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Everything posted by Impreszive

  1. It actually looks more like a Rolls or a Bentley
  2. Good to know. Student loan refund here I come!
  3. Has anyone been billed yet by HLJ for their pre-order? I still haven't (which is good, cause I am friggin poor right now).
  4. Man. Ranking number 3 in the Japanese charts? Nicely done.
  5. Honestly, I like Sheryl. She's really grown on me over the last few episodes. I also like how she plays off her attraction to Alto at times. You can tell she's got a little bit of frustration at Alto not really noticing her in the love interest light from time to time. I think that may be changing for him too.
  6. Exactly. Another psychopath's actions are swept under the rug by generalizations that are popular in the media right now...regardless of fact flying in the face of their assertions. The loss is heartbreaking for those families, and it angers me. Those people will never come home again, their smiles won't be seen, their touch won't be felt, their love won't be given. THAT is the sickening tragedy of this little poo deciding to take others out instead of doing the world a favor and offing himself and leaving it at that.
  7. I think I might be able to confirm the SR 71 thing. TF2 was just up here last week filming at Udvar Hazy, near Dulles Airport. FOund out after the fact sadly. Megan Fox was here too. Bummer.
  8. That whole near extinction by the Zentraedi might have had nothing to do with changing humanity's attitude? Ne? :-)
  9. See, that is the issue. Without a doubt, the Protoculture were masters of genetic manipulation. I think the Zentraedi were one of the first expirements with cloning and genetic manipulation, but they had souls and individual personalities. This willfulness makes it difficult for them to control. Move the technology forward a bit and now you can bio-engineer an organic lifeform that can be "programmed" or controlled manually. They can grow themselves, and can be self sufficient without the chance of a rebellion. Maybe. Take this a step further. That "Supervision Army" that has always been talked about, what if the Vajra are that army? That is a long shot, to be honest, but it gives something for the Zentraedi to fight on a galactic level. That solution can give a reason for the downfall of the Protoculture, who are now caught in a titanic war that they cannot control and are rapidly being killed off because of it. So we have the Bird Human, a Protoculture (or group of them) who show up and find similar conditions to their homeworld many, many millenia ago. Their genetic science allows them to put a long term plan in motion to restore their race, or at the very least, create a race with the ability to end the conflict and correct the Protoculture's mistakes. Somehow, I think that the Bird Human was never meant to be found, at least not until the right time. The Fortress crashing on Earth had to have been unanticipated, and the resultant conflicts (which may have been watched by the sentient sentinel) could have been construed as a failed expirement. Shin and Sara may have represented some sort positive result that was being looked for by the Protoculture? Consequently, Bird Man (and Sara) take Shin with them to wherever it had been "programmed" to return to. In the meantime, the Vajra were still out there running autonomously, fighting or waiting for whatever the next step was to be. Wow....I sound like a crack-pot anime fan.
  10. This is a thought on the Vajra, mostly. Little disjointed. I've been working on my MBA most of the day. I think they are bio-mechanical constructs that the Protoculture used as their (for lack of any better term) transportation. I was thinking about the Mayan artifact and how it was essentially a bio-mechanical construct. Sara "piloted" it by merging with the machine. It had immense power, not unlike the red Vajra, and seemed to be extremely durable. I also thought about how these machines were attracted to people who had their singing ability and their special blood type, and in a way the reaction of the "rocks" to Sara when she sang and the way the red Vajra reacted to the singing on Frontier, tells me that there is some sort of connection. Remember how the sentient Mayan artifact spoke to Sara? I wouldn't be surprised if the principles might be the same with these Vajra. I think that the attack order may have held over from the artifact returning to wherever it had come from at the end of Zero. I'm wondering now if those characters or at least some sort of sign of them will show up in this show now.
  11. True....but not on a fighter, man. And Klan really out-classes all of them anyways....
  12. I was getting ready to post that regardless of that technology, pilots count for a lot too. Still, the (27) seems a bit more superior on some technological fronts than the (25). Weapons and avionics on one don't completely outclass the other, though. I guess we will see how the series progresses form here to get our answer.
  13. Speaking of SV-51s, Take a good look at some of the close ups of the plane in ep 9. It shares a lineage with that plane, especially in the engine and forward nose sections. You kind of have to stop the video during its close ups. I would not be surprised at all if we haven't heard the last of the Anti-UN.
  14. Ok. I liked the ep. I had one major problem with it though.... The end of it. What the hell was up with the 27's gun? That's a might bit ridiculous.
  15. That's the logo. I am doing it in full color. I need to find a way to get it set for the hood of a car. Is there an all weather decal material that I could use? I'm really new to this stuff...sorry.
  16. Impreszive

    Need help

    Can I get a .pdf file of the SMS symbol with the skull in it? I am making a decal for my Impreza. I already reserved SMS-001 as my plates. Thanks!
  17. I am suddenly frightened by this.
  18. Really, why isn't it just named the VF-27 "Duke Togo"? We all know he wants it.
  19. Look. If we are talking about the 11th Dimension, then Buckaroo Banzai needs to show up.
  20. Holy Hannah! What an episode. It was like every awesome thing you ever wanted to see in 24 minutes.
  21. Why not the VF-27 "McGuffin" ? yeah? yeah?
  22. I think it has been a breath of fresh air. I'd been pretty well annoyed with anime in general lately. Being a huge Macross fan, I went into this with a little caution after previous shows. So far, the show almost seems like a labor of love to me (except for the animation in ep 6......that was hate.) It is hard to wait a week for each episode.
  23. Screw it. I pre-ordered. I don't have to pay up front that way. Works for me.
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