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Everything posted by Impreszive

  1. This might be out by my convention. I want to see if anyone has one that I can look at up close.
  2. I have to go with Graham. The front landing gear needs to be a lot longer than it is, and by enxtension, the rear as well. That side profile looks all kinds of wrong to me. It just isn't asthetically pleasing.
  3. I'll check it out. It has to bead that ridiculous 1k pricetag.
  4. No No No No. Riverdance.
  5. My favorite part of this episode was the Macross Quarter/Battle Frontier double team on Battle Galaxy. It looked like Battle Frontier sucker punched Battle Galaxy right before the end. Not too bad an episode, but it did feel a little rushed in parts. I hope this upcoming movie isn't a rehash of the series, but considering tradition, it probably will be.
  6. Seriously. I have the Master Replica's Clone Trooper Helmet and it doesn't look much different in construction materials than this thing. It only cost $400. That price that was asked for was a damn joke. I bet shipping was out of control too.
  7. I would also take this a step further and add in resolution to certain plot elements. The love triangle in there is a good example. While there were no more stories of the heroes (except max and millia), the ending was satisfying. Maybe I am just a nostalgic old man, but the writing in Macross felt more tight to me.
  8. We can't post the actual links here. When you do your search, put in macross frontier 25 and keep scrolling down. It is there. Edit: Sorry Mods. I shouldn't have posted twice in a row. Mea culpa!
  9. Hopefully they cried out and were suddenly silenced.
  10. This would be one day after my 80th birthday.....if I manage to live that long.
  11. Maaaaan. That youtube link is getting the slashdot effect right now.
  12. This is easily the best answer in this thread. Point to Duke Togo.
  13. Oh God, for real? Good to see that this also fell in to the anime cliche of not friggin ever solving these plot scenarios. I swear to God, these people cannot write a romance plot to save their lives. Ugh. That is just bad screen writing.
  14. Ummmm. I am not too sure about this one. I don't really know what to think. It may be a bit more chunky for durability, but I still can't justify the price on that thing.
  15. x2 I want this book. Failing that, I have a contact in Japan that is sending me Chronicle and the Blu Rays. Maybe I will hit him up.
  16. YES! No where is my pipe and green cape?
  17. I'm a spec monkey too, but I have no real engineering background. I just admire the beauties from afar.
  18. Anyway you put this, the friggin plane is fast, and has a lot of power.
  19. Ok. Piracy it is, then. I am not sure how popular this show would have been over here, but it is good to see a market completely cut out because of this bullshit....yet again. I am buying the Japanese Blu Rays, as expensive and mismangaed space-wise they may be. Sigh....
  20. Agh! No horrible raw yet! I usually don't use Megaupload. I guess I may have to?
  21. The only thing in here that can throw a wrench in this is Harmony Gold and their trademark on the Macross name in the US. You can imagine what will happen once it comes to this. I would love to buy the R1 stuff if it happens, but I am really not expecting it.
  22. I don't know why, but it just makes sense to me. The fact that some of them stayed behind just seemed out of character to me. I know that each of them have their reasons for doing so, but the thought that it is some sort of ploy to keep an eye on Frontier's movements just won't go away.
  23. My friend in Japan is sending me the Blu Rays, but I really would love a domestic release. I am just not holding my breath though.
  24. I have to wonder if Alto staying behind may have been part of a plan from Ozma and Cathy. He is an actor after all. Just a thought. I kind of doubt it myself, but I still wanted to add speculation.
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