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Everything posted by skatata
Well i've been slackin lately got back from holidays and am back in school so not much time for my projects. thought i should post a part of the game so here you go this example is really messy and basically shows how the interface works. Click me Already
Dude my family is freakin out over here in Ireland, we're flyin out to orlando this week. So far the flight hasn't been canceled . Besta luck to you guys over there
Forgot Customisible Fighters nearly finished *Paint your fighter *adjust your payload so tons of enemy blasting weapons = a slow tank or lightier payload = lightning fast movement whatever you're game style *like i said before different fast packs and armor can be placed on the fighters
Don't worry bout that the engine on that site is nothing like the current 1. Top Secert you know
A few screenshots i forgot to show Characters Talking Eagles Nest Main Menu Graphics are a real pain you can see that i took a quick pic of Roy . There is virtually no story to this thing at all!!! Also thought about adding a Job Feature where you can earn money by destroying a few renegades or delivering items. Wingmen can now be used now depending on there status weither they are healthy, hospitalised or dead. Formations can also be created as an extra option .
Nice animation is there any further progress on the game ?
Yeah i like those Ideas, I built an engine to incorperate those ideas and it might work. Check it out HERE (Note: same as before you might have to click on the link and when it doesn't show click go in your browser) All this demo does is let you walk around a park and the trees and house give of perception of depth. one problem with this is it is very intensive and too many trees and it slooooooows down too much. anywho the arrow keys are to move.
*/UPDATE\* Ok heres an update on the project so far. Features so far: *Multiple Fighter, Models and Armors *Multiple Bases that you have to fly between *Shops Buy all your macross parts *Hanger Do Maintaince checks on your fighters *Stats increase your level by destroying more enemies *Multiple enemies So things i'm working on at the minute are the stroy line, the graphics and wingmen which i thought might be cool. I want the game to look almost perfect before i release the next demo.
Good points Wabbit. I'm working on the famous Macross missile swarm. also i have finished the VF-1 (A,D,J,S), the VF-19 and a few fast packs and am working on the 2,17,21(22). What else do you guys think the game needs different valks maybe vf9, 5000, vf4. also enemies are regult, gnerl, power armors (heck, can't thing of the names )
Hmm.. try typing the url http://geocites.com/skatatainc/macross sometimes when you enter a geocities you'll have to select the url address again and hit enter. Hope it works for you
Yes i used the cos and sin to calculate how far you are from the ship based on its x and y position
Well i decided to try and make a macross game with some rpg elements like buying ships, parts, weapons. So i started working on a new engine this one is a look more dynamic meaning that essentially you can build your own missions, and worlds with a few lines of code. but i'm not going to let you see that yet ; I will let you see an earlier version of the shooting side of the game. this one has the dumb enemy ai that just looks at you and only has 3 or 4 levels. it also has buttons to choose the VF-1 or VF-19. Click here and if it doesn't load the first time click go after clicking it. <:CONTROLS:> UP/DOWN = Speed UP/DOWN LEFT/RIGHT = i'll let you figure it out F/G/B = fighter/gerwalk/battroid SPACE = fire Any other ideas you have would be great for the RPG or Shooting part.
EDIT: Not the Current Engine Click HERE or type http://www.geocities.com/skatatainc/proto2.swf Controls Up = speed up Down = speed down/revearse Left/Right = turning Space = Fire F = Fighter G = Gerwalk B = Battroid No real challenge just a working engine with some basic ai and some particle explosions.
mk16 nice 19. could the pedistrian under the giant robot GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE! I've built the hands and landing gear and fixed a few details and added some CF colours edit: the darn link doesn't work here the url instead edit: nope works again Picture
Woo Dat that models looking sharp That thing just keeps getin better bring on the animations
Dude beautiful detail on those valks i love the look of Gonzos legs (err hmmm)
Cheers aztec, good lad must pick up a 1/48 sometime
Thanks for the input aztec. it's just that the nosecone looks a bit long in battroid mode and after i looked at datterboys model i seen that the nosecone sort looks as if it has move it's postion when the heat shield is over it check the pic to see what i mean.
Could a couple of you guys that built the vf-1 models tell me when your models in battroid mode does the nosecone slide up into the chest ? I think the proportions on my model are wrong and don't want to be scaling when i'm actually animating it.
Could i get some C&C from you guys on my model so far. I've been working on the model for the last few weeks, still a few moreparts to finish and remodel.
has anyone got a guide to how the garlands from meagzone transform. i don't see how the darn cockpit and arms transforms. anyone know where i can find some pics on the transformation of even a short animation of it.
Check it out this sites got buckets of SD mecha, including M7 and M+ Destiny 3 Fates SD SDF
Personally i think you you should take a whack at them all, and then pick the one that you feel is the most comfortable to use.
I remember hero interactive had been working on a sidescroller like that but in the demo they released you couldn't change to gerwalk or battroid modes. other than that the game was looking good. I haven't a clue why they stopped.