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About RosarioLuv

  • Birthday 05/14/2000

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    "Rolo." aka "RL" Rosario Love
  • Old MW Post count
    quite a few. Can't remember though. Well over a thousand.

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    Macross. Jazz, Classical, Prog Rock Music (playing and listening to). Maroon Five. LP. Hoobastank (don't laugh). The O.C. (don't laugh again.) The girls on The OC. Driving fast on the freeway by the waterfront with the windows down and the wind in my hair....closest thing to flying. Hot cocoa. Pralines and Creme Ice Cream. Hot Apple Cider with cinnamon sticks. Foreign films. Foreign pop stars. Poets, Artists, Musicians, Actors/Actresses. Brunettes. Keira Knightley. Audrey Hepburn. Smiles.

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Now THIS isn't something you see everyday these days! Old-school custom resin parts for 1/55 Valks on ebay! (not mine). I can't remember who did the heads? Chris Barretta? Jung Chao? Fulcy hips? TAKATOYS nose cone! this is SO OLD SKOOL! I know these are listings, but posting here for nostalgia sakes. Prices are pretty high though. I actually still have most of these parts in my own stash: VF-1D head, shield, and 2-seater cockpit http://www.ebay.com/itm/Macross-1-55-Custom-VF-1D-Kit-Resin-Robotech-Bandia-Takatoku-/251772968092?pt=US_Action_Figures&hash=item3a9ed69c9c VF-1S Strike Cannon http://www.ebay.com/itm/Macross-1-55-Custom-VF-1S-Strike-Canon-Resin-Robotech-Bandai-Takatoku-/251772968825?pt=US_Action_Figures&hash=item3a9ed69f79 VF-1S head http://www.ebay.com/itm/Macross-1-55-Custom-VF-1S-Head-Resin-Roy-Fokker-Robotech-Bandai-Takatoku-/251772969500?pt=US_Action_Figures&hash=item3a9ed6a21c VF-1J head http://www.ebay.com/itm/Macross-1-55-Custom-VF-1J-Head-Resin-Rick-Hunter-Robotech-Bandai-Takatoku-/251772969930?pt=US_Action_Figures&hash=item3a9ed6a3ca Ball Joint Legs http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-55-Macross-Custom-Ball-Joint-Legs-Takatoku-Bandai-Robotech-Transformers-/251772970298?pt=US_Action_Figures&hash=item3a9ed6a53a Custom Nose Cone & Cockpit http://www.ebay.com/itm/Macross-1-55-Custom-Cockpit-Pilot-by-TAKATOYS-Resin-Robotech-Bandia-Takatoku-/251772968486?pt=US_Action_Figures&hash=item3a9ed69e26
  2. Someone broke my BP8 when they attempted to transform my valkyrie without permission. Is there any replacement BP8 parts these days? Original, recast, or shapeways perhaps?
  3. wasn't there a replacement parts junker thread somewhere here? or someone was recasting it (though not sure if a resin version would be strong enough)? I need that fixed on mine too.
  4. http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/bl_giant_skeleton.htm
  5. That's funny; When I saw the new Powerglide mistransformed with the wings angled outward like that, it immediately reminded me of when I was a kid and it REALLY BUGGED me that the promo pics for the original G1 Powerglide were ALSO MISTRANSFORMED exactly the same way in the original G1 CATALOGUE! Looks like Hasbro is remaining true to it's classic line, even in the way they mistransform Powerglide, lol: Also, personally, I like the G1 Powerglide Jet proportions WAAY better than the new one, particularly the longer wingspan. The new one is a bit stubby. Also, for some reason, this new version reminds me of a VF-4 in bot mode.
  6. Is that tiny HotRod on the left the one that comes with Star Convoy?
  7. Bulkhead reminds me of a Sharkticon and also that guy named "Crunch" from the MIGHTY ORBOTS:
  8. Yeah, that's my line art. I used a fan-made paint program at KUPIKA.com to draw this Prime. You can see an animated MOVIE showing how I drew it at: http://kupika.com/animoekaki.php?id=c47a2b5b9bc2f9asqg3n I'm just learning how to draw on computer; I never really have until now. That website has little 10 year olds that draw like seasoned pros. Check out their artworks (mostly anime girls). I am at awe in the wake of their talents. I wish I could draw like them. My Prime isn't really accurate to the cartoon. It's just how I remember parts of Op from my head. I know I think the forehead vent thing is too big, the helmet is inaccurate, and there's too much "face" space around his eyes or something. And I don't even know if his ears (antennae) are right. I can't ever remember if Prime has one set or two sets of antennae. This attempt at G1 Prime from my head isn't accurate; cuz I've never bothered to learn G1 Prime officially. Lazy.
  9. I've honestly never painted with computer before. Here's my first try at good ole' Optimus: I know it's amateurish, but I had fun making it
  10. Better than tape, actually: I used Gravity and Static Friction! (It's just resting on top like that, lol).
  11. eh, these toy prices are nuthin compared to pre-yamato days.... I remember when you were lucky to get a genuine macross chunky monkey for $300. Supers went upwards of $800. Strikes at $1000. Ostrich's and Elints at $3000! Heck, even if you settled for a joons, at least $100, or around $200 or more for a Jetfire. For what you get now in features and detail, and the much much lower price, you're gettin off easy! But, alas, cheaper may they be, the hole in my pocket feels your pain.
  12. Behold, the Macross! If only I had had a decent camera and paint program back then. I was using the equivelent to a crappy camera phone for hardware, and edited on crappy trial paint program that reduced picture quality when you clicked "save" (to force you to buy the full version that didn't reduce quality). I was running Windows 3.1 at the time. eek! The toys above are all gone now, with exception for the 1990 reissue. I miss taking pics like that. The digicam I have now doesn't let me take close-ups of toys.
  13. Just for fun, a GBP Armoured VF-1J (Joons) in fighter mode:
  14. Takatoku Super VF-1S:
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