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Everything posted by Impreszive

  1. Eh, Whatever RT. Why does anyone care that this is on?
  2. Meh. Show of hands for who here getting the Anime Network? This effects all of us how?
  3. Still don't think this movie will be any good. I just can't get up the excitement after seeing the first 2.
  4. Why couldn't we get a box like this in the US? Geez.
  5. Thinking about playing. Still undecided.
  6. A Grey Knight.....killin Kharn the Betrayer. That is the only thing that will make me want these, otherwise they can burn in a fire.
  7. This is cool news. I'm still getting the box sets however.
  8. well. you'd be real cold.
  9. I've purchased all byt one VF-1 at conventions. They were cheaper than E-Bay at the time. I also hate going through E-Bay. Most of the online retailers aren't cheap either. Sorry, but conventions aren't such a bad place for deals.
  10. I prefer Flying Fist of Beef. It hits you where it counts!
  11. Ah, whatever HG. They can't stop me from ordering online anyways. Besides, it is usually cheaper, and there are few retailers in my area that sell Yamato VF-1s. They wanna bitch about it, let 'em. Few are listening anyways. They're like the SCO of the anime world. I'd love to see them try to bar retailers from selling them at conventions and such.
  12. well. you can wash out the flames with a nice tall glass of OJ. okay. I must be stopped.
  13. I've been watching Yukikaze for the jet alone. I'm so alone.......
  14. Hear Hear Blaine! I agree that the major problem is bad parenting or lack of parenting in children's behavior. I'm constantly amazed by parents who let their children run amok and feel that it is someone else's problem for their messes.
  15. Good info on the apple. It's also good in Martinis! I still like OJ though. It tastes better IMO.
  16. ...and Macross W.... its shojo-tastic!! 5 Prettyboys in nigh indestructable Valkyries, who can destroy anything!
  17. Wan't the Cyclops some sort of Cross Dimensional Radar? I guess it could see things in different spectrums, dunno really.
  18. Orange Juice is a good source of vitamin C! Pure Tropicana!!!
  19. 79% pure 21% corrupt blah
  20. Does anyone know a good store to pick this up at? The import store near me doesn't have it. Thanks!
  21. I'm really digging Katoki's S Gundam Designs. I own teh Z Plus and the EXS Gundams. They're incredibly detailed...and fragile.
  22. If that's the case; I would hate to be the unlucky SOB that attacks Earth then.
  23. There really needs to be a new X-Wing vs Tie Fighter game. I found my old copy of X-Wing and can't play it on my new PC. I think alot of folks generally agree that Knights of the Old Republis was incredible. I can't wait for the next one.
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