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Everything posted by Impreszive

  1. I'm going to get killed for this.... Who is that person?
  2. Honestly, I am a bit concerned about it. Considering the QA problems than many initial first runs had, I may wait until a later run to buy the Monster. It took Yamato one or two toolings to solve some issues in their first releases. This is a first run on an untested design. There is bound to be some issues with it.
  3. I think that may have beena one time fan creation. It does look alot like something the guy on Foundry DX would do though... You may want to hit the links on Foundry DX ans check the forums. You might find more info.
  4. I wouldn't blame you. There are a ton of vehicles, mechs, and planes on that site. It reminded me of the days when I used to play BT.
  5. Thanks! We hit up Bricklink and a couple others. We should be able to find our stuff. There is enough sites out there.
  6. I only watched all of Robotech after my roommate bought all of the ADV DVD sets. I give Robotech its credit for bringing the anime genre to alot of folks my age. When I was a kid, I had only managed to watch a few eps. I saw First Gen mostly. Fast forward to 95, and my Freshman year at College. My roommate was a Japanese guy who pointed out the differences between the shows. I found that I liked Macross better, as the ship wasn't totally destroyed at the end, and the bridge crew wasn't killed. All the time before that, I had only used what I had read from the Robotech novels as canon. It was a welcome change. I don't like the current situation with HG. I think it is crap that they would block distribution to this country over this. It's almost like they want to kill the demang if they can't have it. That's what has pissed alot of people off about Robotech. It is the representation of HG and Macek.
  7. It sounds like this show suffers from the same syndrome as alot of current anime. Rapid change in plot to the point of incoherence, "dropping" of storylines, and horrid or incomprehensible ending. Thanks for the reviews. I was thinking of watching this. Sticking with GITS Season 2 now....
  8. Yeah. That's some hot stuff. I never realized how many sites are out there that you can buy pieces from. Alot of folks sell their instructions as well. My friend and I are going to try and use CAD to help speed up the design process. We're gonna need alot of bricks. Hopefully we can make the DYRL version of the Macross. I like the ARMD platforms better.
  9. Yeah. Good point. If you want an idea of what the theme of the movie is going to be then you should hit the link on animenewsnetwork's site to the english language Innocence site. There's a letter in there from Oshii. I think it explains alot.
  10. I keep hearing that Innocence is freaking incredible. Have to wait and see though.
  11. Agreed. But we aren't doing the Valkyrie. As a matter of fact, we have almost finished ours.
  12. My friend and I are begining the planning stages of designing a 3 foot Lego Macross. I don't know if we will be making it transformable as of yet, but I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in helping with some design ideas. Thanks!
  13. I'm gonna go with Graham on the Display Cases suggestion.
  14. I just like the plane. It's one of my favorite foreign aircraft. It was also fun to use in Ace Combat 2...
  15. You mean the comic right? I don't think it will be hard to be more entertaining than that series. MMI was way to over the top to follow in alot of places. I know folks who's eyes glazed over when I mentioned this series to them.
  16. Howsabout Aries and Edgar bite it!? Together!
  17. I gave that a "no" vote. I'd rather it just be left alone. I'm reminded of recent "Special Editions" that certain directors thought would look better. See for example; Han Solo firing after Greedo shoots first (WTF!?), and All the FBI Agents in ET with walkie talkies instead of their weapons.
  18. As long as there is Shotguns and Laser Cannons....i am happy
  19. I guess it is good if you want a cheap VF-1J with Fast Packs.
  20. I'll stick to Jim Lee's Superman thank you.
  21. MP Omega Supreme.
  22. I haven't seen it yet, but I am hearing that this movie is really good from my sources. If it got into Cannes in a top nomination, then that should say something. Oshii is an excellent animation director.
  23. I would like to update my previous response and say that Yamato will release this item when there is peace in the Middle East, humanity moves to Hydrogen power, and Star Wars doesn't suck.
  24. Well if there ever is a 19, it better look alot nicer than the first incarnation of the plane.
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