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Everything posted by Impreszive

  1. I liked the different take on the ending. My friend hated Katz, and was laughing his ass off when he hit the asteroid.
  2. I pre orderd Prime and Ultra Magnus I can't wait for these.
  3. I have the Masterpiece Starscream. I love it. I can get over the color though. That just doesn't bother me as much. I think that is absolutle minor in comparison to the awesomeness that is this thing!
  4. You know, I was going to state: "when Chinese knock-offs attack", but then I realized that this actually came out in the 80's. I never saw this anywhere. Thank God for that.
  5. " Glad other people hate the jedi too. I'm siding with the Empire." This is the first time I have heard someone else who agrees with my thoughts on this subject.
  6. My only reason for seeing this movie is to watch the Jedi get the boot. The first two films made me care very little about the fact that these idiots were going to get wiped out. I'll be cheering "Go Evil!"
  8. God. That was like the time I ate bad Chinese food......
  9. Ugh. This is why I hate dealers.
  10. Here's my top 5: 1. Thievery Corporation 2. O.A.R. 3. DJ Krush 4. AC DC 5. America the Book: A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction
  11. Can I get a copy of that "fleet" pic for a wallpaper? That is amazing.
  12. Bruno J Grobal. I have huge.........hats.
  13. The jury is still out on this for me. There are things that I like about the show, but it still seems a bit ponderous.
  14. I give the ending a "meh" It fell into the typical anime realted cliche of a non sensical ending. I had hoped that the final ep could redeem the show, but alas, I was wrong...again.
  15. DYRL and a Japanese roommate who would not let me say MAYcross ever again.
  16. Pah. Jags. I'll take an Enzo or an Elise myself. In a more affordable bracket; I will take an Impreza 22B or P1
  17. Just got word that Dreamwave is going out of business. You may know them as the publisher of the Transformers Comics. The news came from Newsarama, a comic news site.
  18. Ha This is like some of the arguments between Nu BSG and the real BSG. I am greatly amused.
  19. you'll need this ALL THE DOLLARS!!!!
  20. yes Lightsabres do = win
  21. Okley Dokley Neighbor!
  22. I stopped buying the magazine when I realized that about 80% of its contents were cutsey cookie cutter anime. I don't fall into the category of fanboy for magical princesses, cat girls, and ridiculously super powered teen school children. Basically I don't do "cute". Aside from the occasional decent show or article, it just didn't make sense to pay $10 for a load of crap. I never cared for the DVD, as it almost always contained a show I had no interest in. It also felt that the magazine was pretty much an oversized ADV ad generator. ADV can't begin to give me justification for the increase in price, but there are folks out there who will pay for it. Lots of folks who don't know any better will shell out their cash for the magazine.
  23. So there's this game called "Star Wars: Battlefront", and you get to kill Ewoks, Jar Jar's friends and Jawas. Life was good. Then you destroy Naboo with the Death Star. Suddenly Star Wars doesn't suck anymore.
  24. Patlabor is one of my more favorite series (especially since almost all of the new anime out of Japan sucks hog.) I'm also an unabashed Oshii fan. It's a great show. Love it dearly.
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