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Everything posted by dapro

  1. Cool, got picture or the video on it? Only thing I am worry about is, if I messup...how hard to remove it.
  2. Just got this from Lowe's. Wonder it will work to seal the gaps on the detolf.
  3. This hot toys line is too expensive. I am just getting couple I really like and get out. But you know about collecting, once it starts can be down hill from there at least on your wallet.
  4. $60, what camera are you using?
  5. This guy showed up at my door today.
  6. I broke down and pre-ordered the reissue and clear version. Not even sure why I got the clear one, maybe because I heard its limited to 500 made.
  7. The figures are a little under whelming, if its cheap enough I might bite...
  8. Glad this thread became helpful with members sharing how to save spaces!
  9. I keep the boxes because like a lot of you guys already said, when you decide to sell it you lose out at least %20 of its value if its not complete with the box. I also like storing it back in the box when moving and store away purpose.
  10. How many of you keep your boxes? I do! Where do you put it. I just place them in my closet for now. Glad my collection isn't huge or else I will have a problem. Here are most of my boxes. Got couple big boxes on the bottom on the floor of the closet. Oh yeah, got some in the detolf too!
  11. So many people from the bay area in this forum. haha we should have a meetup sometime!
  12. Nice shots sixty $! Which part of the bay area you in?
  13. Got my Monsterarts in the detolf! Too bad not enough room for MKG when KG in flying pose. I guess he has to remain in the box. Another thing I like about the flightpose is that they comes in 6', 4' and 2.5' rods to adjust height. Here is 4' height for KG. I decided to go with 6' for clearance.
  14. After shipping, probably $10 cheaper than TFsource.
  15. Mp-10 showed up today! I think all my pre-orders from last year are here!
  16. I got King Ghidorah and Mecha King Ghidorahs. I just haven't taken them out of their boxes.
  17. dapro

    Hi-Metal R

    I think I'll stick with the 1\60 scale at least for now.
  18. dapro

    Hi-Metal R

    still deciding to get this or not...
  19. Yea, Mechagodzilla. I am a dragon\dino\robot kind of collector.
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