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Everything posted by Impreszive

  1. I hope so. I really want this darn plane. Sigh.
  2. THIS is why I do not buy on e-bay.
  3. Yep. I am in Virginia. I changed the send to address to my office, since I am here more than at home. I did that long before they shipped the item though. It too nearly a week for them to fix the screw up with my payment. their system was telling me that I hadn't paid, whereas I had a boatload of information stating otherwise. I do shipping and receiving for my company. I know how long this stuff can take. If HMV can get me my friggin Macross Chronicle stuff in two days, this god-damned plane shouldn't take this long. I paid $140.00. That isn't a trivial sum to me. Argh. This is frustrating.
  4. Oh that's just joyous. I am almost a week in after getting my sent notice, and it still hasn't shown up. This better not have happened to me too. I will go ballistic.
  5. I miss the old Battletech days. I used to have a full Black Widow Company. I sold it. GAH!
  6. I laughed.
  7. I am just looking forward to buying the 25S. I think Bandai might do fine with this one.
  8. I got a sneaking suspicion that the "attack" on Galaxy may have been faked....somewhat. I just can't see them fixing Galaxy that fast, considering the damage it looks like it took. Nah. Just a random thought.
  9. Sounds like someone wants to re-create the Wolf's Dragoons....or at least repaint their Tomohawk black and put a black widow emblem on it.
  10. Is there a way to get that scan down to wallpaper size? Definitely want it on my Mac.
  11. It is going to be real cliche to me if Ozma is killed off. I have loved that they've made us think one thing and then it turns out to be another later on. Ozma is athe only character I can relate to, age wise. It's just going to bother me if he goes out. I don't think Alto is anywhere near leadership material......yet.
  12. That last one has some serious class to it.
  13. That last one has some serious class to it.
  14. Ozma is about the only character I could relate to, age wise. I'll be upset if they go along the predicatble path and kill him off.
  15. The price is a slight bit higher, but the shipping is a better value. I wasn't expecting express mail at all.
  16. HMV impressed the hell out of me. I got my Macross Chronicle and binder about three business days after ordering them. I am considering picking up the Blu-Ray of Frontier from them as well.
  17. God. I hope I never live long enough for this stuff to come to fruition. Everone would be doomed if I was in charge.
  18. I just got my binder and issue one. This thing was easy to take apart to put in the binder. I was a bit surprised.
  19. Welp. I would love to say I got mine, but HLJ is really screwing with me right now. My payment has gone through, but the account at HLJ says I haven't paid. I am waiting to see if they ever try to resolve this. I am a bit pissed, as the cost for this thing was not cheap. Ugh. I hate ordering stuff from overseas.
  20. I paid for my order earlier in the week. I am waiting for it to ship. I have to admit that I am concerned about this, but I am more of a fan of the fighter modes than any of the others. I figure that if I am not really transforming it, then I can avoid a lot of the breakage issues from use/errors out of the box. Overall, I do like the way this toy looks. I'm going to compare it to the 1/48 that I received recently and find out wihich one to put on the office desk.
  21. Ordered issue 1 and a binder yesterday. Can't wait.
  22. So did I mention that I am "Ozma-izing" my Impreza? I am trying to get a good place to do some work on the roof of the car. I need a camera, and I will post pics.
  23. Cannon Fodder. I don't know why, but being one of the "Regular Joes" seems like it is a cool idea, and with customization, you can even have a 1J or 1S CF. You get the chance to make your own character in essence.
  24. Impreszive

    Latest custom.

    I like it man. That is a really neat scheme.
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