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Everything posted by phule

  1. I was looking at hobby fan's webpage and they still have a waiting list for production to even start... put me down for one!
  2. I was laughing so hard at work.. my co-workers almost gave me emergency medical aid... i couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard... I thought that was the funniest damn thing I have seen in a long long time!!!!
  3. Here's mine Rockledge, FL latitude 28.3072 28° 18' 25" longitude -80.7401 -80° 44' 24"
  4. Welcome to the Fraternal Brotherhood of the Armed Services. I recently seperated from the Air Force. I was stationed at MacDill AFB, Tampa FL. Home of many current commands involved in activites overseas.... I had a blast in the military. While at MacDill AFB, I met numerous heads of state, various foriegn flag officers, and I got to met almost all of the current cabinet of the President of the United States of America (powell, rumsfield, rice, myers, etc.) I also got to met and serve under some of the best officers in the military. Have a Blast, but be wary of spending all of your money, you will end up like some of the people I knew in the barracks... nice stuff but no money! Also be wary of the PX/BX credit card!!!! don't know how many people got in trouble with that damn thing! Have fun, take lots of pictures, make new friends, and enjoy it! Ryan
  5. Johnny... Phule - phonetic spelling of "fool". I got it from a Robert Aspirin book series.
  6. What was his website, that is an interesting camo job, I would like to see what else he has. thanks, Ryan
  7. i am interested in both, just need to know a price for them.
  8. interested in the Ghost, but depends upon the price.
  9. Hey Tom PM me i wanna know what the scoop is
  10. Tom64ss, Another possibility is for you to sue him in civil court (small claims court) where the burden of proof is not as stringent to prove. Speaking of internet fraud cases, was watching the local news here and saw that a person was arrested for ebay fraud, trying to find the link right now: here is one http://www.local6.com/technology/2733419/detail.html here is another http://www.auctionbytes.com/cab/abn/y02/m03/i11/s01 and another http://www.auctionbytes.com/cab/abn/y02/m02/i08/s02 yet another http://www.maineantiquedigest.com/articles...03/fett0303.htm won't bother you with looking up more. You get the general idea
  11. tom64ss, That will be a Elintseeker and a low vis fighter for legal advise! Honestly, I don't see why you didn't do it earlier. Guess it just takes a different perspective. Good luck with the course of action choosen. Patterson, NJ!!!! Damn, that place is always on COPS!!! never my beloved department , that is ok though, I would be deathly afraid of what we do with a camera crew around.
  12. I would be concerned for the current freedom of that individual above anything else. What he/she/it has done constitutes fraud by deception. Since it was across state lines it now involves the FBI, which makes it federal, as well as, local. It would be a 3rd degree felony per INCIDENT. I would be very afraid if I were him. Now, If you were ripped off by this guy, I would contact HIS local law enforcement agency (police,sheriff's office) and report it and see where it goes from there. I know where I work, the sheriff's office has fraud investigators. Just thought I would share this info, but you knew it already I hope i never become freedom impaired!
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