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Everything posted by Impreszive

  1. You know...I will get the Monster but, did anyone else see that Starscream? That was F-ing cool!
  2. I hated how Millia was prtrayed. This chick was a damnable warrior for crying out loud! Why in the world would you take a positionas Mayor and become some scheming old lady?
  3. Can we get the SDF-1 visits the Grand Canyon!?
  4. The Omega Class Destroyer The Lyanov (2010) The Discovery (2001) The Ra Cailum (Char's Counterattack) The Galactica The Mushroom looking First Ones ship from B5 "Zog!" The PK Command Carrier
  5. Ummm, because if you can ummm, I can buy more VF-1's
  6. How about "Macross: Happy Happy love Joyful Songs of the Future!" Makaaaaaaaaan!!!!!! gosh dern it. That just keep slipping out!
  7. Wooo Hoo! More Giant Robot Piloting Teenagers. It makes me wonder if anyone in Japan can do anything other than the kids. According to anime world, children are the all encompassing ass kickers. While if you are over 16; man you are doomed. See Gundam for the perfect example. There are reasons why I like shows like GITS. The protagonists aren't teenieboppers, just hot ass kicking cyborgs!
  8. Yeah. I could watch both, but GITS drives alot in me. I really like that show alot! It's up there with Macross
  9. 32!? Nice work Anubis!!!! oh yeah....the boxes and boxes of 1/48s are nice too.....
  10. I don't think it is Macross related guys.
  11. Just went back to watch the move. I see what you are talking about.
  12. I hate you. I could never find a chick who liked Macross......and me....
  13. Cool. I really just want to use the Macross' main Gun on Makaan. I really hate that guy. "Makaaaaaaan!!! aaaaan aaaan aaan
  14. To answer the B5 question; the Narn didn't have artificial gravity. The Centauri did, as did the Minbari. Earth only got the technology by the end of season 4, from the Minbari. Now as to favorite ships. 1. (Tie) The Omega Class Destroyer and the Imperial Star Destroyer -scary since the Omega is larger than the Impe destroyer. I love the Omega's rugged design and ability to absorb damage. The Star Destroyer is an elegant weapon for administering a beatdown on a massive scale. Let's not forget that it is a triangle of Death. 2. The Thunderbolt Starfury 3. The A-Wing 4. The Republic Gunship 5. The Asgard ships from SG-1
  15. I liked it, but I will Stick with Stand Alone Complex. I'm on to Season 2 now.
  16. Question. Do you have to kill your fleet at the end of each mission so you can have a chance of winning the next?
  17. Can I buy a Valkyrie from you?
  18. I think the final question is what will happen to the island post Zero. I wonder if it was obliterated in the planetary bombardment?
  19. Good points. I couldn't explain the extra 10 meters though. Maybe someone goofed during reconstruction?
  20. Too bad I only buy 1/60th scale. I'd want a couple.
  21. Maybe the customizer of that particular plane had just finished watching "Priscilla: Queen of the Desert", featuring a cross dressing Kurt Russel?
  22. I still like my idea of Marvin Martian Crushing Earth in his hand.
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