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Everything posted by Bahamutzyro

  1. Lmao no no! I want nothing! No quid pro quo
  2. Got this 1/3 chun li street fighter alpha! Loving it!
  3. My wife is definitely leaving me.... I pullEd the trigger on the prime1 studios 1/3 hush Batman and Superman! I kept trying to resist but I caved! superman was 1500.00 shipped from prime1 and the Batman was 1240.00 shipped from sideshow. there goes my kids education! Lol
  4. Where are those transformers from?!
  5. Lmao great rationalization! I know they are going to release the vF-1j again probably with supers. Bandai is gonna milk this mold for millions!
  6. Hasbro’s looks like crap next to zeta toys. Let’s be real, all Hasbro looks like crap next to 3rd party’s. hopefully they will create a sub company name n release it anyway. I’d pay 800 for zetas 40” vs that trash 27” Hasbro crap.
  7. Ha ha that’s my daughter Leia! Veryyyy expensive!!!!!
  8. I picked up a few new things.... ghostbusters set Arcadia ve-1 also got a signed queen album, signed prince album and signed George Michael album! also picked up a queen canvas for my basement! spent a few thousand. My wife is gonna kill me lol
  9. Anyone get their chuck from ny? my order still says preparation in progress.
  10. I ordered 4 sets of super parts 406.00 shipped to us. these hobbies are killing me. Now watch them release armor. I didn’t shell out for any missle sets. I’ll bet they will also release the camo versions etc. I’m gonna be homeless but at least I’ll have my valks to keep me warm at night lol
  11. The packs come with multiple badges so they are not valk specific.
  12. Available at ny 27k yen
  13. I’ll buy a few. Or 20. Lol
  14. Ha ha hope u got a room I can sleep in when my wife throws me out for buying another valk!
  15. Up at NY 27500 yen go!
  16. Dude, you just made me spend 244.00 on NY for an Arcadia elintseeker. I didn’t even realize this was up for pre order. I need to unsubscribe from these threads!
  17. Does NY have a link?
  18. I dropped numerous orders from bbts once they started charging tax. I rather order from eBay and not pay extra cash on tax.
  19. Mistake 1- match.com? Y da hell would he marry someone from match.com
  20. When is this going up for pre order?
  21. I’d buy all Bandai 1/48 releases
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