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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I'd suggest a C++ book to start out with. I'm sure you can pick one up for pretty cheap somewhere! An intro level book will give you the necessary background more than a website will. Although not all web pages are created equally, so I may be wrong. ; ) Personally, I'd highly recommend C++ as a first language. It's not the most forgiving language, but it lays the foundation for many of the advanced aspects of the computer science field. I am, of course, quite masochistic, so take my advance with a grain of salt. ; ) Feel free to e-mail me with questions if you start learning C++! -cmg_cobra
  2. Well, as much as i like to take credit for the kickass movie, I can't. I just wrote the silly little valk transformation program. You can't put music to it, really. ; ) -cmg_cobra
  3. That was me! I'm Chris Glasnapp! : ) Anywho, it didn't get any further than what you remember it being. I coded up the program and did the original model. Some other people fiddled around with my clunky animation to make it look much cooler. Other than that, nothing happened. Unfortunately, real life interfered and I haven't been able to pursue my creative outlets very much anymore. : ( I had much grander ideas, such as smooth animation through the use of bezier animation paths. Perhaps i'll get back to it someday... I'll be sure to post anything I do, but don't hold your breath. If you the source or anything, just shoot me an e-mail and i'll send it on over. It was written in C++ using the OpenGL and Glut APIs. You can reach me at: cglasnap@vt.edu Have a good one, -cmg_cobra
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