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Everything posted by Impreszive

  1. ::In best Howard Cossel voice impersonation:: GUNDAM! Battle. Assault. Wealth and Glory to the Winnah! Lord give me the strength to lay this game low....
  2. This reminds me of the old Hard KOR tape I saw at a Katsucon years ago. I was laughing my ass off.
  3. I think there's just alot of people who don't like Minmay
  4. I don't know why, but doesn't it seem a bit small to have a city of 50,000 in it? I'm just making an observation. I had that thought in my head for years, ever since I first saw the show.
  5. ooooookay. I have obviously missed something important.
  6. hahahaha.
  7. Macross was around 1200 meters right?
  8. The reason I was saying that was beacuse I have seen it in other threads here. I think they eventually flagged it under one section. Otherwise. Done.
  9. Sorry guys. I can't mourn the system. I always thought it was far too overpriced to begin with. I do acknowledge the staying power it has had over the years, however. Although, I don't do many console games anymore. The bats upside the head for the PS2 kinda cemented that for me.
  10. 2 words... Toy Sales
  11. Well yeah, I understand Macross will always be Macross, but I think I understand the hatred of M7. Where I live; (Virginia, the craptacular state) no one like Macross at all. I was just curious of the opinions of others, since I think I am the only fan from the state of Virginia. Why does M7 hijack so many postings anyways? Do all of you secretly like it alot?
  12. Lord. This really is a pointless debate. Each side has its own little world, and they should never ever cross into one another. Let the other propeller heads have their debate. If you really want to know what is more powerful; I submit my finger.....pressing the "stop" button on my remote.
  13. Maybe we should make a separate thread about M7? I was just wondering opinions on MZero. I think I got them all right.
  14. I am learning more and more why you all hate M7 so much.....
  15. Would someone want to sell a 1/60 Millia to me? Seem like a few of you have a alot of 'em
  16. I always thought they looked like advanced Cruise Missles. I wonder if they have different types of warheads that can be attached. Cool Stuff man! Love checking out your site.
  17. No kidding. I was laughing the whole time I read it.
  18. Supposedly a major quake according to some geologist.
  19. All i can say is that they better do it some day. The crap that was the original YF-19 must not be allowet to happenagain.
  20. I see you read that article too eh?
  21. ....or they just fade away in another anime series with no clear cut ending.... And who says Animation isn't formula driven......
  22. I need to fond a way to finish M7. i never got to the end parts where Max and Millia ride again. I was upset when I heard that's what happened, as they were my favorite characters. I always thought Max should have never accepted a promotion to Captain a ship. He was a fighter pilot gosh dern it.
  23. Merrell, That's an idea that never crossed my mind. Damn. I wished I had thought of that! Grrrrrrrrrrr.
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