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Everything posted by Rob

  1. okay guys i finaly finished the GBP molds im preping them for production so like next week i should be able to start making them in quantity. yay check the final pics here i do have some first takers but after them i will start taking orders from the list . so anyone who is sure that they want one just say so in this thread ,i will make and send them to the ppl in the order they are placed here . please only place an order if your sure you are going to get it . as for the price its on my site ,allthough its not fixed yet it wont go over the price you see there it might even go down a little but that i can only see when i really start on production.
  2. Rob

    Clear Canopy 1/55

    well i just used to dump it in a bit of future floorwash ,and that would bring back its shine and more as that stuff is great for these things. i see your selling them now.i hope the sales go well to bad that since the yamato 1\48 the 1\55 is getting alot less atention then it should. i wish those cool customs would come back .
  3. Rob

    Clear Canopy 1/55

    yup it sounds like the same stuff then ,that should be epoxy resin. i had the same thing, it took a long time to cure ,i did hear that i can get a part b that should make it cure more fast but ive never tryed it out. I also found that this resin needs an rtv that is hard as it seems to atack the mold very much and burns it after a few pieces.thus making it less shiney after every canopy.
  4. Rob

    Clear Canopy 1/55

    wow those seem to be even clearer then the ones i used to make. good job. waht resin is that? i used epoxy as i cant get clear polyurethane here. and the polyurethane i imported was crap lots of small bubbles.
  5. dude and yet again an amazing custom jason. that hand mod looks very cool also. and yeah i think we should see some more customs hek where are all those armours im selling ?? there must be more customs out there
  6. Rob

    Anyone tried Clear recast

    lol yeah now that was a great mod. i had that baby in my hands when i was at the 2nd con. i should have ran away with it hahaha . looked very smooth and worked like a charm.
  7. WOW tony you outdid yourself again on this one. Too bad i couldnt be there this year to see this stuff in person. And ofcours talk again with all of you.Oh well maybe next year again.
  8. arg the most ive spend on single items of macross were. $1000 = Bandai elintseeker 1\55. $600 = Takatoku browny 1\55 (cannon fodder) thats the one i used to make the molds for the resin valk. this all in the times these where very rare and no other solutions at hand.
  9. lets hope they do apear as i tryed the carrefours around here with no luck ofcourse. I did find something unexpectedly here, the ps2 game battlecry . but as my ps2 broke i didnt get it.
  10. okay so i didnt hehehe, oh well ill send it out with the next shipment you need wings with the ve-1 also and they are the same as the vt-1 .
  11. it looks big and mean if youd have the GBP (and a vf-1 ofcourse) it would say on your front head *i will kick ur butt*
  12. yeah lets hope so btw did you get that vt-1 armour from jerry?
  13. phatslappy dude now your talking can you tell me where you boughed that money tree?
  14. that yelowish color is the resin its color so yes they are going to be sold like that. youd have to paint it anyways so what does it matter? i could try to play with colors for a bit and see if i can give those armours a good look for use without paint like Myersjessee did but hes the master on that stuff not me lol
  15. O.....M.....G i have like 4 carrefours around the corner of my house ,i will jus so have to check tomorow (today is sunday) if i can find these here in Spain also. I will buy a case of these for sure cuz it look very very good, with some recast joint this will look great . Ill let you guys know if i find any of these around here also.allthough with my luck of living in europe probably not.
  16. that looks mayor kewl lol ,and that is only for the pricetag that i wont get it.(if i could get it at all )
  17. btw i dont see the wings didnt i send those to you?
  18. hehehe well it has been sucking to be european for way much longer hehehe as we have to get all the cool stuff from mostly the USA and Japan . guess its your turn now LOL. you mean the 1\48 1s head? yup im going to make more of those ,lots of ppl have been askin for them so i guess i cant let them down well yeah i wanted to finish that strike armour also but i think i will work mostly on the SDP project after the GBP is finished actualy those pieces you have there are the only piece i had from it as those were the test pieces. LOL i still have the molds so dont worry hehehe.
  19. hey guys gues what the rob who cought my old id (rob) before i did contacted me and he just handed it over to me that was very nice of him So im back as rob again hehehe.
  20. This really isn't a problem with the product, but I broke the backpack hinge on my 1/48 Low Viz the first time transforming it. It's my first 1/48, so this may be old news to most of you, but I'm just letting everyone know to be careful with the backpack when converting it to battroid mode.
  21. 1/60 = 3 1/48 = 1
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