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Everything posted by plastik

  1. I happen like the addition of that ankle panel AND the moveable nose cone, it gives it more of a robotic yet dynamic "humanoid" element like the vf-25. I think Kawamori and Bandai are simply just modernizing the age old design. Man, wouldn't it be great it they released a cartoon featuring these new Valks in fantastic CG!
  2. Honestly it doesn't look half bad. The more I look at the finished product the more it's starting to grow on me. Besides who doesn't want more Macross? I only wished it was 1/60 scale so I can put it in the display case next to my Yamatos
  3. looks like a model but that hip joint by the intake appears to be metal? I didn't think they made models like that
  4. He's the hero Macross World deserves, but not the one it needs right now...
  5. I'm almost done with display of valks and hot toys. Just waiting on my flight pose stands to arrive and have a vf-25s renewal, rvf-25 renewal and super parts coming in the mail. Just have few more valks left to unbox and tint the glass by the window I should be done. I only wish I had room for another detolf to spread out my collection more but it's a blessing in disguise, otherwise I would have to start filling that one up too ps. If anyone has an extra Hot Toys Iron Man mark IV, VI or VII they would like to sell or trade please hit me up. That's the last one I need to finish my hot toys collection!
  6. I certainly hope this trend does continue but a part of me thinks that rvf-25 and the vf-171 CF were just unpopular in Japan and has nothing to do with Bandai ramping up their production. YAJ had a lot of rvf-25 @ 14000 yen on the hour it was released with actual product in hand and nobody was buying. In fact it's still that way right now. Hero valks are big in Japan and those two aren't exactly popular heroes.
  7. Thanks for the link! Just ordered one. The total was 15960 yen at HLJ so I went with hobbysearch EMS Shipping Cost :3,200yen Total cost 15,800 yen
  8. thanks erik! I just moved the detolfs there last weekend because it was the only wall wide enough to accommodate two of them side by side and was trying to figure out a way to keep light out. Which tint did you use and where did you get it from
  9. The megahouse armored Klan is a very good looking statue but yes I too would kill for one that articulates
  10. ain't that the truth! this is why I never look back after I buy something otherwise my display cases would be full of disappointment....
  11. Man October release is soooo far away. Here he is sitting on my shelf waiting for his upgrade...
  12. did that happen during transformation or did it come that way out of the box?
  13. can you post a picture of what the damage looks like? thanks
  14. Noticed the white skull on the super pack wing too?!
  15. Do you have any experience with Mr. Hobby TopCoat (link below)? is this a good brand or do you have one in particular you can recommend? My local gundam store has these in stock. Thanks again for helping me out http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000WS12C/sr=8-3/qid=1368652503/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=&qid=1368652503&seller=&sr=8-3
  16. and when your dream finally arrives it will most likely be missing pieces and covered with light scratches...
  17. MacrossJunkie, as always excellent work on that vf-171. I don't own an airbrush machine and was wondering if it's possible to achieve a good flat look using the spray can offerings?
  18. I put in an order at amiami too. That's a great price. If I select credit card as payment is it charged directly to my credit/debit card and my bank does the conversion to yen or is their credit card system through paypal?
  19. Posting here would be your best option. Like Gakken said Ebay fees will hurt your sales price and expect to lose another $15-$20 from paypal fees. I've sold valks on ebay for $250 but after all fees and shipping it was more like $200
  20. I always thought this as well. Just like how Michel Blanc from Macross Frontier wears glasses and he's the SMS designated marksman/sniper. ps. I voted for DYRL.
  21. can someone please put alto's armor pack on the CF and post some pics? thanks!!
  22. Here's my display case in progress. It's a little cluttered right now as I'm still trying to figure out the best way to pose everything to maximize space. I'm hoping the 6 flightpose stands I have on preorder will help because I still have 3 more valks that need to be taken out of their boxes!
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