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Everything posted by dapro

  1. Already a crazy start to the year for me. I'll take pic when my loot comes in.
  2. I guess you get what you pay for. Hot Toys has high end of 1\6 therefore the price. Check out review on medicom on youtube to see it fits your liking.
  3. I still see you can order this on HlJ so I guess plenty available.
  4. When is this expect to be out?
  5. Be warn! Once you get one, others might follow like any other collectibles.
  6. Couple pics to share right before Christmas. Merry Christmas all!
  7. Yea, it is about half an inch shorter. In the picture Spider-man is on a elevated stand and Mark 42 got a wide legs stand going.They scale well together. Are you looking to get the spider-man?
  8. Got the green gamma beast in and he is bigger than expect!
  9. Try ebay.
  10. Anyone getting the storm collectible Mike Tyson?
  11. That is awesome! Maybe I should transform mine one of these days...
  12. Does this come with flight stand?
  13. I have 5 VF-1with rainbow canopy and don't have any issue yet with them. (knock on wood)
  14. Mine seems fine. I try not to bend it too much though.
  15. I think I selected SAL from HLJ for shipping.
  16. false alarm! Plenty for everyone!
  17. Too many people hit that link and crashed it!
  18. The good thing with HLJ is that you don't have to pay up front and cancel later if needed.
  19. Thanks, Pree-ordered!
  20. I am waiting for HLJ as well.
  21. sweet! Let the pre-order begins~!
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