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Everything posted by senator02103

  1. Yeah I heard that, I plan to get my hands on as many as I can...even if I have to pay the giant sums of cash...(VF-0 and the Plus collection here I come...) I have already begun looking into bigger cabinet!. *high five* another Valk collecting rookie like me!
  2. Thank you, payday will be...glorious money spending day.
  3. *High five* Completely awesome.
  4. I just wanted to post and say...I finally have my first Yamato toy and I am unable to stop being uber excited.
  5. Fansubbing* Tired posting=not so good. That'd be cool I have never seen 7 or the Frontier movies yet, or Plus movie edition.
  6. 1000% GENUINE, my god man how dare we question 1000%.
  7. Season 1= - Episodes with a bit of comedy and bits and pieces about Colonial Life - Dogfighting, constant dog fighting - Mystery Season 2= - No humor - Absolute hopelessness - Intense Cylon stuff - Year jump ahead at the end of the season. Don't get me wrong as I said love the show but season 1 will always be my favourite.
  8. This video is fantastic...I can't help but sing MAKUURROOSSS at the top of my voice much to the horror of my house mate.
  9. I'll just give them a nice cleaning each disk before watching!. Season 1 cliff hanger ending is possibly the best ending of all the seasons on that show. Am I the only one that didn't really dig the vibe change after season 1?, Don't get me wrong I love that show haha a lot more then I should but yeah season had this really awesome thing going for it.
  10. You people with your amazing collections, I get paid in a week and I have already mapped out a couple of hundred dollars worth of Yamato 1/60 Valks I want to buy...can not stop the buying...
  11. It cost me close to $130 for the complete blu ray set with the "Plan, BSG Razor" included in the set. My ps3 is one of the first slim line models.
  12. It looks a tonne pretty, but I don't know whether its my ps3 or my copies of the Bluray but in a couple of episodes the picture skips for a second and like pixelates really badly for a fraction of a second. It's still worth it, but then again I am biased outside of Macross, BSG is my obsession.
  13. That's true. Ah this thread has given me the itch to watch the Bluray set I bought and haven't sat to watch yet.
  14. I like how most of the tech in BSG got a lot cooler after the series
  15. I don't know if it's been previously mentioned but am I the only one who enjoyed the Blood and Chrome model Raptor with the different version tail section?.
  16. Just finished watching your version of DYRL and it's amazing...Roy took a bit of getting use to but it was pretty amazing all and all...more Macross fan subbing to come? will sponsor and or give you my first born?
  17. senator02103

    Macross 30

    Fan subbed play through anyone? I wish I knew Japanese! =/
  18. I know it's probably a random thing to say but the YF-19 is such a beautiful thing.
  19. Here is the first few bits of my collection, after 3 years in the cupboard waiting for a proper cabinet here they are After watching Macross Frontier I decided to start collecting again, I am currently waiting to get the following: Yamato VF-1S 1/60 TV edition Bandai Alto EX-GEAR Cheryl Nome Klan Klan, (a big one?)
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