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Vampire Hunter D

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Everything posted by Vampire Hunter D

  1. It's ok to appreciate anime...but don't go too far...you might be an OTAKU... ...errr...i hate OTAKU'S....they're too much sh*t sometimes...
  2. I hope they will makean Azrael movie...
  3. Anyone remember SkullOne? He's bada$$ i wonder why Quadrono left?
  4. um...i never liked the new spider-man movies....punisher was ok....batman1&2 was good...the Shadow and Phantom was good also.....mortal kombat...errr...it's ok....annihilation sucked though... i really like B and disturbing movies...like begotten and...eraserhead...dead heat...and the Italian movie i watched a few years back..which is...extremely....ah nevermind... oh yeah...a Tekken movie will be made.... check IMDB
  5. IIRC Yamato didn't plan to make a YF-19FP...i wonder why?
  6. I paid 6300 Philippine pesos for my low vis... How much is a low vis now?
  7. I know! It will be a HOMOTECH Super Ballkyrie!
  8. I like 80's hip-hop.....some songs are cool and funny But these new "gangsta" rap ruined it... esp. eminem "east , west.." whatever... I like Metallica...but i don'tlike the St.Anger album.. MR.Big.. cool and classic! Nitro....Michael Angelo Batio was creative playing the guitar..esp. his quad guitar. Megadeth....Mustaine..i don't know why a lot of people hate him...his fingers move fast..IIRC he did a 30 notes per second...or was it 13? Faith no more...what happened to these guys? Pantera......RIP Dimebag GWAR....LOL! Van Halen rocks to...and Poison!
  9. Bumili ka na ng 1/48 bago tumaas and presyo! Welcome to MW!
  10. IMO....MPC's look cheaply made....but they're not worthless...
  11. I take it you still haven't seen Victory. Yup...don't plan to watch it....looks childish to me....just my opinion...no offense to fans.
  12. What i don't like about the anime...that it goes on a teeniebopper "genre" like... "War is bad" , "must protect her!" etc etc.... I like the UC century...a bit of "war is bad" but very chaotic.... Im still waiting for the Gundam series to have gore....like in Macross series and OVA's....especially in PLUS and Zero
  13. I just want to see the net guns!
  14. That's OVERKILL!
  15. Hmmm....i like Nora.....she's HOT!
  16. That sucks
  17. Whats wrong Gaijin?
  18. I cant see the pic......dial up sucks.....
  19. [/code]<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/M/moremeril16/1075010702_lamesniper.jpg" border="0" alt="Mars"><br>You are Sailormars, the power of fire is at your<br>command. <br><br><a href="http://quizilla.com/users/moremeril16/quizzes/What%20SailorMoon%20character%20are%20you%3F/"> <font size="-1">What SailorMoon character are you?</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href="http://quizilla.com">Quizilla</a></font>
  20. this is indeed bad news...i hope BW acts fast!
  21. looks interesting.....but i hope Toynami sell it as a set...not some individual box crap.....
  22. toothpaste??? i did'nt know that......
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