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Everything posted by Göönk

  1. Learn, there is only 6000 letters
  2. the D is seen for 2 or 3 episodes it's seen in Ikaru's dream It's seen in M&M wedding <- if that's not sexy I wonder what is They even fight with the D version just after the wedding ! (when Millia explains he has to shoot at legs or at the back of the pods) SEXY
  3. i only have a professionnal stereo amplifier why should i bother with 5-1 ?
  4. Apparently 5 audio channels divx quality. Useless I think. Good stereo is enough.
  5. Is it allowed to talk about bittorrent in the forums? If not, sorry and delete this message. (I should read the agreement again!) I found out a new version of Macross Zero (ep 1 & 3) available on Bittorent network. The new seeds are from the "A-F & AF" group and seems pretty popular (lots of people downloading it) Any one of you tried the download? I already have tons of version of these so I don't want to download again if it's not worth.
  6. I confirm, no velcro "magic tape" on reissue
  7. do you think the blue fast packs parts will be tinted in the mass or just painted? If it's in the mass, I think it's going to be hard to have the same colours for body and super parts.
  8. I ordered a few sheets. My 1S was naked and my 1J original stickers begin to peel off. Those yamato stickers are definitly crap, especially on dark & round background (the gun pod for ex.) About the white background of the sticker sheet. At TMP, they say the real background colour shall be white instead of the yellow/orange background of the screenshot. I wonder if it's easy to cut them, see them, if they are white. How do you see the small white ones. (for ex. the fast pack ones) Is there some explaination? Documentation? are those stickers the exact same ones than the Yamatos?
  9. Maybe is it Macross Zero repackaged into Robotech 2004. Shin could be Rick Hunter's son or something. ahah.
  10. The 1/48 standard TAKATOY stickers are available. Check your fav dealers. At least they're available at twin moons. sorry for the wallet
  11. I haven't seen yukikaze, but I did saw the first ep. of Area 88 and they are using CG as well, but it looks like it's a drawing. (if you prefer that kind of anime). Give it a try at your favorite torrent site.
  12. I totally agree. The boat scene is amazing. From the Destroid to the armored VF-0S. The scene lasts 2 minutes but it's pure mecha fight.
  13. I think minimum age for the 1/48 is something like 15. It's not hard to transform it but it needs patience and delicate movements what young kids are enable to achieve. The hardest step is when you put the head in battloid position with the long lasers. Especially if you had the "head problem" I had (see ** below). I also didn't find the documentation and stickers under the hardpaper. I think we all said "crap they forgot the documentation - why me???????!!!!!!!!!!". (**) My 1/48s reissue had a problem on the head. I had to turn the head screw to untight it a little. The head couldn't turn at all. So, maybe you have the same problem. My 1J didn't have that problem. Give it a try, at least it won't break anything. The lasers are very fragile. It's obvious at the very first look at the toy when you have it in front of you.
  14. yes they could use several layers to put all the weapons, rockets, etc... They could even put all those parts together in a compartment. But then, the "display" wouldn't be as good. They use one layer so "kids" can see all they get for the money. Imagine they release two kinds of boxes. "high" and "low" density boxes. Which would you buy?
  15. they did the 1J+FP is almost as big as my 1S. Only a bit deeper (+4cm)
  16. I was told several times that the real "design" of valks shall be taken in the DYRL movie. The TV series is only good for the STORY So, you only have to remind that the "valkyrie has missiles". Wherever you attach them.
  17. Usually when I read arguments in forum I change the topic of the discussion and add new elements of fun and jokes etc... it helps to relax them
  18. I thought we were happy to discuss together. Let's have a beer and tell dirty jokes. If I had to choose between F15 and F14 I would take the F14 because Tom Cruise piloted it Do I have to check my facts? Oh yeah, he didn't, he was an actor. Still, I like it By the way, you can see F-14s in the new anime "Area 88" (check your bittorrent links). The ep. 1 shows one which is really well drawn. I think it's 3D model. I let it to you to choose what revision of F14 it is. Experts
  19. When you talk anemies, I don't think it should be MECHA. it could be armored aliens, with space suits, with helmet and all. it would be something great, already. With a big yellow V on the chest. Also, a big Millia figurine. It would'nt cost a lot fo design due to low articulation and non transformation joints. I think.
  20. I've notice that the "rotating" space station" we can see from time to time was 3D. That's my "0,5%" I haven't noticed other vessels were computer drawing. It's a great job if it's. I can't see the difference between 3D and drawings which shows that this anime drawing is high quality.
  21. look we can see the eye movement detectors !!
  22. Yamato 1/48 VF1J
  23. You didn't update your "story rating" after seeing a few eps? C+ it's hard :/
  24. I've done a fast search /w "planete" and didn't find a topic about that Series. Rather strange because Macross lovers would LOVE that one. Story of a guy, in Space, with love and all... I've watched 4 eps and untill now there is no alien. It's in 2075 and it's realistic science fiction. I like that series because : - it's realistic. - Space crafts are not planes, but space crafts - no sound in space, no "sshhhh", no "wassshhhhh" etc... - no war - low gravity in space (surprising heh?) - space suits that look like space suits (astronauts wearing diapers...) - japanese that look like japanese <- rare! - almost no "computerised 3D". maybe 0.5% is 3D... - outstanding drawing animation. - normal hairs colours I regret that I don't understand japanese because I have to read the subtitles and it prevents me from watching the really nice drawings. http://www.animenfo.com/animetitle,1244,xk...,planet_es.html http://www.planet-es.net/ Give it a try if you have the chance. A few bittorent files over the internet...
  25. you can set your max upload speed and number of clients max with bittorent as well. I always set max upload to 80% of my theorical max. So the download is still possible. When my upload bandwidth is saturated, I can't download anymore. At all. Right now I am downloading from server IV but I can't upload there. If my connection crashes I'll have to start over from zero kB. We can't resume uploads at server IV.
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