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Everything posted by Bahamutzyro

  1. Lmao tell me about it! I hate seeing my 401k drop tens of thousands in a day!
  2. Great figures! I picked them up as well!
  3. Came today! Lately been picking up a lot of Cgc books.... also got the hot toys empire Leia.....
  4. Wow! Stolen? Wat is this world coming to when people steal your valks! Wtf?!
  5. I picked up an opened titans return fort max and I bought the add on kit by dna for the feet and crotch upgrade. Looks awesome. I just need the hand upgrade with the chest cannons.
  6. Picked up an xtransbots hoist and a toy world dirge. I must say, the toy world dirge is top notch. Little on the large side compared to the masterpiece seekers but wayyyyyy better quality. the transformation was easy to and I didn’t have to use instructions. Figure is heavy quality. I will purchase the other two now. I showed comparison in size to the Takara.
  7. Picked up this fans toys omega/terminus giganticus. I don’t know y lol. I seem to like the variants.
  8. I missed this one, dam. But I had no problems in the past getting them close to release so I’ll keep my fingers crossed!
  9. What time does it go on sale eastern standard?
  10. Just got this in mail. My wife is gonna divorce me lol..... spending to much!
  11. Just opened up my Thanos on throne by sideshow. I am beyond impressed with this! It’s massive and the detail is absurd. now where am I gonna put this!
  12. Lol yes 1st appearance! If my wife really knew how much money I waste..... lol
  13. Oh, picked this up on fleabay. On its way. Been wanting a copy for years now. Figured I pull the trigger!
  14. Picked up an x transbots trailbreaker. I must say I’m pretty happy with it. Also got a prime Orion masterpiece prime. Really nicely done.
  15. So why would you not contact PayPal or your credit card company? As soon as there is any sign of anything like that you should immediately look into it. If ny or any company can’t resolve within a few weeks, contact you card or PayPal and open a claim. It’s the sellers responsibility to get you item as u are the customer.
  16. What does he charge?
  17. Are those commission builds or does he sell them?
  18. Actually she’s pretty spot on in size. Mp-28 is based really on hot rod and the old rodimus should be larger. She works pretty well. I did order the fanstoys as well so I’ll see how that one is. as far as the sky fire, he is one of the best 3rd party mp out there. Fans toys is a better quality figure vs most others. I do like dx9 as well.
  19. Some more shots of toy world Leia. She is in scale with the masterpiece line.
  20. This is toy world. Not too bad. Fanstoys has one coming out as well. I’ll send some pics next to some of the other masterpiece line
  21. My new additions, some 3rd part masterpiece. Tracks just there for scale. I’m loving the arcee and jazz. i also receive gigantis terminus or masterpiece omega suprem but I didn’t get to open yet.
  22. ordered!! At least now I can use my regular finish version with the reactive armor. we just need some ghost boosters now!
  23. Lol my daughters my little pony build a bear!
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