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Everything posted by Culverin

  1. yep... us crazy modeler types aren't the only ones with access to "technology"... did you know that wargamers have discovered electricity so that can game it night? too bad they still haven't discovered the shower thought -------------------------------------------- anyways... the first set of pictures - all broken down is a miniatures sized recreation of the Macross Monster. the 2nd picture, painted. is a bastardized copy revamped for battletech. (BattleDroids Behemoth) the line drawing is a revamped-revamped version - now the clan Stone Rhino (aka Behemoth) none of us have seen the the first one (the duplicated monster) until an admin at another board said he snagged this off of ebay. i was hoping you guys might know what it is.... and where it's from and done by what company.
  2. there are dumb gamers *cough 40K* who glue 2 halves together well then there are smart wargamers, who can put together 15+ pieces for a mini... guess what category btech players fall into... so that Monster isn't all that out of place... in fact, a little low detail for the newer standards... still, damn, it'd be awesome to be able to field that
  3. i heard that hobby fan does recasts? how reputable are they? reliable? good quality? i think that i've heard both good things and bad. and why do they have a couple Tanmen kits? are they real? or just bootlegs? thanks guys,
  4. thank you sarensaas... if i get lucky, i'll let you know...
  5. ok guys... i've seen this and been hoping to snag one of these for the longest time this article is out of Starship Modeler so you might have seen it... http://www.starshipmodeler.com/mecha/rc_prevalk.html i'm just wondering if you've ever seen any of these and where i would be able to find them? looking for one these in particular the article says to use Rainbow Ten or Hobby Link Japan. the producer is Yellow Submarine, to my knowledge, they are still around? i figured i might as well ask here as you guys are modeling vetrans compared to a newb like me thx all
  6. i dunno, maybe about 300? there's a famous dead painter in the btech community... i think his went for 500+
  7. skull one, the bastard version's what went for uber-bucks.
  8. actually... it was... kindof... you see, waaaay back when, battletech was called battledroids... the sculpts for them suck, but one of the holy grails for btech collectors is the battledroid behemoth, a heavily bastardized Monster... seen here as you can see, much of the aesthetics are still there, however, it was later changed to avoid lawsuits... so it ended up looking like thus some of use in the battletech community still favor the original version of the borrowed machines, (VF-1, Monster, Spartan, Phalanx) and the Crusher Joe Varients (blockhead, big foot etc) sooo... while some made it to battletech, some also changed a bit. however, as you can see, some are also dead ringers to their originals ok. skip the lecture does anybody else have a clue? (ps. dammit. Dark Horse also made some minis that are bigger than battletech for the Robotech RPG. I don't think it's from there)
  9. to my knowledge, this was not released by Dark Horse... the problem is that those of us who play BattleTech have never seen it before. i would love to get my hands on one, but this is the first the entire community has seen it... maybe you guys know a little something about it? it's is very accurate and and the size of battletech miniatures (about the size of the Seika Sharpeners i think)
  10. go btech fans... i can name them all... PLEASE don't solder minis. they get ruined that way... use superglue your 2nd picture top row, left to right has a victor? (kinda dark), assasin, whitworth, orion. 2nd row awesome, clint, vulcan, zeus. all those are common. i don't recognize the tanks .... running out of time... i'll name the rest tomorrow.... but soldering damamges the minis... which ones have been soldered?
  11. Heh, that skilled painter you speak of is a regular member here. so who is this "regular" i want to ask for his permission to use his pics, instead of borrowing without permission
  12. so i should just keep checking the auctions forum? question: how exactly does that forum work? do we have people in japan who can help hook us up? i know a guy who wouldn't mind sending stuff over... btw, do you want me to send him hunting for stuff? and why do i feel like i'm going to regret i offered?
  13. holy crap! WOW. that is some awesome reference material. there was a link to their homepage http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/ but i also backtracked to this directory http://manuals.macrossmecha.org/vf1/fact/ there is some nice stuff in there, too bad it's not listed on their main page. do you guys have some more crazy links like that? some of the pictures i've never seen before. it all goes to good use, i'm a mecha artist (now published so all this reference material is awesome. please share some more links?
  14. so how do you guys find it. i'm pretty sure you can't all read japanese... engrish.com or babelfish?
  15. OMFG i remember seeing that picture long time ago. wow. i didn't realize it was with the TECT upgrades. are those upgrade kits still available?
  16. kanata67, what do you have? i might be able to take them off your hands if the price is reasonable
  17. oh oh oh! good good. i want to ask the guy's official permission to use the pics well, at least they're still being sold. i know somebody in japan so i'll have him keep an eye out for me... isn't Yahoo Japan just yahoo? in japanese? kinda like yahoo.ca is in candian-ish for us canadians? why would they sell a model kit?
  18. yeah. um. i think they were made by dark horse. actually for the robotech game. i too would love to get my hands on some of these
  19. there is a full armor VF-11 upgrade kit for the bandai 1/144 it's listed on the TECT page http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/tect/tect.htm i'm not even sure where to find it though. i would love to find those other TECT kits for my VF-11
  20. wow. total copy. though the instructions look a little better. i don't remember getting decal placement instruction in my bandai kit, will have to double check
  21. um. i'm new here and a total amateur when it comes to modeling. but aren't recasts illegal? i mean even if the company's gone, isn't it the sculptor's perogative not to have his work duplicated? but call me a hypocrite. i probably wouldn't have a problem buying a recast kit as long as the quality is good... speaking of which, how does quality on a recast stack up to original production runs?
  22. hey all, first post and i'm already buggin you guys but my question is where can i find the Musasiya 1/72 VF2-SS resin kit featured here http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...sasiya_main.htm i've wanted that model for quite a long time. i know of the cheaper alternative bandai 1/100 kit, but i got that around christmas time. here's what a skilled painter did with it. http://culverin.creationsnet.com/html/mech...f2ss/vf2ss.html thanks guys. i hope it's not going to cost me an arm and a leg
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