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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. It was very clear that you had nothing intelligent to say...now, add the fact that your perception of reality is blurred leads me to believe that to continue this "conversation" (though that presupposes speaking with someone with some iota of intelligence) would be an exercise in futility.
  2. The Xbox 360 has a huge failure issue. I think that can be taken as a fact. The thing is, I came on just to alert people that another 360 has bit the dust. For me, in a cost benefit analysis, the amount of entertainment time I can get out of it probably warrants me paying another $400 for it. I value my entertainment highly and make enough money that it doesn't bother me. For others, they want to pay $400 and get a perfect machine with no issues. Fine, they assign values differently. Nobody is wrong in their analysis...you just assign different values. When the query is whether you should buy one or recommend someone buy one...that is what we call an opinion. And opinions differ. But you definitely come off as a prick when you force your "opinion" on others, call someone a "douchebag" or when you tout that you are "happily married" on this site as if it was some sort of achievement. And this is not in reference to you Guts...that person knows who he is.
  3. Dude - I don't recommend anything to you personally, I don't know you, care to know you or care what you do with your money! If this is in reference to some flame you have on this board...I don't care, I didn't read the other statements. The 360 is a fun machine, there are issues with it, and getting an extended warranty may eliminates one of the biggest issues (crashing). Everything is a cost/benefit analysis, you do what you want with your money. Just providing info to the masses...not to you personally (read above how I much I don't care about you...and my guess, with that attitude, no one really does)
  4. My X-box 360 got the red rings of death after playing Guitar Heroes II. Had the X-box since December. Apparently, there are rumors on the net that there are compatibility issues with GHII and the 360 but who knows...hopefully, I get the thing back before the Halo 3 beta is released. I still recommend the 360 for anyone interested but I would definitely pay for the extended warranty. I think it is just a matter of time before the 360 "bricks" on you.
  5. EXO I'd be interested in having the package sent to one person and meeting up. LMK.
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