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Everything posted by Impreszive

  1. My suggestion is to invest in a boat and sail away
  2. I think if the game sells well, we could very well see expansions for it. I'm curious to see what the mod community will be able to do with this. Bring me my Grey Knights!!!!
  3. How sturdy are those things anyways? I want the Vader saber. $119 is a bit much though.
  4. I thought that was "deluge"?
  5. Okay. This game will be mine. I want to play with some Terminators. Not just any regular Terminators mind you, I want to play the Grey Knights and the Deathwing. Nuff said. 2 best special forces in the game IMO. I am sure they will release expansions for this if it sells well (which it may just do).
  6. Space War 1 through say the 2020s would be a great era to play in. You could still use the venerable VF-1, but also add in some of the newer stuff from that era. You could also explore a little outside the Earth system too.
  7. Commence complex Lock Down sequence.....
  8. Countdown to locking in 5......4......
  9. yeah....Ginreai is great....until she gets fused with some machine and dies. Started my trend in hating most anime due to cliched endings.
  10. It was at Otakon!!!?? I never saw it.
  11. Still my favorite Gundam. I used the EX-S in the SD gen games and smoked people.
  12. So that's the guy? Wow. I think I need to go and read the blacklist chronicles further down the forum list. Thanks for the heads up!
  13. Who is that? Seriously though, good luck. I hear it is gonna be a rough one.
  14. The movie looks bad. The creatures look bad. The actors look bad. Lance looks bad being in this. Can I keep going? Oh yeah, the Aliens kicking the crap out of the Preadators when they first show up? Riiiiiiight. Someone else want a toke on the peace pipe?
  15. The dub ain't too shabby. It is one of the very very few I will listen to. I didn't know the Dad from Malcom was the VA for Isamu. Cool!
  16. I put the GBP armor on the extra 1S that I had. I think it looks pretty neat with it on.
  17. Actually, it looks alot like a Gabaldy Beta from good ole Z Gundam. okay.....I am now going to jump off a bridge for even saying that.... BYE CRUEL WORLD!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thud
  18. This is a sad commentary on the value of human life. No excuses. The man who perpetrated the crime was blatantly sick and twisted, and six people paid the price with their lives for his (and his compatriots) disregard for human life. I see things like this and I have to wonder if we are really worth saving as a race sometimes. I think I am just losing the faith that we can be more than we are. Sorry guys.
  19. stupid PC double posted....piece of trash...
  20. Unfortunately there just isn't too much going on in the Macross world right now. Good pun. unless Yamato makes some big news or something.....or another series.....who knows.
  21. Tell us how you really feel 19!
  22. I think I may be interested as well. BTW. Can Mr Champagne do a box for Ghost in the Shell TV?
  23. Anyone who tried to fight Max generally died in a pathetic fashion.
  24. I thought Spike's death was implied from the very begining of the show. Considering the influences of the show, there was very little chance he was going to live through the series. The stupidest deaths go to Gundam. What the F man. Who is going to spout off about the nature of the universe while their MS is in the process of getting ready to blow up. Pop the hatch and at least make a damn attempt to escape moron! Funniest deaths go to Star Fleet. What a bunch of useless tools. My amusment at their expense is always a good thing.
  25. Ep 11 was really good. It answered soem questions I had always had in my mind about the protagonist. I'm totally digging the second season, exposition and all. The parallels to the Arab/Israeli conflict are kinda un-nerving.
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