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Cannon Fodder

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  1. Really? I'm surprised people still believe things like this. Professional fighting with limited or no rules have consistently shown that a mix of BJJ, Muay Thai, Boxing, and Wrestling is what is effective and successful in 1-on-1 combat. Very few guys claim any other art, and if they do, if you look at what they do, it still looks like BJJ/Muay Thai/Boxing/Wrestling. Yes, UFC is a sport now, but starting in 1993 until around 1998 or so, there were almost no rules. UFC 1, for example, you could poke the eyes, kick the groin, elbow the skull, whatever. Bite even. There were literally no rules in the early days, specifically so people couldn't complain that "oh, my best eye poke/groin grab/biting technique is illegal, I would enter, but I'm too deadly for the UFC"
  2. I watch mostly the big events. There are too many, too often to watch them all. But I do catch quite a bit because of the business I'm in - which is MMA-related. I like the lighter weight classes BY FAR! I don't have a fav fighter per se, just ones that display a lot of skill: The obvious ones like BJ, GSP, Ken Flo, Sherk, Anderson Silva, Shinya Aoki, etc. I probably like a lot of fighters that aren't as popular yet like Demian Maia, or half of the lightweights who are all pretty good skillwise. I will watch heavier weight classes for interest only, but pretty much hate the level of skill displayed by most of them. Although they may be strong or whatever, they mostly look like white belts. Quite terrible.
  3. I practice/teach Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I am a BJJ Black Belt. I also practice/teach some wrestling, kick boxing, and MMA.
  4. Jet Li and Jackie Chan are really only good fighters on screen. They are entertainers, not fighters. While they both have lots of potential given their current abilities, without training in some form of effective combat (ie. boxing/kickboxing/wrestling/bjj), I wouldn't consider them very capable fighters. Anyways, between the two, Chan is bigger and probably stronger and more athletic (given the insane stunts and acrobatics that he does). I'd give him the edge based on that.
  5. can anyone update the link?
  6. Apparently there was this model/toy at Wonder Festival 2005. more pictures here: pics Does anyone know who makes this and when it will be available? thanks, Kuzushi
  7. wow, very cool
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