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Everything posted by Göönk

  1. why the hell did they write "UN SPACY" on the leg? It's completely un-occurate
  2. the dish is so close to the VF's body that I wonder if it's actually working at all... The aim of the dish is to recieve echos. If the body is between echos and the dish, it won't work. The real awacs have a dish that is not glued on the body of the plane. Also, awacs are flying high and they detect planes and enemies below. So, in space, what's "below" and "above" when you fly every where. It should use a sphere radar instead to look in all directions. i am not specialist I might be wrong but if you look at the planes noce radars, they have a 3D angle, and, it correspond to the front of the plane, not their back angle... Can some one confirm?
  3. Word! it needs a second layer of paint job i think but the colour seems good.
  4. thanks Anyone used the stickers on the 1J ?
  5. I don't believe there is any crew member inside the plan's body. If so, Misa would have been inside the cat's eye instead of being in the cockpit. My opinion.
  6. hey they are injecting some alien blood in her body it's supposed to accelerate some stuff in the body if i refer to ep.1 I guess that MAO will be 50 in Ep4 and you will all say "argh, well"
  7. because in TV series there is no "Elint"...
  8. Y'en a qui ont de la chance et il y a moi bon bref il faut retenir que parfois on ne paye pas la douane française, et parfois on en meurt mais on finit par faire joujou avec le robot alors on oublie tout, c'est ca? je ne répondrai pas à l'autre taré et je vous conseille d'en faire autant!
  9. hum FedEX l'envoie après coup je dois confondre
  10. je leur ferai un courrier pour leur dire que je ne compte pas les frais de ports dans la partie à taxer ils auront qu'a me prélever sur mon compte s'ils sont si forts.
  11. bien dit ! Il y en a toujours pour envoyer des reflexions désagréables alors que le sujet était privé
  12. I would love to have YOU in front of me, it would be a really nice moment my friend. I would show you how to use my french knife.
  13. l'idéal c'est qu'ils marquent "gift" sur l'emballage et qu'ils envoient la facture à part par courrier... mais ils ne le font jamais of course. Peut etre que des petits marchands comme V.E. peuvent le faire si on leur demande gentiment? 35$ canadiens : ca fait combien de % de la valeur marchande totale? En france on est taxé à hauteur de 20% (TVA)
  14. Göönk

    HLJ sale

    what are the main differencies between a TV style VF-1S Roy and a DYRL VF-1S Roy? It seems very similar. I may get one and use my VF-1J fastpack on it, leaving the VF-1J without fast pack.
  15. since I've seen you avatar I've lost lots of hours in my office...
  16. very nice pose. Those 1/48 are "superposeable" ! Great. It looks like a model rather than a toy. BTW I have my toys sent to my Parent's Office (always opened) so employees don't laught at me Look forward to recieving mine. HLJ just told me it has been shipped TODAY ! I'm excited like a young kid for Christmas Eve ! POST MORE PICS Montarvillois!
  17. YAHHOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ca fait grosso modo 37 euros de port + la douane. Ca fait cher mais ça fait 20 ans que j'en rêve
  18. il semblerait que ma commande du VF-1J + super pack qui date du 17 octobre n'ait pas été honorée lors de la récéption du premier lots de carton par HLJ. Ils disent "backordered" ce qui signifie probablement Janvier. (Je n'ai pas reçu le mail stipulant l'envoi des marchandises) "Additional supply is unlikely in the short-term as the manufacturer is also probably out of stock."
  19. les délais de HLJ pour la France, c'est quoi environ? Lorsqu'ils envoient le pacquet ils t'envoient un email pour te dire "ton pacquet est parti"? ou c'est la surprise à la réception?
  20. Yop région parisienne I've ordered my VF-1J+fastpack @ HLJ.com in october so guess I'll recieve it pretty soon ! At least I hope so! je te le montrerai si tu veux
  21. yes, i don't think there will be new release of valks anytime soon. And especially with the yamato's quality. Keep them. In addition, it's a valuable collection.
  22. Montarvillois is that the heatshield of which you removed the colour? (lol my english sux!) In french : c'est celui qui tu as décapé?
  23. Is PhP a money?
  24. Hobby Link Japan has low stock of VF1J with fast pack and has no more VF1J (std model) They expect January Restock ! http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljlist.cgi?Ma...ry=SciOth&Dis=2
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