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Everything posted by Rob

  1. dat sjeeezzzzzzz that one is beautiful. cant see if its the real thing or cg. i hope i can do that some day lol oh and yeah i use maya now version 6
  2. thanks for your kindnes (bowing) i am allraidy pretty proud i was able to do this stuff , long time ago i made a model of a valk with 3d studio max (i use maya now) and it was worth nothing hahaha it was based on a 1\55 toy as that was all i had back then . i think i showed a pic of it on the boards ,not sure if it was in the new one or still at the old mw boards. i also hope to find a way to do daylight better as mine shows to much shadows . it looks like dirt. btw to smooth lines out on the polys what do you use ? i us the smooth normals tool.
  3. sjeez you guys are pro's for sure awesome work on these also . dang i sure hope they got all your moddels back there , i cant imagine the stress you must have facing all those months of work gone . or should i say years?
  4. oh and offcourse its like you all can see totaly based on the 1\48.
  5. ok so i saw all this awesome stuff of all you guys and desided to try and make some cg valk also, all that like what a year ago? now i get back to this thread and see that your all pro's now . oh well ill show my stuff anyways allthough its total crap in comparison to your stuff. lots of stuff missing from the valk yet ,sigh no time to play. would like to resculpt the legs as a starter. hate those hands. be gentile now
  6. Rob

    Stampeed Valkyrie

    hahahaha lol
  7. Rob

    Stampeed Valkyrie

    hahaha yeah ive sanded down those things on the nose armor since last showing you the pics ,thats all ive done so far
  8. hehehe like mike said ,its not worth it anymore to remake the molds . mine are burned out also and as i neigther have the time to remake them ,and it takes alot of time to make all those little pieces and molds. at least i wont . kanata has the absolute last armor that came out of my molds duno maybe if someone has better tools to make molds
  9. Rob

    Stampeed Valkyrie

    as you can see almost nothing as this piece is far from finished also. i did some sanding on a legarmor but as that still looks like a lump of putty im not going to show it as yet the nose armor is a bit fat but thats cuz if i would make it slimmer the lazer/lights or whatever you want to call it would nearly stick out i can still sand off a bit though but i hope i dont screwup the nice line it has now and make it to round. all this offcourse is just my vision of this thing as of now and it still doesnt look like much.
  10. Rob

    Stampeed Valkyrie

    and 2
  11. Rob

    Stampeed Valkyrie

    and 1
  12. Rob

    Stampeed Valkyrie

    hiyyyyyaaaaaaaa guys long time no see ,and no i didnt drop the project let me see if i snap a pic of what i have done which is almost nothing as my dear friend kanata has said i dont have the time i have been trying to do some more sanding lately but i almost dont have time to do so though. oh and although i prefer 1/55 the projects going to be in 1/48
  13. nice custom you got there it looks nice and clean .
  14. Rob

    GBP 1S recast is finished

    Okay after alot of bad luck with the GBP molds .I finaly am getting on this thing. Allraidy send one out to one of the first takers and he seems to be happy So i got some others compromised and after that ill get cracking on this list here. Sorry for the long wait but im pretty bussy .
  15. Wow Devin that looks great. Keep it up
  16. Dont worry theres no hijacking as this thread was dead allraidy Anyways did you do allraidy something on the new one or are you still bussy with the drawings?
  17. hahaha well then looks like it works after all. Thanks for the info
  18. as ppl seem to agree a 1.5 it is then Thanks for the help guys
  19. hmm yeah the wings can fold to the front but the sticker sheet is precut. very weard hahaha.
  20. check here as this is just a cross post yf 19 can anyone clear this up ? edit : typo
  21. hmmm maybe i got a bootleg then as i have the same prob. i can watch the intro ,when it starts i can see some ppl talking (text) and when im about to fly it just stops but i can hear the music and so but im in my windows desktop. I probably got ripped off hahaha Oh well try it out and see if you can make it work. All the guy who sold me this told me is that you need a chinees windows version or some program installed to translate the text ,i cant remember how it was called but i remember trying it out but got the same results.
  22. yup that sounds about right. I got mine for 350
  23. looks like its solved. Please remember that i dont have alot of upload speed only 2 users alowed.
  24. looks like pl have problems connecting, ill do some tests and see if i can solve this . shouldnt be hard though heheeh
  25. Okay i checked on making this an bittorrent but its to much of a fuzz hehehe. Sooo i desided to just open up a small ftp server that has only this file on it. Bandwidth i have is limmited so no more then 2 users allowed . If you want access to the game just pm me and give me your mw username and the passw you want to use and ill add you to it and give you the info needed to connect . U should be able to enter with any ftp client program. aktm is allraidy on the user list as i pmed him the details.
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