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Everything posted by dapro

  1. Dang, awesome finale. got this from youtube comment, "Tommen didnt have a very good Kings Landing..." LOL
  2. How this became a holy grail discussion? haha
  3. I thin $350 is way too much. You can find it cheaper on ebay.
  4. I noticed one my Valks has some yellowing on the white part on the top side. The bottom is white. I google and people are saying use hydrogen peroxide. I am thinking getting some and brush it on and then put under sun light. What happen if it in contact on the color area? I think its colored plastic and not paint. Has anyone tried this? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hydrogen-Peroxide-12-strength-4-ounce-glass-bottle-food-grade-/182167587408?hash=item2a6a08ca50:g:duAAAOSwtJZXXHeK Thanks!
  5. Pre-order was closed. Anyone got in and placed an order?
  6. For anyone who was late to the party or missed out. Reissue is next week! TOA Heavy Industries 1/6 Synthetic Human Re-issue â– Pre-Order Period May 27th, 2016 11:00AM (JST) ~ May 30th, 2016 11:00AM (JST) â– Estimated Shipping Schedule September, 2016 â– Price $150 (USD, Shipping Included) â– Order Limit 3pcs per person. â– Online Shop http://1000toys.jp/ Orders will be taken for 3 full days, and all orders placed during this period will be accepted as long as the quantity is within the order limit(*3pcs per person). Don't miss this chance to experience the the cutting edge tech of TOA Heavy Industries - the original Synthetic Human that started it all! -Facebook 1000Toys
  7. Just add this old figure to my T2 collection.
  8. just like sharing pics.
  9. How many copies you have, David?
  10. Just got this guy in today. T2 is one of my favorite movie.
  11. What you use for the panel lines?
  12. Thanks! I think I'll take the gun pod from my VF-1D and give to VF-4G. Vf-1D is a trainer valk anyways, not need for a gun.
  13. Spanner, how hard to attach the gun pod to the bottom of the VF-4G?
  14. I used both the 4 and 5 inches one.
  15. I am referring to the early Yamato, they make all canopy in rainbow tint. The riser is from ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Set-of-3-Clear-Acrylic-Display-Riser-3-4-5-Jewelry-Showcase-Fixtures-/301018118467?hash=item461613f943:g:oOsAAOxyM89ScuYh
  16. Thanks mate! Yea, the riser was a surprising fit. Too bad they can't get the rainbow canopy right, they do look good.
  17. Thanks I think I am done with Decepticon for now since i got the core players. They need to make MP Jazz already.
  18. How much for the stickers?
  19. VF-4G finally arrived today! Took couple shots with one of my other favorite bird.
  20. MP-29 arrived! Put him next to my other bad guys on the detolf shelf. He does look too small, I think I'll swap placement between Soundwave and Shockwave.
  21. HLJ ems is fast! Shipped out on 3/31 and got it this morning!
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