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Everything posted by geecie30

  1. Ok i have stuck a chinese skewer in the pivot joint for the legs,thats my twirl rod so the model can spin around when i paint the primer on.I stand outside there is alot of wind so the coverage is perfect and not to thick.the wind difuses the spray and atomizes it better and keeps me and my neighbors from having the smell linger for more than a few seconds what I didn't know is that the primer brought out the details even more (july 26 04) the imperfections I will leave for realism/subtle battle damage
  2. First off is the conversion kit,It is awsome its about 4 inches tall
  3. This is my first attempt at a machine.lots of heat even after gluing to get covers under the chest piece to fit but a glass of hot water is all you need to make that pvc soft like rubber bands.I have a cold cup of water to shock the pvc into a solid state after i hold the model into a desired form then it goes to the freezer for a second.I will not glue the legs on until the end because the nose cone is the area of detail that wont be possible if the legs are glued together.I'm not a nut so,there is no way all the detail will be present on the completed version.This vf-1s figure has detail probably no thicker than a hair and that is not necessary for a 1/72 figure like this but it makes a great paint guide also I have found that primer is the color i prefer for pvc models so there will be no airbrushing and such but this kit will be solid primer white.You can see in the southerncross pictures that I have a can of krylon 12 minute primer. while I am waiting for the paint to dry Maybe we can mull over "who invented the logan?"and "Why does the legioss have three modes like the vf-1's?"
  4. You guys are totally right at first I didn't draw eyelids on her(as seen above when I got all the chuckles ) and then I was trying to add sparkles to her eyes and white paint filled the eye socket so I tryed over and over and over to do this small work and finally settled,on the pic below. It took two weeks to do this project and this time it was the absolute best I could do.I wish I could find a better way.Sorry but shes hard to do.My hands just aren't steady.I just truely abhor the original eyes and since this is a knock off southern cross figure it didn't bother me to do this(even my original has the same ugly original eyes{no detail}). Please dont tell me I need to do it all over again.
  5. This is an idea(not my own work but someone elses) I may employ in the future
  6. Tracy died soon after a long fought civil war, just after I'd wiped away her last tear I guess she's better off than she was before, A whole lot better off than the fools she left here I used 2 cry 4 Tracy because she was my only friend Those kind of cars don't pass u every day I used 2 cry 4 Tracy because I wanted to see her again, But sometimes sometimes life ain't always the way... Sometimes it snows in April Sometimes I feel so bad, so bad Sometimes I wish life was never ending, and all good things, they say, never last Springtime was always my favorite time of year, A time 4 lovers holding hands in the rain Now springtime only reminds me of Tracy's tears Always cry 4 love, never cry 4 pain SHe used 2 say so strong unafraid to die Unafraid of the death that left me hypnotized No, staring at her picture I realized No one could cry the way my Tracy cried Sometimes it snows in April Sometimes I feel so bad Sometimes, sometimes I wish that life was never ending, And all good things, they say, never last I often dream of heaven and I know that Tracy's there I know that she has found another friend Maybe she's found the answer 2 all the April snow Maybe one day I'll see my Tracy again Sometimes it snows in April Sometimes I feel so bad, so bad Sometimes I wish that life was never ending, But all good things, they say, never last All good things that say, never last And love, it isn't love until it's past
  7. I was trying to complete a deal with Greg(Glane)and was surprised he was not posting,in the recent, which was unseemly,since I usually see his posts regularly. He, yesterday informed me of the loss and tears came to my eyes because I understand.It brought me back to the feelingI felt before.Its not a movie.I was,at one time long ago, so sensitve about mortality and didn't like to see anyone getting hurt or killed for alongtime during a part in my life. My brother passed untimely .He was only 18 he was like a baby to me,he was my baby brother.He drowned in 1991.The thought of him before he passed asking for help haunted me for 3 years.All of the 90's was a blur for me .I think of the 90's as "the healing process".90's went away too fast ,but so slow also? I should have went to counseling,I really wasn't prepared for the loss,nor in retrospect, was I equipt to deal with the pressure.The shock,or grieving as it were caused me to gloss over it and try to protect myself by forgetting.My memory wasn't too great.My relationships with people also waned.I recomend getting some help with tangible people(that is get out and talk to people in your situation,such as a grief group).Now its been 13 years since and time has slipped away.I think my route to healing was the long road. Everyone has thier own tolorances,but no one is exempt from pain.We are not supermen ,Iam not superman.So get help when or if this happens to you, sooner than later.Please ,note that you have more at stake, your baby girl she will need you the next thirteen years and beyond and if you have nothing left to offer yourself you cant be relied on by others.I have treaded this ground.At first ,I was numb and stunted and when the clouds started to part I started move again.I hope you have support.If you need a friend we can talk ,I will call you . I needed hope,I have reminded myself that we are energy and that we will never die.Everything we hold dear will come together again, it has no choice.We just cant easily fathom the unseen or aquire the possibilities with a clenched fist. My brothers presence/spirit will never dissapear, but is free now.When will we see them?I think real soon .As I have no controll, I must open up to the way ,I also, will see him when Iam free.Life is gods gift. we must maximize our light.Savour our gift .Cherish the gifts that are remaining. I probably mentioned too much but I feel so compelled.I am one of those who died inside for a while.
  8. probably a transition,in battroid pilots go to the head in an elevator almost instantly through a super magnet tube
  9. And my trusty wrist watch
  10. Its not really a bootleg it was authorized.impulse made cheesy voltron electronics.Right here there is two cameras and one calculator
  11. I almost won a stand for 20 last night but some one beat me with 2 dollars shipping was 18 from hk
  12. Ziggy played for time, jiving us that we was voodoo. The kids was just crass. The kids was just crass.Ziggy really sang Screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdo Like some cat from Japan.
  13. Yeah I was lucky I stripped down the paint with oven cleaner and reprimed it and I painted the whole thing with acrlylic. A little secret ,even though I painted her dress with acrylic I shouldn't have. While acrylic works great(I used wicker white acrylic),the krylon white primer is the ultimate color and it is very tough,I recomend only using krylon white for the dress it is the right color and it will save you alot of painting time(one lesson learned) As I said before, this was my first model ever but I'm a perfectionist kind of ,and a bit artsy ,some times tenacious this is why I kept going when I really wanted to scrap the whole idea and maybe even turn on the garbage disposalIts misa however I owe her alot more. I think I hate enamel(solvent based) paint,the stuff never drys on almost anything to me its like using pigment mixed with pancake syrup.Yes it is paint and yes it is color.yes it is sticky and never drys........................................need I say more. It finally turned out ok and now I can work with pvc a bit more confidently
  14. See what I mean? Also i was trying to paint some eyes on the misa and I found someones great style in anime eyes in painting ideas.The site
  15. I really dont know if there is an official color for her.I think the artists take creative freedom.I love the yellow/mustard you chose for her turtle neck.I like blue eyes on a brunette, thats why I see blue in all those pictures people submitted.Some of the pics look like a pale olive color which looks like blue gray depending on her garb.My eyes were blue, when I was very young and look blue if I wear white or black (green now),or especially blue if I wear blue.If I wear any other color they look green.
  16. I ran this next one through ms paint it looks wierd (1024X768)
  17. Looks like its a combination of both hair colors you have chosen and bluish grey eyes maybe. This is an arii figure.
  18. Well heres the boot leg since I can afford that Hundred dollar one
  19. web cam image
  20. And finally after all the advice I have completed my first figure model kit in pvc I think it's taken a couple months now.I think if I had better tools, I could have done better.If I did this again it would be considerably easier.Honestly,unless I had a model buddy that lived near by I would not do this kit without the guidance of a more practiced and polished model maker ,never-the-less she is complete, apart from the clear coat that I will put on tommorro after the fog clears in my area.
  21. ethicalwares
  22. geecie30

    Bp8 removal?

    Can anyone tell me how to remove the bp8 part carefully.Maybe a diagram if you have one handy?
  23. Well I'am getting beter at vinyl by the minute and I actually love it I think I might buy two and make one that transforms even! perfection isn't my goal so a recast is fine and well with me Any one got one for sale?
  24. I saw this on ebay and wanted to know what it was but I think I found it on macross world model section
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