was very difficult to aim. Looking around online, I found out the framerate for multiplayer games is LOCKED by default at 20 fps!! You can bump it up to 30 fps, but it's still quite choppy. I can't imagine why they'd do such a thing, it's very annoying. Rumors are saying that they'll eventually release a patch to unlock the framerate, and I advise any would-be buyers to wait til then. If you say you just want this game for the single player, well, while single player is fun, this really is a multiplayer oriented game. You won't get $50 worth of single player fun =P. And with the way the game is now, I won't be getting $50 worth of multiplayer fun either.
  6. Uh, well I thought it was fantastic, I don't want to spoil anything but I really liked how the story unfolded. The imagery and the fight scenes were all great too, a much more enjoyable film than CT, HD.
  7. That Gran Turismo footage was FMV? It looked like real-time to me... if it is indeed real-time, those are incredible graphics for such a small system. Oh yea, that cat game blew my mind! Nothing says "killer app" like a game with super deformed cats!
  8. you know we can make it togetherrrrrr! haha Shogo was fun for sure. This FEAR game looks awesome, never heard of it before, thanks for the heads up.
  9. Invert mouse is the ONLY way to play . I feel your pain tho, all my friends don't understand how I can play inverted. It just makes more sense to me, like in real life, when you look up, you tilt your head back, so a mouse movement backwards should also tilt your view up! That, combined with years playing flight sims before ever playing a 3D FPS, just makes inverted so much more natural.
  10. http://www2.hardocp.com/article.html?art=NjQy Official Doom 3 benchmarks! A tiny selection from the article:
  11. I just got a Geforce 6800 in anticipation for this game . Thanks for the heads up on the free shipping offers Terpfen, think I might go with the planet doom one.
  12. Silenceeee Aren't you the gentleman with 50 boxed Yamatos? Just you wait, someday i'll be rich and i'll build a house out of Yamatos!!
  13. Please don't forget to post more pics when ya get it in! I love the Doyushas, I've got more Doyushas than I do Yamatos =P.
  14. o my, lol that's too much. I'm guessing they left it out on purpose, because a tiny stick of plastic like that would just be begging to be broken off in mid-transformation. But hey it's a prototype so we might see it yet.
  15. Wow sweet paint job, really does look like skin. But damn, NERV is right, those shots are creepy lol. Please keep us updated on your progress!
  16. I love Mahoro, but I really think she'd look better on the bike in her battle suit, just seems more appropiate. Who rides a motorcycle in a maid outfit? D: Sorry Anubis, you won't be making me use my money this time!
  17. omg...that's awesome, now i'll have a use for the other StG-44s I have (bought a pack of 6 of em to go along with the Dragon Kerberos Panzer Cop, couldn't find anyone selling just one...).
  18. woo woo, just got mine in from Tokyo Central, so anyone else who ordered from them might want to keep an eye out. Also got in my Rei and Asuka China Dress figures yesterday (damn you Anubis), very very nice.
  19. woo got my order finalized too!!
  20. Same here...
  21. I swear it's true!! It's been in the works, however, for a LONG time now, not sure what's going on with it...
  22. Well, they're working on a second season. I loved this series, watching the characters grow up was a lot of fun.
  23. Tenjou came first
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