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Captain Jack

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Everything posted by Captain Jack

  1. This does not inspire me with confidence about my chances of picking up a 25S or F on any re-issue!
  2. Well I couldn't stay up for this cos of work but looks like I needn't have bothered, nevermind, I'm sure other companies want my money if Bandai don't. Sorry to hear others who did stay up missed out.
  3. Thanks, I gotta say, having become somewhat used to paying eBay prices that's music to my ears.
  4. So what price will these likely be going for (in Yen)? I've become so used to baying rip-off eBay prices I don't even remember what's a good retail deal now?
  5. Nice, was waiting for the renewal version of this one, now just gotta figure out how to grab it for cheap!
  6. Well for me it was a case of either try to get one during the 7.2 nano-seconds that these things are available during a re-issue, which I'd have no chance as I just don't have the time to try for something like that, or eBay it, it's pricey but that's market forces I guess, sorta blows but glad eBay cos I don't think they'll be re-issuing the 30th forever so not being superfast in catching it first time round probably only chance I got to get it. Some shots in Gerwalk:
  7. Got mine today, great figure, was a bit annoyed one of the antenna was bent but over time I can push that back into position. Took a while to learn how to transform it without fearing breaking it, but all in all a very nice piece, some pics below:
  8. My YF-29 finally arrives today, happy happy joy joy!
  9. Mine cleared customs today here in the UK, 12 pounds customs duty, 52 pounds VAT, 13.5 pounds handling fee, good grief I must have been mad buying this thing.
  10. You know I love this one in fighter mode, it’s really one of the best looking fighter modes out there, but it starts to fall apart for me in Gerwalk mode and Batteroid for me the chest/shoulders piece is just way too big for it to make a nice looking profile. So I’d only get this for the fighter mode, which is most excellent It has to be said, though it really benefits from some paint and decals, and even just running a pencil over it, it’s a bit plain straight out of the box. Unfortunately the price is prohibitive for me, if you are talking half a grand on eBay (cheaper on NY though) then you start to think ‘well what else can I get for that kind of money’ and generally it’s something better value, so I think I’ll chance it and wait and see if Yamato produce some more down the line and jump in then, maybe with some different schemes if they can legally do that, if not, well then I can live with that. That or in a moment of weakness I might get this anyway:P
  11. Hi All, new here, lifelong Macross fan but only recently decided to start collecting these valks, though I have to say it ain't the cheapest hobby in the world:P I recently picked up the YF-29 30th on eBay and haven't been walking straight for a week, but am looking forward to having it sitting on my desk once it arrives:) It's a cool looking scheme, touch busy in areas, but with the right set up it can look pretty kick-ass. I'm in awe at some of the custom paint jobs people have done, it really adds so much detail to the pieces. I'll post some pics once it arrives. Now if I could only get a VF-25F renewal for a price that is not totally insane I'd be happy, seem to be going for 760-1000 bucks on eBay atm, which is flat out bonkers.
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