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Everything posted by Bahamutzyro

  1. Wait I was just watching the countdown n it’s sold out? How?
  2. Just paid mine. I hope they release all the ride armors
  3. Your clearly speaking of the buyout by Bain capital for the 1st bankruptcy. They were given a debt load because they accumuated a debt load after they were losing their shirts to online comp because they failed to adapt a platform for online competition.( this was due directly to amazon). the standard margin is in fact 68-70% on toys. In fact it’s probably less for them since they source through China. lets not argue, as the fact is no one, can justify less sales as a business strategy. No matter how much lipstick they put on It.
  4. Agreed! I’m not trying to argue with anyone, just stating the obvious. Companies are in business to make profit. Even if you over produce somewhat and sell discounted. They still make money. The best answer is they are poorly run. If I was ceo, I wouldn’t allow lost opportunities. I run a 700 million dollar region in nyc right now n I could never accept an answer from my team that we met demand and we don’t want to over order.
  5. These toys are roughly a 67-71% margin. Even if they sold at half retail price, they are profitable.
  6. I didn’t say they were a toy manufacturer. I said bad business decisions lead to company’s failing I toysrus went bankrupt because it refused to adapt to customer needs, aka online sales. They were exclusive toyseller to amazon n thought they could do it better. They were wrong. They took on debt when they went private because they thought they could change after the fact . Silmilar to blackberry. mattel isn’t bankrupt... yet. Either they will get absorbed by another company or bankrupt. Market cap was 17 billion, now 5 billion. Matter of time. Poor business practice. No one buying there stock since they can’t produce sales. we can discuss this for weeks. My point is if business wants to grow and remain viable, they can not limit their sales potential, citing nonsense like meeting demand when clearly we wouldn’t be having this conversation if they were smart enough to satisfy customer demand.
  7. It is actually multiple products and you can say all is good for Bandai but I’m sure all was good for Mattel, and toys r us, and all the company’s that went bankrupty because they couldn’t adjust to customer needs. I’m not fixed on anything except that every time u want to order something from those clowns it’s a song and dance or some nonsense. I’ve bern buying for years but doesn’t change the fact that it’s poorly run at best.
  8. If apple released an iPhone X in a new color and it sold out, they would produce more just like in any business. Unless Bandai is trying to go out of business. It makes zero sense not to produce more r why produce it at all? They know it’s sold out. Then open a second pre order. Period. there is no logic whatsoever in any case to not produce any more.
  9. Can you imagine if Apple said” sold out iPhone X” no more production. It would not be #1 company in the world.
  10. In the end, you can give them any excuse you wish, it’s the dumbest business strategy ever. A business is a business and there’s only one goal, sell units n make profit. i think you over estimate bandai’s size as well. They can very easily go the way Mattel which is borderline bankruptcy right now. if u release a certain number of units, and they present out, y would u not release more? Second run. Bandai is already tooling the mood and producing. Pure dumbness.
  11. This is the most dumbest idiotic way to sell merchandise. Y would anyone running any business think that they should limit the amount of income to a company by doing this dumb ass crap? Y do we have to waste our time praying we can pre order something??
  12. Me too mospeada! Also I picked a masterpiece blitzing!
  13. Does this nippon site deliver to us? It says free shipping
  14. So it’s delayed?
  15. My stick is on its way from ny! Looks good. I have the beagle toynami one but I like the size on these. I hope they make lancer and the girl one lol
  16. I used my ny credit on my premium finish SDF-1. Simply reordered, then sent email to cancel my previous one. I really wanted the kairos but I guess not. Definately refuse to pay those outrageous prices.
  17. Hope it’s delayed lol
  18. I have the store credit too. I’m gonna look at wats still available for pre order that I have on order. Then if it’s available, I’m gonna reordered it with the credit n email them to cancel the 1st pre order. I will not be ordering any future pre orders from them.
  19. I’d say at all. The fact that they would not release more is a dumb business move by Bandai. Let alone to not ship the allotment just pisses off the entire base customers that keep them in business. i wouldn’t pay that for it just as I wouldn’t pay 500 for an ostrich Yamato 1/60. In time they will reissue.
  20. It’s definately not worth 600.00.
  21. They didn’t say we were not getting the kairos. They said they hadn’t received all their stock. I would assume they are waiting for more shipment as I believe they would’ve refunded us by now knowing they wouldn’t be getting them.
  22. This is wat they sent me......
  23. I had to pick one up. Price is too good.
  24. Yeah, wats up with NY? I haven’t got my dam ship notification! I need my macross fix!
  25. Bahamutzyro

    Hi-Metal R

    When is this VT1 ostrich going up for pre order?
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