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Everything posted by Terpfen

  1. This may be off-topic, but it's still on-topic, so I'm posting it here. I've got a friend working on a 1/72 VF-22S. He wants to paint it up realistically, kind of like how this F-15 is a real version of a possible Millia plane. So... does anyone have some photos of planes painted blue?
  2. I've got it preordered from Gamestop.com. Free overnight shipping, thanks to a coupon code posted at planetdoom.com.
  3. Kruuze is indeed dead. He hasn't pulled a Hyaku Shiki. If it's a new anime series you need, I recommend Super Sylph Yukikaze, Samurai Champloo, Tenjou Tenge, or holding out for the Zeta Gundam TV series box set coming out in December (or the Zeta movies coming out in 2005).
  4. Welcome to the world of the Master Grade. Recolors are common, especially in September. Why would Bandai include the Sword or Launcher packs with the Strike Rouge, when a) it never used them, and b) they could make more money by releasing Sword/Launcher Strike MG variants at a future opportunity? Nothing new here, I'm afraid. Points to someone who gets the double meaning.
  5. What AgentONE said was dumb, but so is this...
  6. That's the Strike Rouge, September's MG release.
  7. Sunrise and Bandai ARE the same company. Bandai purchased Sunrise early in V Gundam's run (1993), and then came up with G Gundam. How G Gundam became what it is now is another story, but needless to say, it began as a remake/update of MSG. Shining Gundam was originally going to be a new RX-78. Be afraid.
  8. Another price update... for those of you who can't get to a Circuit City (or for those who can't buy online because circuitcity.com is out of stock), Amazon has FS2002 for $15. There's also a $20 rebate here, so you can actually make $5 off the deal.
  9. Actually, there IS a division, because consoles are the more popular gaming platform. This is why PC developers are porting more and more of their games to the Xbox (off the top of my head, Deus Ex 2, HL2, Doom 3), or even switching platforms altogether (Bungie). I have consoles, and I have a PC. I use the keyboard/mouse combo on the PC, and I use the joypad on the consoles. I'd say that's a fairly obvious--black and white, even--decision. You're either using one or the other to play Doom 3. As for me reading into this... my problem is with your clueless attitude, not your preference. Yeah, I enjoy using the mouse and keyboard myself. But all you need to do is look at sales figures to discern that more people prefer the gamepad. I've never heard complaints of GTA being unenjoyable on the PS2 because of the controller. Actually, you're not. You're saying that for FPS games, there's no alternative, and that FPS games are playable only when using the mouse/keyboard combo, and you insult the joypad in terms of its potential for FPS games. You may think you're merely expressing a preference, but it sure isn't coming off like that. Actually, this entire argument we're in stems from you bashing the joypad as a controller for FPS games. Had you merely said, "Because I don't like using the joypad in FPS games, I'll skip Doom 3 on the consoles," we wouldn't be here right now. Instead, your point was and is, "The joypad sucks for FPS games and I don't know how people can use that damn thing, it's so unresponsive and slow," despite the fact that neither one of us have heard a single line of complaints from joypad users. If you want to peg me as the immature one here, go right ahead; you're still on record as whining about something you never use in the first place. Another "it sucks because it's old" argument. Already covered this. I wouldn't know. I don't own an Xbox. Yeah, we're still on the topic of the merits of Doom 3 on the PC versus Doom 3 on the Xbox, and given that control is a requirement of playing a game, I'd say the fact that we're talking about gamepads, mice, and keyboards says we're still on topic. Or at least, we WERE on topic, because I think I've made my point. Discussion over.
  10. What Stamen said. I don't buy anything that comes from the hand of Okawara, yet somehow he dominates the model lines anyway. And don't tell me I can get Katoki's work by purchasing any random HGUC or MG. Those are not Katoki redesigns, they are Bandai-dictated "easy to manufacture" refines, and Katoki is merely the warm body who draws the art.
  11. Because Macross, and the real-life research and kook theories the story is based on, says that the aliens messed with the DNA of early humans, not early evolutionary life. This is an explanation for the "missing link" in human evolution. The idea of the aliens creating humans from fish, or even fish-people (mermaids, now?), contradicts the basic story. Humans weren't around when Pangaea existed, so throw that out the window. I'm sure that the Mayan Island legends refer to Protoculture, but the details just got screwed. And I don't buy the explanation that the AFOS is the alien itself, because that then begs the question, "What the hell is that thing under the water?" Toys are for children. Models are for adults. Give me a 1/72 Hasegawa kit with properly-proportioned delta wings and I'll be happy.
  12. Oh, you're entitled to your opinion. You're just not entitled to your own set of facts. It's rather fanboyish to knock a game you haven't tried based on unconfirmed criteria. I can say, "GTA San Andreas is going to suck because of X, Y, and Z," but that doesn't mean it's an informed opinion. Likewise, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. could completely suck. It could become tedious traveling over the game's territory. The story could be Hollywood cheese. But that doesn't mean it will. That's why I'll play the game to find out what it's like. I agree that Half-life is overhyped. I didn't like it much myself. However, what I did like was the fact that there was a point to your exploration and shooting. There were places to go, objectives to achieve. Doom 3 provides this. Will it be interesting? More likely than not, it will. Using Doom and Doom 2 as examples of what Doom 3's gameplay will be like is a weak analysis, IMO. Quake was a brainless shoot-'em-up, whereas Quake 2 focused more on exploration. Same name, different gameplay. Play Doom 3, then form your opinion about its quality, not vice versa. You didn't need to say Doom 3 sucks. Your implications did it for you.
  13. It's extremely elitist, and childish to boot. "MY TOY IS BETTER THAN YOURS," whined the child. PC players prefer the mouse or trackball and a keyboard. Console players do just fine with a gamepad. This is really a stupid argument. Perhaps you don't, but perhaps others do. Perhaps you don't like trackballs, but perhaps others do. I remember one LAN tournament--I believe it was a QuakeCon--where the champion used a trackball. I can't use a trackball to save my life. I can't stand the things. But if the trackball led this person to victory, more power to them. This is not an issue of the quality of the tools, but the quality of the user. I personally use a mouse and keyboard, and restrict my FPS gaming to the PC. I even wait for GTA releases on the PC, just so I can use the mouse and keyboard (not to mention improved graphics, FSAA, inserting my own mp3s, and enhanced sound.) But I don't sit here and say, "GTA sucks with a gamepad." The Xbox lacks a mouse. The only keyboard available is for exclusive use with Phantasy Star Online. The mouse was invented in the same time frame (late '70s/early '80s) as the joypad. The idea that the joypad is useless because it's an old design is ridiculous. Using this argument, I can buy an Xbox tomorrow, then say it's superior to my PC because it's newer. I prefer to look at it this way; Some people like the mouse and don't want to use a gamepad. Some like the gamepad and don't want to, or can't, use a mouse. Some act like children when they say "my controller is better than yours!" I agree that the PC is a better platform for FPS games. That doesn't mean the gamepad is inferior. I know a few people who are just like you, except in reverse; they love the gamepad and can't get used to keyboard/mouse control. They do just fine with the gamepad, while we do just fine with the keyboard/mouse. Grow up, please.
  14. Terpfen

    VF-0A kit

    I'm waiting for the VF-0D myself. I get the feeling we'll get D.D.'s SV-51 before we ever see a VF-0D. Hell, we might see that VF-2SS thing before a VF-0D. Maybe even a VF-0S battroid before a VF-0D. As for what the VF-0A looks like... uh, it looks like a gray VF-0S with a different head. Screencap of VF-0A's battroid mode is attached. It's from episode 2 of Mac Zero.
  15. One: try playing the game before you bash it for not having any gameplay. According to PC Gamer, a plot is present, complete with mission objectives. For people who like shooting everything that moves, you do that while completing mission objectives--just like Half-life! Two: according to HardOCP's Doom 3 benchmarks from July 20, Doom 3 will run fine on low-end machines. I quote: "As of this afternoon we were playing DOOM 3 on a 1.5GHz Pentium 4 box with a GeForce 4 MX440 video card and having a surprisingly good gaming experience. Even a subtle jump to an AMD 2500+ with a GeForce 3 video card that is two years old will deliver a solid gaming experience that will let you enjoy the game the way id Software designed it to be. That fact alone should let many of you know that you will not be left behind in experiencing DOOM 3." Three: I know plenty of people who prefer to play FPS games with controllers instead of the mouse/keyboard combo. Let's not be elitist here, shall we? Isn't it the gameplay that matters most? You seemed to believe that at the start of your post. Edit: Four: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. looks to be a pretty good game, assuming it ever gets released. At this point, it's a lot like Half-life 2. It's promising a lot, but will we ever play it?
  16. Could you explain how? It seems to me that Katoki does extremely high-quality work, but Okawara's crap gets all the top billing anyway.
  17. About FS2004... Circuit City (and circuitcity.com) is offering the game for $20, with a $20 rebate included. Read: the game is free. Unless your PC sucks, there's no real reason not to grab a copy. I plan to in the morning, along with a joystick (Saitek Cyborg!)
  18. I honestly recommend that you give up hopes of running Doom 3 on your laptop. It's just not going to happen. I'm sorry. With regards to the rest of this thread... Doom 3 on Xbox: I'm sure it'll run smoothly, but sacrifices will be made in order to achieve that. The first and most obvious sacrifice will be resolution. Consoles output at low resolutions anyway (PS2 outputs at 320x200, for example), so that's alright. Afterwards, further nvidia optimizations will be done, beyond what the PC version features. Of course, ATI optimizations will be dropped, which will change the rendering anyway. Then they have to adjust how the game loads to account for available RAM. More likely than not, the hard drive will be used to do more than save games.
  19. Doom 3's rendering is actually done with fairly low-poly models. It's a testament to Carmack's ability to get an engine together and to make it look good. As for HL2... that man is Gordon Freeman, theoretical physicist. You play as him in both games.
  20. Unfortunately, the Doom 3 version looks pretty crappy. Take a look for yourself. Pay attention in particular to this and that.
  21. Seph1roT made my point perfectly. Thank you. Looking forward to new skins. Now I just need to get FS2004...
  22. Demonstrators can be any number of colors. For example, the YF-22 and YF-23 (real-life planes) were given low-visibility schemes. The second YF-23 produced for further testing was painted dirty black. As for the VF-22S... well, that's a production craft, so you can safely dull it. Just my two cents... I apologize if I'm coming across as demanding here.
  23. Thanks for the link. You're right... it is rather low on pictures. Do they plan on adding some? I'd love to see properly-colored lineart for the VF-22S (as opposed to the stuff MAHQ has up). As for the VF-0A... I took a screenshot of the instance I keep referring to.
  24. Well, it's not selecting blue, red, and white that says "anime" to me... it's more due to the starkness of those colors. Like on that YF-21 screenshot... if that were a more grayish blue, or merely not so bright, it would be just fine. If you can't visualize what I mean... click here.
  25. My theory on where the $55 price comes from: extended development plus fees for paying Chris Vrenna to do the music. All I can say is, for $55, he'd better have put out a damn good update of the Cyberdemon's level music.
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