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Everything posted by Impreszive

  1. Macross Quarter. Okay. I am down with that. I love the defold sequence, and the concert was kind of haunting in a way.
  2. I love you. As for the characters, My favorite is Mikhail. He has some of Max's snarkyness to him. Dunno if he is quite the same as pilot though. KK is definitely on the rise in my book as well.
  3. Right. When the new Batman cartoon was made, his voice wasn't used. I couldn't get past that. This is going to be awesome.
  4. Got to be honest. I found myself looking more at the Valk 1/60 reissue. Motoko looks decent enough.
  5. Don't think Necron, just let it happen. Let it happen....
  6. I'm really loving this show more and more as it goes.
  7. Don't know about the others, but I do know that Kevin Conroy will be voicing Bats. "Who is he?", you ask? The voice actor for Batman: The Animated Series, and in the Justice League cartoons Basically the longest running player of Batman in the franchise's history.
  8. I'm still iffy on the idea of a civilian armerd service (a la mercenaries).....BUT WHO CARES! Seriously though, this show scored points on so many levels in that episode. Ozma driving a Lancia Delta Integrale with the Skull Squadron symbol was fantastic. Mikhail flying a blue VF-25 with a sniper rifle....fantastic! Great ending song too.
  9. I love the throwback to the old Macross with the Attacker mode, and that right arm looks like it is devastating. I can't wait to get started on this show.
  10. If it is aClancy game, it is going to be harder than balls.
  11. Thes folks look as exaggerated as the characters from Fist of the North Star.
  12. The Zeta had the Linear Seat (Trying to remember where I heard that term...). It was in wider use by the time Zeta rolled around. We caught a glimpse of the future in 0083, with the GP03, which had the same cockpit style. I have to admit that Zeta is my foavorite out of all of the Gundam I have seen, and I have seen almost all of it. Nothing comes close. The movies were excellent pieces of work. I liked the change in the ending too. Camille not being a veggie was a good idea.
  13. I've started to do that with the PS2 stuff. I just don't have that kind of cast to blow on games.
  14. This is really disappointing to hear. AC6 was going to be one of the first 360 games I purchased. Hearing this, I am glad I haven't picked it up. I just finished AC5 last night. I loved that game. I need to get the Falken though....
  15. I like them, but they are way too expensive for a figure.
  16. I don't know if you do anime other than Macross, but I also help run Anime USA. It is a local con we are having in Crystal City this year.
  17. I found me a Snake Eyes and a Storm Shadow here in Fairfax, VA. Got em both on the office desk now, fightin!
  18. This is now my quote of the day.
  19. The box set's pretty good. You should give it a shot. If you like superhero stuff, this will work out for you.
  20. Truthfully, I don't think Sylar eats his victim's brains. Remember that he's a watchmaker, and likes to learn how things tick. I think his ability may be exactly the same as Peter's, with the notable exception that he has to "study" his victim to mimic their power. Maybe he doesn't even have to do that, and he simply doesn't realize it?
  21. This looks really cool. The robot on the left looks like a Tau Stealthsuit from Warhammer 40k Good Luck!
  22. I liked the whole "For the children" reference at the end. I gave away every single comic I have ever owned after seeing that little message. Ah well. Marvel and DC'd current storylines aren't for me anyways. I am probably better off not stressing over it.
  23. Lots of people hitting rocks inthose movies...
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