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Everything posted by Bahamutzyro

  1. Thanks! Just got one for 13300 yen. Good deal!
  2. just picked up a 1/6 hot toys batmobile at a great price from craigslist. also picked up a Donnie yen ip man, and a warlock Bowen statue. I have my yf-19 Arcadia and my super alloy man of steel in my private warehouse in hobby link. just waiting for the super alloy green lantern to release to ship!
  3. does this come painted and built or does it have to be put together? does this come painted and built or does it have to be put together?
  4. what is the scale of the lavevatein? how tall? anyone know?
  5. yeah but you gotta admit the vf-25 renewals are awesome and this color scheme as well as many others are bad ass. i rather see new colors such as this then alto over and over lol
  6. wow. this is an awesome color combo. loving it. glad that bandai is pushing new paint schemes rather then reissuing same ones over and over.
  7. thinking of ordering a second screw it, took a 2nd one
  8. only 40 left! 39
  9. thanks i just got one lol i knew they would come up again
  10. it will be available. bandai has upped their production on all the latest valks. they will be available.
  11. Bahamutzyro

    Storing Toys

    i usually tuck ll mine in at night when its cold and they share my bed. my wife has to sleep in living room.
  12. roflmao classic!
  13. only problem with a thanos is that he is not the main villain in guardians of the galaxy, its ronin the accuser. they are definitely leading into the infinity gauntlet though. the collector at the end of the thor dark world movie confirms that as the collector was in thanos quest when he obtained the infinity gems. my hopes and dreams of 20 plus years finally to come true! thanos on the big sceen!
  14. yeah hes awesome. im breaking my wallet with all these hot toys. i managed to pick up a midas ironman but i have like 7 preorders coming up this month lol. like man of steel, sideshow baroness, super alloy new 52 superman! gonna run me like 2 grand. at least i have no bad habbits lol, unless you count coronas and bacardi lmao
  15. heres a pic of some stuff I threw on my shelves. I just moved so i havent really had time to set up how i want. The white glass cabinet i just picked up used on craiglist for 100.00
  16. heres a pic of some stuff I threw on my shelves. I just moved so i havent really had time to set up how i want. The white glass cabinet i just picked up used on craiglist for 100.00
  17. I was wondering if anyone knows how to apply the points i have accumalated at hobbysearch to my order? cant seem to figure it out. thanks in advance
  18. looks like hobby search shipped my vf-27 but it has no tracking number? i shipped via sal. i know when i ship sal at ami ami it comes with tracking number. would they really ship a 200.00 order without tracking? thats gutsy on there part as they are liable.
  19. Perfect I just got vf 27 for 183 usd so 201 shipped.
  20. anyone know what hobby search charges for sal?
  21. That's retarded. They will only sell u 1 copy for life? Lmao. Baddd business
  22. Ami ami won't let me order. I ordered 1 two weeks ago n now I can't? Is it 1 per account?
  23. seriously thinking about painting the yellow to red on these ozma packs. like the deep blue color on the packs. what you guys think?
  24. i actually think the darker color ozma armor looks better then the lighter blue
  25. messing around with alto, put some ozma armor on him since i dont have the alto super parts yet lol
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