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Everything posted by jimbo913

  1. Thanks for your help. I finally got it last night . Since I could never get past the first part with full power, I wound up doing it with Max's VF. I used Minmay as support. For the first part, I held down thrust and missiles the whole time (which occasionally led to Minmay singing) and just went after them hard. I eventually got past them with about 8:45 on the clock leaving a little left on my fast pack. I used my fast pack until I eventually lost it. I then just kept using Minmay to keep my HP up. When Hikaru came, I charged him straight on with missiles then when he got close I did Max's VF special and grabbed Hikaru and beat him down a bit. I missed him on my second special but had enough time to work him down with regular missiles. I had about 2:30 on the clock to take down the final ships. I was so nervous after taking out Hikaru that my hands were all numb and shaky during the final two ships. I kept thinking I was going to blow it. I know for a fact that I tried that mission at least a hundred times (about 15 hours). Now that I know how to do it, I'm sure I could do it again. Just took a long time to find the right combination of factors that suited me. I think I am going to try for S on every level, but doubt I will try for SS. I still haven't gotten one other than the ultimate levels. I am thinking about going back to try for ultimate and S on the previous Macross Frontier game. Do you have to finish all the ultimates first, or can I just get the S level trophy without playing ultimate? I'm pretty sure I can get S, but not sure about ultimate. I'm not going to spend another 15 hrs on a single level again!
  2. Thanks. I have been using the lock on missiles and tried for several minutes last night to try and figure out how to switch over. I had done it accidentally at some point, otherwise I wouldn't have known I had an option. So I know that one special is the missile barrage, but I still can't figure out what the other (x and o) does. My VF has a green spot on it for a second, but otherwise I don't see any results. What is that supposed to do? Is there a way to use it efficiently?
  3. I haven't been able to get to Hikaru with full HP and SP. I'm having a hard time with the first part without taking some damage. I did it once and immediately the large ship spawned on top of me pinning me then it zapped me with a blue laser and took all my HP. I swear I have played this single level at least 10 hours and still can't get a consistent run. What does the special do when your VF turns green for a second? I also can't figure out how to switch missile types. Not sure any of that matters, but even if I use no specials until the end, I only seem to have 2.
  4. I still can't get past that last level on ultimate. Hikaru definitely helps, but still can't get Hikaru before time runs out.
  5. Thanks much (on both questions) (also for the pointer on gamefaqs here). There really is limited information on the game state-side. I will give it a shot more tonight. Where is the special gauge though? It is funny, I have played all three of these and just realized that there was a lock on and anti missiles in this game. I'm betting the second game would have been much easier had I known that. I didn't even bother to go for S or SS since I could only just barely finish the last level on both the first or second tier. I didn't even try for ultimate. I only went for this one because it seemed so much easier than the previous games and I still had some grinding trophies to do. Funny how 9 of the 10 are cake, then this one is near impossible. I've gotten better, getting to the end fairly consistently but never with the Strike Pack. I've been using the pack with the cannon, should I just be using the one with boosters? Now that I know about the Minmay special, it makes me wonder what the other ones are when she is not your assistance. My VF glows green for a second but I don't see anything happening. With Minmay, I notice that everyone slows down for a few seconds like they are confused. What do the others do?
  6. Also... How do you finish the last level on ultimate. I got close only once out of at least 50 tries.
  7. How do you get the legendary diva move trophy (I love you, so)? I can't seem to find any info at all.
  8. I thought I was the only one here. Looks like there are other Dead series fans
  9. I recorded it yesterday on comedy central. I have it in mpeg format if anyone is interested in getting it (30 megs). Let me know and I can try and put it up on imacross or something when I get the chance.
  10. it is now in movies on imacross 7. I was just looking for macross zero 4 and decided to give LLA a look to see if it was still there. It is still on both imacross 4 and 7. Plus, I hadn't posted in awhile.
  11. my info after getting a PM lat: 36° 5' 59" long: -86° 55' 27" Nashville, TN
  12. http://www.engrish.com/detail.php?imagenam...date=1999-09-29 a mospeada reference. sorry if already posted.
  13. It should still be up on both Imacross 4 and 7. We (or at least I) had trouble getting it via Kazaa. So give Imacross a shot. As far as I know, it is still up on the servers. This is better than the RM version, although I never got that file. I heard it was crappy, but this one is very good. No subtitles, but still great quality.
  14. i'm crazy i tell you.
  15. okay, so i lied. but this is the last time i am moving it up.
  16. jimbo913


    can someone post some links of good places to get these mod kits? www.gameenhancer.com used to be the one I turned to, but they are no longer around.
  17. just one last time before I let this post slip into oblivion.
  18. I would never do that cyc.
  19. I would never do such a thing
  20. just bringing to first page. let me know if I shouldn't be doing this.
  21. yeah, it is pretty much the same idea as DYRL. I also wonder what is going on in the dialogue parts. still cool to have though.
  22. just want to keep this up on the first page for a week. respond if you get it.
  23. If someone else want to do it, that is fine. I am out on this one though It took awhile to get these up, and I leave it in others hands to do whatever else. I don't know much about bit-torrent (although I am curious) and unfortunately don't have time right now to learn it right now. Maybe in a few months. I have to get some serious work done right now (grad school). But good luck to whoever decides to do it, I am sure it would be a good idea
  24. I need to finish reading that booklet. I started reading it, but put it away so I could finally finish the series (i assume you are talking about the ADV release). I guess that explanation makes sense then, and Yellow isn't really a litter bug I just heard from boinger at iMacross4, and the file seems to be fine on his server too. So yippie, it is now on iMacross7 and iMacross4. Thanks again everybody, I am glad we were able to finally make it available to everyone here
  25. lol good point, I will have to keep an eye out for that. I still haven't even had a chance to watch it yet.
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