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Everything posted by wolframbane

  1. Here is the cover of Space Gandam.
  2. And another Space Gandam pic.
  3. Here is a Space Gandam mecha apparently ready to duke it out with the Jupiter 2 from 'Lost in Space'.
  4. The VF-1J has also seen in the Korean 'Space Gandam' movie.
  5. And here is the Battletech Archer, based upon the Macross Spartan. Mecha from other series, like Dougram and Crusher joe, were also used by FASA.
  6. FASA used many of the Macross mecha designs, as in the case of the 'Stinger' mecha below, in its Battletech RPG.
  7. And here is the Transformers toy Jetfire.
  8. We are all probably familiar with the infamous Jetfire/Skyfire of Transformers fame. Because of a conflict in who could portray the image of the VF-1 in North America (between Robotech and Transformers, both who had apparently leased the reproduction of the design from Studio Nue), the Transformer Jetfire had a decidely different appearance on the cartoon than as a toy.
  9. The mecha of Macross has been seen in numerous other forms (series, toys, RPGs, etc) other than Macross. Some were legitimate liscencees (such as Jetfire in Transformers) and others, not so legit (like knockoffs and such). The purpose of this thread is for people to report and detail any of these Mecha (or even characters) seen in other series and media. Feel free to include any mecha that catches your eye.
  10. I have been working on a translation of the text below to English, so I can figure out exactly what the various functions of the parts of the Instrument Panel are for the VF-1 Valkyrie. The scans are originally from This is Animation: Macross Plus. I was hoping to ask for the services of anyone who is experienced in understanding the Japanese language. After the translations are completed, I am going to respost it in English.
  11. I have been working on a translation of the text below to English, so I can figure out exactly what the various functions of the parts of the Instrument Panel are for the VF-1 Valkyrie. The scans are originally from This is Animation: Macross Plus. I was hoping to ask for the services of anyone who is experienced in understanding the Japanese language. After the translations are completed, I am going to respost it in English.
  12. These are amazing, truly amazing.
  13. I was designing an image of the Auroran/AGAC/AJAC from Super Dimension Calvary Southern Cross/Robotech Masters. I was looking for a side view image of the mecha's fighter or helicopter mode, either a drawing or screenshot of the mecha that I may be able to use to create a line image. Below is a silhouette of the AGAC in helicopter mode from the side, to give an idea of the side profile I am looking for. Thanks to anyone who can be of assistance. http://www.artemisgames.com/robotech/Veritech/AGACS.html
  14. For any fans of the so-called 'Orguss Valkyrie' or the 'Jotun Valkyrie', check this model out. http://j02i924.gozaru.jp/page228.html
  15. Here are a lot of of higher definition pics from above: http://www.artemisgames.com/robotech/Verit...ie_gallery.html
  16. Thanks for all the help guys. I appreciate you help.
  17. I am working on designing a profile of the Spartas Hovertank, as seen in Super Dimension Century Southern Cross. Would anyone have any high resolution line images of the Spartas in its different modes (battloid, tank, hovercraft). I was hoping to come across profile images (front, side, rear, etc.) or links to such images. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Specifically I was looking for line images that came on the instructions from the Robotech Veritech Hover Tank toy produced by Matchbox in the 1980s. Below is a low-resolution example of what I was searching for.
  18. Several months ago, someone posted a beautiful picture of a fully transformable Spartan. Does anyone still have a copy of that pic?
  19. A few years ago I modified an image of what I envisioned a Mark I Monstr to look like, it is essentially a Mark II sans arms.
  20. That sight is amazing hellohikaru. Thanks a bunch. Are you aware of any sights that may have templates of pre-made camo patterns that one could super impose a line drawing of a valk on top of?
  21. I have noticed that when creating profile images of mecha/aircraft, several nice designs have been created with what appears to be camo templates or 'swatches' (such as camoflagure, desert tan, urban camo, etc) Would anyone be aware of any sites that would have good color 'swatches' that could be used when creating Valks?
  22. What were the official call designations for Skull Squadron. I know: Roy Fokker: Skull 001 Hikaru Ichijyo: Skull 011 What were: Maximillian Jenius: Hayao Kazizaki: Milia Fallyna Jenius: Also, when Hikaru took over Skull Squadron, did he remain Skull 011 or did he become Skull 001. And what were the significance of the call numbers?
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