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Everything posted by geecie30

  1. This is a picture .I would like to find and build this one.It is a vinyl kit too.Thanx in advance!
  2. And How could I forget
  3. I am almost done heres my progress.Believe me it will be better
  4. That I will do next time Thanx
  5. It is funny but there must be different types of acrylic paint because enamel doesn't work like you said allreadyhowever the acrylic I bought is like latex paint and even smells like it(house paint)which I know how to use but its hardly seeming to me like model grade paint ,even though its easy to use and thin down.(maybe its that Iam applying it with paint brushes instead of an airbrush, that I need to go over the dry paint to get the imperfections and eveness corrected, instead of with a air brush with quality tips and such) .So I think there must be a more correct type acrylic something that goes on smooth like nail polish almost but I'm not sure where to find acrylic pvc paint kit ...paint Also enamel may have cured in time, but the oil in the enamel if it doesn't cure in a timely fashion(1 or two days begins to sweat and separate),like when the oil comes out of pores on your forehead which will basically to me demulsify but ,I'm just a beginner so maybe results vary for some ,brand to brand.This is just my experience that I am refering to.It also appears to me that letting the primer dry for 2 days or cure for two days is essential. Actually the pics of me with misa here are done in acrylic and are working fine but, the stuff smells like latex and is water based but, I dont like how thick it goes on thats all. It seems like testors and tamiya acrylic have some stronger smelling chemicals in them.These acrylics I dont know about ,these acrylics are the ones I'm curious about .It seems to me they are different than the acrylic I'm using now and maybe they might lay down smoother due to this smell I've encountered?but right now I've almost completed the misa with what I have.Any comments?
  6. My two cents :This is wonderful.Iwould like the strip in a different location if it were mine.I have a lincoln towncar and it wouldnt be sporty enough for such a perfect transformation such as the possiblities you have but there is a panel line on your car that i think should be followed with your stripe.my picture doctoring is not that great but the idea i was hoping to share is that that panel line right above the door is the "grain of your car in my eyes. and the bumper shouldnt be touched in the striping
  7. I dont like using sharpies in the panel lines because it isnt true black it gives off a chromatic look under light the black in a sharpie also fades.sharpie ink is black but the undertones are green or red and reflect in a cheap rainbowish color in sunlight,which cheapens it.Now if the undertone was blue that wouldnt bother me but that doesnt happen.The ink in a sharpie also bleeds if water touches it and results in a stained plastic.
  8. this was the voltron camera 110 film star shooter by impulse 1985 made in macau I dont know much more about him
  9. i believe the 100 scale is best so that it can be the same size as a vf-1s
  10. I would love to see it
  11. Toynami superposeables are 1/72 scale recent forum entry but since your toy is 5 inches tall it is smaller than the 7 inch toynami superposeable this still could be 1/72 scale like you said(despite it being shorter in toy size than the toynami) but you need to know what the actual size of the toy would be at 1:1 scale.do you have specs on the actual size of the robot if it was real? the vf-1s is about 42 feet high in battroid configuration,a 1/72 scale toy is 7 inches if your toy is 1/72 scale then ,1/72=5 inches or (.416) X 72 =30 feet in real life but, if 5 inches for your toy is 1/100 scale then in real life your robot would be 41.6 feet tall which you maybe can find out on line from what i remember there was no semblance to scale on the show.megatron would shrink to fit into the hand of a robot in gun mode all i can say is that if your 5 inch robot is 1/72 scale then he would be smaller than the vf-1s,(If he was in the same cartoon), but if he was 1/100 scale he would be the same size! which is what I feel you are driving for!
  12. I canabalized a screw driver box made of yellow plastic poly syrene.There were 10 little parts that were glued with superglue and sanding and waiting and a little painting.the superglue used real light sets so quickly on the styrene.I wish I could visit one of you guys who make recasts because I cant find the info on line.all i see is resin this and resin that.epoxy putty,milliput.sculpey etc etc but with some recomendations I could be a part guy.I live in San Luis Obispo california if you are close.Now all I gotta do is get cracking on Misa before she is procrastinated out of existance
  13. I had to mirror the blue stablizer part in yellow plastic
  14. If I had the right tools it would have been better.But i was thinking of making steel reinforced parts like fat hands,fixed position hands,bp8s andvarious other small parts
  15. Valkyrie Voltron. The next one will be an amagam of the black spiderman suit on a valk.
  16. Do they sell acrylic in a spray can ? what are primers are best for vinyl kits? When painting with acrylic why does it smell like house paint? the primer was the hardest part of my vinyle kit.I was hoping for a chalky primer instead of a plastic hard prime job.
  17. yeah,but wheres the zentradi,to nesecitate such a craft.First, biogenetically create some giants that are hostile like Zor did .Omg, you are Zor.We better watch out for this guy hes going to bother the invid and start a intergalactic war.
  18. After thinking it over maybe I shouldn't submit the screen caps.I wish they had a spot here in MW for them.With the meager resources that I have ,I have worked on these screen caps with ms paint, imagener standard and ms picture it so that you could have some nice cleaned up images for desktop images.Some of them took hours.Its not that I am taking credit for the art but I was trying to share some of my choicest clean ups ,this to me is an art unto itself since Iam not that good at art much less on the computer ,yet.But when I have time for drawing I will try to contibute something nice that is up to par.
  19. lastly,after getting all of them into a mode ,I leave them as alone because they are flimsy,thats why I got 4 of them(one in each mode). One valkyrie is a standard(no armour) vf-1s with blue feet but that one lacks heatshield out of the box( doesnt matter since there are 3 heat shields that came with the others. Another has grey dyrl/strike fastpack with blue feet and kite symbol fastpack logo. Another one, vf-1s has grey fast pack with t.v. boosters and blue feet and kite symbol fastpack logo. And lastly is the vf-1s with dyrl/strike dark blue boosters and a skull emblem on the fastpack and black feet. all the banprestos come with three heads vf-1s ,vf-1a,vf-j mine however are purely the vf-1s roy paint scheme
  20. heres some (I need a digital cam)
  21. wow thats vf-1d looks great I never knew they looked so cool
  22. I need one of those can I buy them from you guys?please save me one set.
  23. you can always tailor the uniforms or play switch up.
  24. Thanks ,I give credit to area seven for the idea .Those pens are at every hobbystore.The yellow radar thing?on the backpack it permanent sharpie ink with 2 applications . I woudn't mind trying the indian ink mixed into alcohol/weathering effect some day .
  25. Here are a couple valks I've done this to
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