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Everything posted by plastik

  1. I'm thinking of cancelling my preorder. I paid in full. Do they refund it back to your paypal account or is it store credit (I would like to avoid this). And usually how long does it take to receive the refund? thanks guys
  2. I think "stain of smoke" probably means "smell or stench of smoke" if you were to literally translate it. im probably wrong though
  3. so when they cancelled your order did they refund your paypal account or give you credit slips? How long did the refund take?
  4. why were they canceled?
  5. thanks guys!!! hey kyekye, im in irvine too bro!
  6. cigarette burns? is that right? was this guy using it for an ashtray?!
  7. Rather then starting a new thread each time for help in translating Japanese to English I'm going to use this thread. This thread is open to everyone who needs help with translation.
  8. i need some japanese to english translation assistance. google and bing translator isn't cutting it for me. if anyone can help me please shoot me a pm. thanks!
  9. got it. thanks!
  10. so was there an ex171 alto renewal? if yes then I assume that the one on NY is not it?
  11. 1/1 scale 30th Anniversary vf-1sonicare perfect brushformation version 2 Do You Remember Teeth with Option Brush
  12. whoa I never knew such a fantastic thing existed! I am sooo there! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out. I'm located in OC
  13. im really surprised no ones replicated these on shapeways. it seems easy enough to model in 3d. I personally dont care if its clear acrylic. Id be perfectly ok with white
  14. i think most people were watching NY because it was they were the most promising but when the price hit 21000 yen there was no reason to watch their site anymore. That last preorder lasted a good 25 minutes before running out.
  15. I gotta say, this was my first time ever preordering a toy. I never really knew how crazy it could get. The anxiety and excitement and ultimately that feeling you get from finally landing that order is pretty satisfying. Yet it's strangely addicting, I can't stop watching
  16. wow that preorder lasted a 8 minutes!
  17. yea its been open for like a minute and still open.. going on 2 minutes....i guess 21000 yen is everyone's limit? still open at 4 minutes. still open at 6 minutes
  18. NY is probably the best place to get one without having to worry about your preorder being cancelled. Any retailer confident enough to sell preorders at a $70 premium on top of MSRP most likely has access to inventory.
  19. holy crap! my yf-29 30th comes in from NY this friday and I hope my fin doesn't look like that...
  20. man I ordered a YF-29 30th from NY right after because I was feeling depressed and now I have 2 great renewals coming my way. it turned out to be a great night! yes I ordered using fromjapan but it was instock at rakuten at the time when i ordered it
  21. My man VF-Zer0s got one! high five bro. good karma for a dude who always helped me out! I did! I was just seeing if anyone else got one too
  22. wow that was fast. who was able to get it from rakuten?
  23. Well I missed out on NY, amiami and cdjapn...... but the good news is I was able to find one on RAKUTEN!!! MWAHAHAHA! Of all the places to look! It's still there guys, have fun! http://item.rakuten.co.jp/e-alamode/amd-2901/?scid=af_pc_etc&sc2id=247567789
  24. im so torn between the vf-29 30th and the vf-25f renewal!
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