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Everything posted by plastik

  1. I don't think there's english subtitles for the movie since it wasn't intended to be sold and distributed in the US market.
  2. oops I mean colored plastic not paint
  3. What's a good plastic polish that's color safe for giving a good shine and removing really fine scratches? thanks
  4. http://www.fromjapan.co.jp/
  5. theres a few @ rakuten. give these link to your favorite proxy http://item.rakuten.co.jp/i-tengoku/10004123/?force-site=pc http://item.rakuten.co.jp/treasurebox/11103150/?scid=af_pc_etc&sc2id=247567789 http://item.rakuten.co.jp/i-tengoku/10004123/?force-site=pc
  6. it would be great if kurisama made some mde! kurisama?
  7. Man that looks really sharp! It looks polished yet subdued at the same time! What did you do to make the colors stand out like that? or is this all camera and lighting?
  8. maybe I'll sell you my 25g for $250 shipped and you can save $17
  9. besides ny which stores has these up for preorder?
  10. omg....i didn't notice this on mine either. Im scared to look at it when I get home.
  11. thanks for the tip. Great preorder price but they want to charge $48 for ems shipping. I was hoping NY would reopen their preorder so I could order both the vf and the armor pack at the same time.
  12. So I can get a great deal on some valks that have some yellowing on the plastic from sun exposure. After doing some research on other toy forums it seems that 6% Hydrogen Peroxide is the weapon of choice. The process involves filling a jar with the H2O2, submerging the toy and leaving it in direct sunlight for a few days. From what I've seen the results were amazing. I primarily concerned with the effects on the tampo paint. What are your thoughts on this?
  13. ^ what he said. The one on HKC is the 1A variant
  14. yes I know they do but I am asking if they can be bought separately. The YF-29 30th Anniversary comes with a black stand but the "SMS" logo is not yellow. I could probably paint it myself but would prefer to have it painted from the factory that way. Plus I would like to have an extra base for display purposes
  15. Does anyone know if these are available to purchase separately and where can I find one? thanks!
  16. My first Bandai DX and I freakin love it. I have the vf-25f and 25g renewals coming in the mail and I'm so hyped for them.
  17. i know I'm late to the game but any ideas where i can find a preorder? thanks!
  18. I really had no plans of picking up a CF VF-171 but man the more I stare at these the more I feel the need to pick one up. Damn that armored gerwalk looks badass and the MDE are icing on the cake!
  19. did you pay that preorder in full? and did they refund you the same amount back to your paypal acct? or did you take a loss from the drop in the yen?
  20. LOL! 3 is a big accident
  21. Is this policy written anywhere on their site? This is a two way street I assume because if you manage to find a pre order cheaper from somewhere else and you cancel with them your refund should be exactly what you paid and not based on the current exchange rate?
  22. plastik

    DX Chogokin?

    the bandai dx chogokin macross toys are assembled and are basically like the yamato
  23. hey guys so if i cancel my preorder with NY will I get back exactly what I paid for it through paypal or will the amount be less because of the drop in the current exchange rate?
  24. so if i cancel my preorder with NY will I get back exactly what I paid for it through paypal or will the amount be less because of the drop in the current exchange rate?
  25. did you pay in full also?
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